[color=ed1c24]"What shall I do?"[/color] Chara rolled over on the floor bored with her arms behind her necks and lets out a huff. She sits up and looks around curiously and slowly gets up and walks around holding her knife tightly just in case if someone wants to jump out and her hurt her or something. [i][color=ed1c24]I wonder what I can find... Maybe a rat to rip into pieces, limb by limb.[/color][/i] Has walked around she sees Flowey leaning against the wall, "[color=ed1c24]What do you want you Stupid voice?![/color]" "[s][color=00a651]Quiet down before you make yourself look even crazier than you already are.[/color][/s]" Flowey chuckles causing Chara to huff and continue walking dragging Flowey by an invisible string since he can't be more than 3 feet away from her. FLowey= [s][color=00a651]Bright Green[/color][/s] Chara= [color=ed1c24]Bright Red[/color]