[center][h1]Route 9[/h1] [@Alder][@1Charak2][@ZachChase] [@alexfangtalon][/center][hr] As Leo ran off to chase his wayward Gible, the stubby dragon would begin to run off the beaten path and into a grassier area filled with wild Pokemon. While most stayed away as their natural instincts told them how dangerous the baby dragon was, many others simply didn't notice Gible due to its diminutive stature. The Gible would finally end up running directly into the left hind leg of a grazing Girafarig. While the front head continued to eat grass oblivious to the new presence, the rear tail was intrigued by the new Pokemon and began to sniff Gible as it bared its teeth hungrily. As this confrontation went down some other Girafarig nearby began to take notice and cautiously gathered nearby to see what was going on. This prompted other Pokemon to get curious until eventually there was a pretty large crowd of curious Pokemon gathering around Gible and the first Girafarig to see just what was going on.