I just realized something else. I keep confusing Laina and Zenovia, and I think it's because their roles are currently too similar. [@ineffable], as I'm sure you've realized, Laina isn't very useful in a battle because she is only capable of healing. So your role will be more social and political. Stay by Xen's side and be his voice. Being a non-combatant also means she'll be responsible for the more mundane areas of camp life, like handling logistics and maintenance. It's the most important yet underrated role of all. [@Rekaigan], Zenovia has so much power at her fingertips that she's barely tapping. If you will recall my previous explanation of magic, spirits are useful for interpreting your incantations and making magic out of them, vastly simplifying the process of spellcasting. You could easily match the Warlock in raw power if you put your mind to it. Now, I wouldn't take advantage of that right away, since we need Zenovia to develop that over time, but you could use this battle to "turn on the lightbulb," so to speak.