Callie slipped on her charm bracelet, and was already poking around the kitchen when Caius came back out, slowly letting herself feel at home. She played around with her charms, knowing the detection charm would be good for a little bit longer, but that she should replace it as soon as possible, a couple of the charms could easily be pulled off, and invokved with a word, flung towards opponents. Harmless spells, to put to sleep and such. And some were merely to protect her. Sighing to herself, she glanced towards the bathroom as Caius came out, and smiled. [color=fff200]"Food first. The herbs can wait a little longer"[/color] She said decisively, [color=fff200]"I've got some defensive charms that will do for however long it takes to get the herbs"[/color] She had a small desire to run her fingers through his wet hair, and she stopped, studying him a moment. [i]At least fate has decided to throw me something good for once[/i] she thought, and smiled again[@Kyrisse]