[center] Route 9 - Road to Amalgam [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [/center] [hider=battle] The three delinquents knew they had this one in the bag. It was 3 on 2 and they were only up against a shiny little froakie and a ghastly. Didn't matter how good they were, they had the advantage in numbers. Or at least that was there thought process. They also ganged up on their targets, using whatever trick they could to win. In short, they never played fair. And Why would they if it always meant victory? [color=00a651][b]"Y-You idiots don't know when quit, huh?"[/b][/color] the delinquent leader spat out, unnerved briefly at York's reaction before recovering. He didn't get it, they were at a disadvantage yet he acted like he didn't care. It was as if it didn't matter, that he'd beat them regardless. One could almost see his veins bursting in anger. [color=f26522]"The brat got some nerve!" [/color] the girl added as the tall one followed with a simple shrug. [color=00a651]"Tch, we'll show you. Pekipek, Echoed Voice on that Froakie!"[/color] the delinquent leader ordered. The punk grates on his nerves, he'll just take him out first! Following him was the Delinquent girl, [color=f26522]"Aipom, Astonish on Gastly!"[/color] While the leader focuses on the brat, the other two will focus on the other chump and then they'll focus all their strength on Froakie. [color=9e0b0f]"Aipom, also use astonish."[/color] the taller one also ordered an attack on gastly. Being that it was a ghost type, it pretty much was the only attack Aipom had that could hit it. Regardless of how strong or not it was, the aipom only had one goal, make sure the ghost pokemon isn't able to help Froakie. [Color=gray]"Necro, close your eyes then dodge in front of Froakie."[/color] Talonite calmly ordered as Necro closed its eyes to avoid looking at the Astonishing faces of the Aipom. It then rapidly moved in front of Froakie so it could tank the Echoed Voice, which had no effect on the Ghost Typed Gastly. [Color=gray]"Have your Froakie duck under Necro to attack the Pekipek."[/color] Talonite suggested to York quickly. [color=steelblue]"Jump and use Water Pulse! And then Quick-Attack!"[/color], he ordered, the Froakie after stepping back from the onslaught and Gastly getting in the way, he saw his moment and leapt over the ghost Pokemon, and fired off an orb of water. Before it would even land, the frog Pokemon would dart with great speed towards whoever was closest, and in this case with Aipom coming up for the Astonish earlier, it would be the victim to the Froakie's Quick Attack. The Water Pulse on the other hand was only aimed in their general direction, who it would hit or not hit mattered little as the aim was the Quick-Attack. [color=00a651]"Tch, so you know what you're doing, big deal. Pekipek, Rock Smash! Crush that irritating frog![/color] roared the delinquent leader. So it can jump, we'll just drop some rocks on it! [color=f26522]"So he plans to take the frog's attacks, huh? Aipom, Sand Attack! Blind them!"[/color] They can't let that ghost pokemon keep interfering. Close your eyes if you want to, we'll just make a dust cloud everywhere! It was still reeling from the water pulse, but it still wasn't enough to take it down. [color=9e0b0f]"Aipom, Use Astonish again. Same target."[/color] His Aipom was the victim of the froakie's quick attack, but it didn't matter, it's serving it's purpose. As long as they can take them out, they'll accept it. Necro was hurting a little after the dual Astonishes, but nothing time couldn't handle. The leader called put for a Rock Smash and Talonite shook his head. [Color=gray]"Not today, move in front again. Make sure not to look at the Aipoms."[/color] Once again Necro moved in the path of the Rock Smash, but it was losing eyesight because of the persistent dust cloud. Hopefully that would work to their advantage. [Color=gray]"Follow up by Spiting the Aipom blowing dust everywhere![/color] Talonite yelled this time as Necro was starting to get a little far away. However Necro did something else as a ghostly nail appeared over the Gastly, hammering into it and visibly hurting it. An identical nail appeared over the Aipom using Sand Attack and hammered into it as well. [color=steelblue]"Dodge then use Water Pulse on Aipom!"[/color], as the Rock Smash fell upon a Gastly and as a result, phased through, the Froakie jumped back away in surprise. Had it not been for Gastly getting in front he would not have moved away in time. This gave him an opening to hit the Aipom with an aimed Water Pulse. It was currently using Astonish, so this shouldn't be a difficult shot. Again, that dang ghost got in the way again! Two straight attacks got blocked and failed because of that thing. He can't afford to keep missing. He wasn't sure how much use the Aipoms will be. In his irritation, he kept going after the froakie when he should've been going after the Gastly! [color=00a651]"Pikipek, use peck on Gastly!"[/color] With the Gastly still being used as a support, it managed to get in the way of Rock Smash and was now using spite on it. Well, beats an attack. [color=f26522]"Hmph, no matter. Aipom, Astonish on Gastly!"[/color] Having used Astonish last round, it made things easier for Froakie to hit it with Water Pulse, leaving Aipom to take a lot of damage and left it reeling. There's no telling how much more damage Aipom can take, but if it took another clean shot like that...[color=9e0b0f]"Aipom, follow suit, Astonish."[/color] It was an all-out gang beating, all 3 targeting Gastly, determined to knock it out for good so they could target Froakie without worries. And it most certainly would knock out Gastly, but not before it managed to get off one last move. [Color=gray]"Necro, use Hypnosis on the Pikipek!"[/color] Necro's eyes glowed blue as it looked into the eyes of the Pikipek, then closing as it fainted. Talonite recalled the Gastly then looked at York. [Color=gray]"Finish these idiots. Nobody takes my wallet and gets off scot free."[/color] With the Aipom low, York took the initiative. [color=steelblue]"Now finish it off with Quick-Attack!"[/color], he ordered, the Froakie moved in quickly and preemptively as if it knew what to do next as the Aipom took a hard and quick assault immediately following the Water Pulse. Whatever it managed in that small time frame would not save it from the Quick Attack. The pesky Gastly didn't go down quietly, hitting a last second Hypnosis on Pikipek as it was in the process of fainting. With Pikipek asleep, the tall delinquent's knocked out with quick attack, things were taking a turn for the three delinquents. While they had advantage in numbers when the battle began, that advantage quickly went away. With Pikipek unable to move after being put to sleep, it was up to the Delinquent Girl's Aipom to try to salvage it. [color=f26522]"Aipom, Sand-Attack! Don't let him get a clean hit!"[/color] she frantically yelled. With Pikipek asleep, he was a sitting duck, so something needed to be done and get the froakie to miss. Seeing the Sand-Attack, he yelled at Ren, [color=steelblue]"Water Pulse on the ground!"[/color], the Froakie blasted Water Pulse at the ground in front of it, the splashing water catching some of the sand as it made a space in-between the attack. [color=steelblue]"Okay, set up with Bubble"[/color], the Froakie began to use Bubble, albeit not aimed at them, but to create a kind of area to sit behind. They had to be careful, but they also had to be quick. If that Pikipek wakes up too soon, they may be in for some real trouble. With Pikipek still asleep, it was up to Aipom once again for a 2nd straight turn. Froakie, using its water pulse on the ground, causing the splashing water to catch some of the sand. On top of that, it used bubble to create a kind of area to sit behind, meaning that Aipom can't attack without getting hit. All Aipom needs to do is buy Pikipek some more time. Choosing not to attack again, she issued another command. [color=f26522]"Aipom, Tail Whip!"[/color] If she can't attack it without incurring damage, she might as well try to lower its defenses! When York said to set up with Bubble, he meant set up, and that's exactly what the Froakie did. [color=steelblue]"Now then, Water Pulse, charge it inside the Bubble"[/color], as the water required for Water Pulse formed, some of the Bubble spun around the orb of water, and formed an even larger Water Pulse, which was sent directly at the Aipom. Though the Bubble wall was now gone, the Aipom now had a larger and more powerful Water Pulse to contend with. Using the set up from bubble, Froakie sent a bigger and stronger Water Pulse right at Aipom. Knowing she can't stop it, she instead tried to mitigate the damage. [color=f26522]"Aipom, Sand-Attack, pile on as much sand as you can and lessen the blow!"[/color] With Pikipek asleep for a 3rd round, it was unable to follow up on Aipom's efforts. The two attacks meeting created a large dust cloud, with a good chunk of the Water Pulse breaking through. If the trainers on the field were to look around, they would notice Ren was nowhere to be seen, but York with all confidence made an order, [color=steelblue]"Now use Water Pulse again!"[/color], in the time that the previous attack went through, the Froakie was already scampering around to leap into a perfect position to witness it's own attack, as it rained down a Water Pulse from above. The collision of Sand-Attack and Water Pulse created a large dust cloud that blanked the field and while it mitigated some of the damage, a good chunk still managed to get through and hit Aipom. With Froakie taking advantage of the dust cloud to get in the perfect position to deliver the knock out blow, Pikipek finally managed to wake up. Taking advantage of it targeting Aipom, [color=00a651]"About Time! Pikipek! Pelt it with Echoed Voice!"[/color] Using Aipom as bait. With Aipom seemingly done for if it hits, Delinquent girl didn't bother to try to to defend. Following up on the previous Tail Whip, [color=f26522]"Aipom! Astonish!"[/color] It was all up to Pikipek now. [color=steelblue]"Alright, now Quick Attack the Pikipek!"[/color], as soon as Ren landed, it moved and dashed towards the Pikipek, trying to zig-zag it enough to not suffer a direct blow from the Echoed Voice. The Aipom's Astonish did nothing as Froakie changed to a normal type, going in for a quick blow on the Pikipek. As Aipom's sacrifice did nothing in the end as it went down, as the froakie changed type, thus resisting the attack, as it used quick attack. While it wasn't a direct blow, Pikipek still managed to graze Ren and that was enough. [color=00a651]"Again!" [/color] A simple command but enough for Pikipek to understand it's intent. Charging forward the Pikipek fired off another Echoed Voice, chaining off the first and doubling its output. [color=steelblue]"Stay away from the front Quick-Attack again!"[/color], with Pikipeki building up Echoed Voice, staying away from it's line of sight and therefore the brunt of it's voice was priority, and Quick Attack provided the speed it needed to stay away from taking any clean hits as it returned blow for blow with flanking Quick Attacks. At this rate it was a question of whether Echoed Voice can do enough damage while continually grazing the Froakie which was laying into it with cleaner hits. Knowing that while he kept the build up going, they were getting nowhere if all he's doing is grazing the little toad with its relentless quick attacks which would have this battle continue as a battle of endurance, one that could put it in the brats favor. He decided to stay his attack and wait for the opponent to charge in for another quick attack. It was a risk but something needed to be done. Once the opponent neared, There'll be no escape. Pikipek, waited, with words not being needed to understand it's trainers intent. After all, there was no other choice. Either they finished Froakie off with Echoed Voice, or its over. Once he neared, he prepared to attack. [color=steelblue]"Hmmm? Hmmm. Use Bubble, surround it, stay away from the front"[/color], keeping a distance, the Froakie began spraying Bubble while staying on the move. Not nearly as quickly as when it used Quick Attack, but with the distance, and the Bubble setup, it should limit some of the Pikipeki's options as he sought an opening. He had openings before when it blindly used Echoed Voice, but it seems it was being more careful. By being cautious, fully expecting another Quick Attack, they instead went back to the bubble attack, more than likely preparing for another supped up Water Pulse. The Delinquent leader and Pikipek were left with either continue holding and wait for them to attack or take the risk and charge in and blast Froakie. [color=00a651]"Fly around it and attack with Echoed Voice from above!!"[/color] Taking the risk, he ordered Pikipek to fly above the bubble barrier, dive in and fire it off from the air. [color=steelblue]"Get behind the Bubble and use Water Pulse"[/color], he ordered. As soon as the Pikipek took flight, the Froakie took off himself, sprinting towards the Pikipeki's former position, the Echoed Voice was going to hit hard, and the Bubbly barrier wasn't going to last much longer, so now or never. The amped up Water Pulse was launched once more to clash with the Echoed Voice. As if waiting for it, the Froakie also took off the moment Pikipek flew off but this didn't deter him in the slighest. It's what one gets when they gamble but this isn't one they were going to lose. When Pikipek got in position, he fired off Echoed voice at the same moment Froakie fired off his Strengthened Water Pulse. Despite this, they didn't collide but instead struck each other at the same time, dealing a large chunk of damage to each. However, the outcome was clear. While Echoed voice was powerful, it just wasn't enough, shown as much as Pikipek fell from the sky and crashed onto the ground. York had won and the Delinquents lost, despite coming close [/hider] [color=00a651]"Impossible....w-we had it!"[/color] fumed the delinquent leader. Regardless of the result of the battle, he didn't relinquish the stolen items. [color=00a651]"Since it has came to this..."[/color] he muttered while giving the others a signal. With a nod, they returned their pokemon to their pokeballs and picked up their weapons. They might have lost in pokemon, but there's no way they'll lose with weapons!....Or so they thought. Just as they moved to attack York, they heard many loud voices coming from the opposite direction "Police! Stop where you are!" one of the voices demanded. [color=00a651]"Damn, the police,"[/color] [color=00a651]"You haven't heard the last of us! Count on it!"[/color] [color=00a651]"Come on, let's get out of here!"[/color] dropping the pokedex's and wallet's on the ground they fleed. [color=f26522]"We'll deal with you next time."[/color] the delinquent girl growled as she followed after the leader. The taller delinquent simply glared at them, as if saying 'yea' before taking off after them.