[center][hider=Vincent Westerian / Mike Averstin] [h1]Actor Details:[/h1] [img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/handsome-dark-haired-male-jacket-12710179.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Joshua Westerian [b]Nickname:[/b] Vince or Josh [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Philippines - moved to Wales, UK soon after their birth [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [b][u]Ashley Westerian[/u][/b] [color=0072bc]"My beloved twin sister. We get along well and agree with each other most of the time. Though nowadays, we don't talk to each other too much because we're too busy with our own lives and such. We do get together once in a while. When we argue though, people say it's like World War 3. I personally think it's because of her."[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] Veterinarian [b]Biography:[/b] He was born to a Filipino mother and an English father, and was also born with a twin sister. After they were born, the family packed up and then flew to the UK to live most of their young lives. It was quite obvious that he acquired his mother's personality and love for his original motherland. He would often hang out with his mother to learn more about the Philippines and its culture. It is also the reason why he's very fluent in Filipino whereas his sister is mildly struggling with it. He held close to no interest in acting, to be honest. He only helped out with his sister when she wanted to practice but he was more insistent on becoming a veterinarian more than anything because of his love for animals. However, one day, they decided to make a trip to LA for vacation. That was when they saw a flyer, the audition for Edenridge High. Because of Ashley's insistence to join, he was forced to audition along with her. The two trained alongside each other, aiming for the sibling roles in the show - Mike and Louis Averstin. This was Vince's first audition and he was only guided by Ashley and some tips from the internet. However, his acting was quite excellent and he did get the role of Mike Averstin. He enjoyed the filming of Edenridge High but he knew that it wasn't the calling for him. While others went on to continue become actors, he was part of the group that left Edenridge High as some sort of award. He continued college and then became a veterinarian soon after. He built a clinic in the Philippines and his mother soon moved in with him, after realizing how much she missed the Philippines no matter how many times better UK was. His family would often get together when there was a holiday. It was either he closed up shop and flew to Wales or Ashley and their father would fly to the Philippines. It usually alternates between the two. One day, he received an e-mail about the revival and how they're contacting all the actors. He originally planned on just deleting the e-mail but a call from Ashley made him change his mind. She convinced him to coming back with her as the Averstin siblings will never be the same without the other and she'd rather not play a role and the script haphazardly saying that Mike died or something. So sending their mother towards their father's way and then flying to Boston, he met up wit Ashley again. Okay then, time to see how Mike was doing right? [h1]Character Details:[/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Mike Averstin [b]Nickname:[/b] Mikey [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Edenridge [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [u][b]Louis Averstin[/b][/u] [color=0072bc]"My popular older sister. She's quite a handful, even up to now. Ten years and she still hasn't changed all that much. Though we do talk a lot more now and she's opening up. But I don't think all those years would just be erased from our minds just as easily. She's trying hard to mend our broken relationship. I don't think much of it now.[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] Writer [b]Biography:[/b] Mike Averstin never led a good life. Being the younger brother of the ever so talented Louis Averstin, a lot was expected from him. Unfortunately enough, he didn't have much of his sister's talent. He wasn't athletic and his grades were average. He became a laughing stock. By the age that he got into Edenridge, he practically disappeared and the spotlight always shone on Louis. In between these times, he started writing stories, letting his imaginative mind go wild. Because his parents never looked at him, they never minded him doing anything. He was only fed, clothed and was given education. He never minded anymore. However, it seems like his sister had other plans. She would often treat him like garbage. When he approached her for help, she'd hiss at him and tell him to leave. Most people would link the two being related but Louis told them that he was only an adopted child even though it wasn't true. She didn't want anything to do with him. Because of that, he was driven to depression. To be honest, he didn't really need anything. He accepted the fact that his sister was way better than him. Deep inside of him, even if his parents didn't accept him, even if his schoolmates and teachers didn't accept him, he held on to that single hope that at least Louis wouldn't tease him. But that was wrong. He began taking anti-depression pills and would often cry himself to sleep. In the meantime, he kept on pumping out story after story in the internet. The internet was his life. Only a few judged him there and he made good internet friends. It was the only thing that kept him away from suicide. Once he finished high school, he shut himself inside his room and refused to go to college. His parents didn't care - less money to spend on a boy who had no talent right? A year later, he was scouted by a publisher and ever since then, he had began rising through the ranks of popular writers. People asked, where did this boy, Mike Averstin, come from? Only few remember him as a classmate, but most know him as Louis's brother. This was the time he truly shone and people finally saw that the boy actually had talent. He finally was able to reach his sister's level. Louis approached him one day, asking for forgiveness for the past. She is still making it up to him up to now. [/hider] [hider=Ashley Westerian / Louis Averstin] [h1]Actor Details:[/h1] [center][img]http://www.sitzsack.de/images/testimonials/20081122-375px-dark-haired-girl.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ashley Julia Westerian [b]Nickname:[/b] Ash, Juls [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Philippines, soon moved to Wales, UK [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [u][b]Vincent Westerian[/b][/u] [color=92278f]"Well, he's my twin brother. What more could I say? I'll never say it but I don't think I would've made it to what I am now without him and his support and stuff. Though he's still pretty stupid at times and he's too logical for his own good. That's why I'm pretty worried on how he's doing! He's taking care of mother too. Ugh, sorry I ranted there...[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] Actress [b]Biography:[/b] She was born alongside Vincent to a Filipino mother and an English father. Soon after they were born, they packed up and left for Wales, UK. Unlike her brother, she inherited her father's personality. She was confident and had high dreams. She was the one who was most attuned to acting. Being a father's kid, she tended to be loud and proud. But she knew when she needs to step it down. She loved the UK, but also loved the Philippines, just not as much. Whereas her brother is fluent in the Filipino language, she was fluent with English. Ever since she was a child, she always asked her parents to let her into auditions and the like. She often practiced with Vince so that she could get her acting straight. When they flew to LA, a big opportunity opened up for her. There were auditions for a show called Edenridge High. After convincing her parents to let her audition and her brother to audition with her, she was set. She practiced tirelessly with Vince to get the role of Louis Averstin, older sister of Mike Averstin. And when she auditioned, she blew away the judges and gave her the role. When she heard that her brother got in as well, she was ecstatic. Edenridge High was just the start for her. Alongside her brother, she enjoyed the five years of filming until it eventually crashed just like all series. She wasn't happy with it, since it marked the first boom in her career, but she learned to leave it behind and just look at it with glee. After that, she hopped from show to show and her talent just grew from there. She never grew tired of the limelight, but she frequently took breaks from the job as she had to take care of her sick father and also travel to the Philippines to visit her mother and her brother. She was one of those actresses that you would remember from one movie but not really idolize too much. When she was given the chance to go back to the show that started it all, she agreed almost immediately. She roped her brother in once more and then they set off to Boston. She was quite excited to know how the other actors and actresses were doing and how much Louis has changed over the ten years of their disappearance. [h1]Character Details:[/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Louis Averstin [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Edenridge [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [b][u]Mike Averstin[/u][/b] [color=92278f]"He is my little brother who I once thought was a mistake. I thought once that I couldn't possibly be related to a reject like him. But when he started to shut us out, that was when I started to realize that he was actually an important person in my life. I'm trying to make it up to him now... but... he's never been too responsive."[/color] [b]Occupation:[/b] Pediatrician [b]Biography:[/b] Louis was the older sister of the not so talented Mike Averstin. She always took the spotlight from him. She had the best grades, the good looks and the athletic capabilities. She was just the better child and so she was raised that way. She was raised with the mentality that she was better than her brother and that he didn't matter. Her natural skill at almost everything made her pretty famous within the student body and the faculty. She was a favorite student and almost everyone loved her. However, every popular kid has their enemies. She got into fights with other girls and stuff. That was mostly the reason why she kept on rejecting Mike. It was because she didn't want him to be seen hanging around her lest she suffer the consequences of getting her position overtaken. He was a failure after all right? He would just be a liability to her life. In all of this time, she never realized just how much her own brother was going through. She was completely oblivious because she was taught to not look at him anymore. They were just letting him live out of obligation and Louis thought that that was perfectly fine. They graduated and he finally disappeared from her life. Two years later, she actually started to miss the guy. He rarely came out of his room and when he did, he didn't actually speak to anyone. She didn't care yet. She finished medical school and then went off to make her own clinic. Before Mike had his opportunity open up, she began talking to him. She began apologizing for everything she has done. She realized that she was very bad to him and that she was really sorry for that. Mike always just gave her a shrug and said that he didn't care and then would promptly push her out of the room and close the door on her face. She hasn't given up on building back the broken relationship they had. Or well, building it, would be the right term. [/hider][/center] And there you have 'em. Hopefully they're good enough.