Something wasn't right here. Viral should be dead by now, crumpling under a superior force. He had no Ki, no real training, he was something that should not exist, an abomination and a tool made by another. So why. Wouldn't. He. Die?! The Elite unleashed more Ki in an attempt to overpower Viral and found their deadlock unchanging, that no matter the energy he put out it made no difference. Gritting his teeth as he attempted to push the Beastman back he sneered as Viral began taunting back, scoffing at his absurdness. "I get something to unleash all of my fury on and I can have some fun, what is there to be angry about? I couldn't be happier you freak!" That couldn't be further from the truth however as both of them were equally matched. No, that wasn't right either. He was losing ground to Viral, but how? Trying to force himself upon Viral the Elite gasped when the hold was broken, unable to react in time as claws raked against his chest, tearing through armor and drawing blood. He took another cut to the face before he finally managed to back off, dodging about to avoid being torn to ribbons. "You're nothing to us! Inferior! A cheap imitation of life! Accept that and die already!" Taking to the air the Elite amassed two Ki blasts, one in each hand, before smashing them together and lifting it overhead, throwing the sizable attack down at Viral. "Turn to dust with this miserable planet!" Strike them from the skies and they couldn't run from his attacks. Easy on paper but difficult in practice, as the Elite was finding. To hit an enemy with his powers he had to visually see the target, tracking two people at once was all but impossible, even with following their Ki. Not only that but they were quick, much too quick to follow with the naked eye. As a result the Elite might as well have been throwing objects around aimlessly for all the good his power was doing him. Focused on Kai he'd failed to notice Choi at his back until a hard punch nearly toppled him over, and before he'd even righted himself an uppercut took him off of his feet, laying him flat on his back. Groaning and disoriented the Elite lifted its head, raising an arm and targeting both twins. If it couldn't throw objects at them... What about throwing them instead? Trying to lock both of them in place with its energy it attempted to pull them from the air and slam them into the ground, and at the same time it reached out blindly and grabbed a large piece of rubble, hoping to smash them into the road with it. Failure at the hands of traitors wouldn't sit well with their superiors, they needed to be victorious here today. They had to kill these children no matter what. The attacks may not be as strong or as lethal as before but at least now Yumi was getting somewhere. For its own part as well her style was clearly something the Elite had never seen before as he aimlessly swung at her, each blow being dodged as she lithely ducked in, under and around each blow. For every swing he took she answered with one of her own, aiming at what she hoped to be a vital spot. Blunt force had proved ineffective but more precise shots were now wearing him down, and a two fingered prod to the sternum even made him stumble and cough up blood. He could be beaten, it would just be tedious and the longer the fight drew on the more dangerous it became. Concerned he might be catching onto her movements however Yumi again changed her manner of fighting, dropping her guard and smirking as she teased the Elite to attack. When he took the bait she jumped over his punch, grabbing his arm and pulling it along with her behind his back. Linking her legs around his neck she used her momentum to drag him back again before releasing and throwing him to the ground, then as soon as her feet hit the dirt she spun on a heel and axe-kicked down, slamming her heel into his sternum again. She was certain she'd heard bone break there and if she continued to hit the same spot he'd be finished before long. Before she could follow up though the man yelled and his orange hairs bristled, extending and firing out like a porcupine's quills. Yumi was embedded by several as she was forced to back off, gritting her teeth as several buried themselves in her torso and legs. Moving now hurt a fair bit and he was getting back to his feet again, wonderful. ----- "That's true... But since we've learned we're doing everything we can to find out more. From the way King Nema speaks of you it sounds like you and your kind were once highly valued in society, you were right up there with kings and queens. I don't know what made things change but we'll not be treating your gifts as curses, but instead for what they are. Gifts. And a means to keep the planet happy. And of course that won't be just up to you since there should be others, from what Nema told us. We only have to find them." But that wasn't as easy as he made it sound was it? People had been killed for having the powers T'charrl did, coercing anyone to come out of hiding after so long wouldn't be easy. And just getting others to cooperate wasn't the only issue too, what if they were struggling like T'charrl was? As his son was so apt to put it how could they help others when they couldn't even help themselves? "W-Well... They said they were going to h-h-help you with yours first, s-so that's good, right?" Haku asked uncertainly, "A-And uh... If there are others th-then they might not have to a-ask you to do anything anyways. I bet you can just k-keep traveling with us like you have been." He certainly hoped so, it would be rather strange to travel without T'charrl after knowing him... Well, the entire time he'd been with the group. Maybe it was selfish too in wanting the Kaesstrian to stay with them since otherwise Haku couldn't see himself getting on with anyone else anyways. "You'll be getting help long before anyone asks you to help them, my son. Renthal is busy developing ways to help with your new body, and Nema gave us plenty of texts to look into. There's a way to help but its been lost to the ages, we only have to find it again," Yusef reassured his son, smiling as he spoke, "Your spirit and you share a unique bond now and you can co-exist, but the host has to be stronger than its guest. Which is why we'll begin training soon, and while we are your mother and Renthal agreed to look into other ways to help. We've even employed Garesh to help, though... He's been about as helpful as one might expect. First time I told him we needed him to help you he laughed and told me to leave, and it was much the same for the next few visits. It doesn't seem like he'll agree without something for himself but we're trying."