[@Sleepyhollows] -clears throat- Maximus was the very first Chimaera and also my first character. His intellect, though he doesn't flaunt it, is so high that he can use telepathic abilities. He has adopted many of his brother, Razor's, children/projects. Though, he only ever got close to have one child with his first lover. In the middle of the pregnancy, however, the woman suffered greatly and forced Max to kill her with a sword through the stomach. Since that day Max grew cold to all. Though, despite his cold disposition he is very kind and always looks for the best solution to a problem. He is against violence by nature and will tryto get others to embrace this philosophy. Though, he is not against those who do not embrace it. He has two brothers: Razor and Roy. Razor had actually killed Max's body on several occasions, but, his consciousness survived. Max's family remaking his body for him. Um... Bout it. Oh right! Because of his intellect he was used by the humans to create his brothers: dubbing him the "chimaera father." he is nearly immune to any sort of mind reading and illusion. Each of his senses are trained every single day to be at their peak. He remains a mystery to most he's met: other than his brother Razor.