Mai's frown remained on her face and even intensified a little, as she desperately hoped that this was still all a joke. Despite their threats and threatening atmosphere, they still haven't actually done anything hostile besides vocally abusing them. She knew she was being stupid, but she didn't want the blood of innocent people on her hands. Not again. Never again. [color=bc8dbf][i]"Just stand down."[/i][/color] Her grip on her weapon was getting tighter, and it was visibly shaking. She gently brought her other hand over the one holding her weapon, in an effort to calm it down. It proved to be effective, but her attitude remained the same. Although the man named Zack taunted her, she remained in place. At the back of her mind, she was glad since it meant he is underestimating her. But at the same time, this also showed that he is confident in his abilities and very arrogant. She waited for him to initiate, both for herself and for her to learn his battle style.