[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Outside The Pokemon Laboratory : Beryllium City -> Route 9 : Road to Amalgam University[/center] [center] East Group 2: [@Alder] [@1Charak2] [@alexfangtalon] [/center] [center] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center] [hr] [color=007236]"You're lucky to have such a nice Skitty, you know." "Sorry, but would you mind telling me about your problems while we're running? Nado, get back here!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Uh-"[/color] Before he even responded it would be too late as Leo took off, left in the dust of his wake... as he got up to leave Blitzy would hop off his shoulder and back to her trainer. He...- what? What just happened... he thought to himself. Lusitania was already gone too...- guess the only one here is that girl...? Was it Sadie? Yeah... He picked up his map with Blitzy at his side as he put his map away, looking around quietly. This is awkward... [color=8dc73f]"...umm- yeah! Lets get going!"[/color] Chance would wave to Sadie as he started sprinting, trying to catch up with the rest of the group... he just kept going and going and- okay Blitzy is here... but where did everyone else go? He couldn't have got that far out onto the route, he did exit the city about... 20 minutes ago? How long was it? 30? 10? 15? Uh knows...- I think I can still see the city from here... but only over the lake. [color=8dc73f]"Huh... hey, Blitzy you think we should-?"[/color] He'd look around for a moment, wait- Blitzy wasn't here... where is she? He'd look around, getting even more disorientated and- oh, on my shoulder... he laughs to himself as he realized Blitzy was right beside him the whole times. Kinda like losing your glasses to find them on your hat. [color=ed145b]"Mew~"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Yeah yeah, laugh it up."[/color] He chuckles, booping the skitty on the nose. Huh- the lake... Chance stood right by the water, maybe he could figure it out himself... how to catch a pokemon... he was interested in catching a water pokemon. There has to be some in this water... his parents used to read him an old tale about an ugly fish who evolved into a beautiful serpent, though it was probably some old myth. The idea though still flooded as head as he edged near the water, running his right hand across the water as he crouched down; speaking aloud to himself. [color=8dc73f]"Heh... but its not like some fish is just going to jump out at me..."[/color]