"Promises, huh..." Lina muttered to herself as she lounged on deck, the amusement from Chester's quick win over Marv already passed. A lantern flaring in her head, she hopped up, calling, "What time is it?" Looking to the sky, Macario estimated, "Bout 10 to 11, I'd say." Lina nodded, before suggesting, "We should get going. Don't want to keep Boss Cerulean waiting. Or Chester." Glancing over to him, she noted, "I thought you'd be more pumped about this..." "It's one on one though, so I guess we should just enjoy the festivities." Lina gave a knowing smile. "I have a better idea." --- "Stagio Island Wine Tasting Contest: 7 PM," read the sign. Though it was still some time off, the contest ground, a small plaza on the more rustic Muntjacn Island, was abuzz with workers lining up chairs, cleaning wine glasses, and ordering bottles, labeled carefully behind closed doors. Scoping it out, Lina eyed the advertisement for the grand prize: the annual bottle of Four Color Wine, an expertly concocted wine made from four different colors of grapes, giving different flavors based the level of volume the drink came from in the bottle. An absolute master craft. From their concealed spot, Lina turned back to Kuhn and Macario, concluding, "It'd be perfect to use to celebrate after Chester beats Cerulean, don't you think?" Macario shrugged, "I'm not the biggest wine guy." "Huh? We're going to steal it," Lina said casually. Macario gawked. "We're pirates!" Macario sighed, "Speak for yourself."