Zanna redone! [hider=Zanna] [h2] Technical data [/h2] [b] Name:[/b] Zanna [b] Species:[/b] Sith Pureblood [b] Age:[/b] 31 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Faction:[/b] Sith Empire [b] Rank:[/b] Untitled Apprentice [b] Master: [/b] N/A [b] Former master(s):[/b] Delarus Surn. [h2] Concerning you [/h2] [h3] You are a Sith, but not every sith looks the same. Describe what you look like. [/h3] [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] I stand at 5 feet 5 inches, with bright golden eyes typical of my race and hair as black as shadows, and can usually be seen wearing form fitting black clothes and my Sith robes. In addition to the jewelry you see on my face I wear two rings on each finger, one on the index and one on the ring finger. I have a scar going down the right side of my face from the bottom of my eye to my jaw. The palms of my hands are covered in old burn scars. [h3] A Sith knows the ways of the Force. How do you prefer to use it? [/h3] (Zanna’s powers can be ranked in three categories. Weak, she can use it but only as a last resort as she’s not very good at it. Average, she’s not bad or particularly good at it. Strong, she’s very good at it and it’s one of her best abilities.) -I am strong in the basics of the Force all Sith are taught..(Strong) -Force fear, fear is a wonderful motivator of self survival instincts. (Strong) -Sith Alchemy, it is something I have studied for most of my life. I am very good at it. (Strong, particularly in the effects on and creations of inanimate objects) -Drain Knowledge, sometimes even I don't possess the patience to learn knowledge the easy way. (Weak. It takes a lot longer than she’d like) -Tutaminis(adv), I like to block blaster bolts before they hit me in the chest, even if I don't have my lightsaber.(Weak, she can block blaster shots but deflecting lightsabers would result in severe damage) -Protection Bubble, I have to remain stationary to keep this shield going around me or my opponent, and it is draining, but in desperate situations I can do it (Essentially Protection Bubble is a dome shield Zanna conjures through the Force that stops anything from entering it, as long as Zanna has the energy to keep it going). (Weak) -Telekinetic Whirlwind, distance is best in combat. (Average) -Force Lightning, honestly is there a true Sith that [i]doesn't[/i] know how to use this? (Average) -Force Maelstorm, combining three different talents is extremely tiring, and takes time. Due to it being based on a Protection Bubble, I must be stationary (She casts Protection bubble, then starts drawing everything around her in a 5 yard radius towards her with Telekinesis, then as it's all floating around her she launches it all outward violently with Force Lightning aiding both it's velocity and damage) . (Average) [h3] All obstacles have to be removed or overcome, so what skills do you possess to aid you? [/h3] Alchemy and the Force are my two strongest skills. Making up for my lacking combat talents. It is because all the time I could have spent training my lightsaber forms, I spent straining my Force skills, mastering the basics quickly. And as my previous master was an Alchemist, I learned most of his skills and expanded upon my already considerable talents. I'm very good at the game we Sith play amongst ourselves. I say game, even though it's at times more lethal than the battlefield. Certainly, it's more ruthless. But I'm skilled at hiding my true intentions, misleading others, etc. What the Force cannot do, my Alchemical skills will make up for. [h3] Everyone has a past. What brought you here and what challenges did you have overcome to reach your current situation? [/h3] I was born in the Sith Empire, to the remnants Kissai caste. The Dark Side of the Force was in my blood, and from a young age I studied it and the practical uses of Alchemy. Before I was taken to the Academy (at age 12), I was with my family. They disagreed with the way the Empire was heading heedlessly into war, the way it was brutally creating murderers and warriors rather than craftsmen and researchers. They felt that the Force was to be wielded like a scalpel and researched, not flailed about like a mace and used for purely power reasons. This stance made them rather unpopular, and they lost any protections their status as Purebloods gave them. (granted, it was voluntary. They left the Empire before I was born, heading to the outskirts of the Empire, just outside their borders) They did their best to keep my younger brother and I a secret. They still had enemies and rivals, even though they had withdrawn from the politics of the Empire. For twelve years they succeeded, beginning to teach me when I was six. The Force was meant to be researched, to be finessed, especially the Dark Side. Only fools flailed about with their negative emotions alone, hating and being angry at everything, especially their enemies and dubious allies. ‘An Alliance of Hatred is a fragile one at best, doomed to break apart. They are fools, Iunoks Chwuq. No group, no matter how large, can stand without trust.’ Those were just a few of the lessons I was taught. Cherished memories. It didn’t last, of course. Hatred is one of the few things that can burn forever and over any distance without losing any of it’s heat. It was a human Lord and his apprentice. I remember their filthy impure faces perfectly. The Lord had golden eyes, perfect teeth, flaming red hair, a chisled chin, and a slightly perfect nose. There was a scar going down the right side of his face. I assume he thought it dashing and roguish, given how obviously the rest of him was enhanced by surgery. The apprentice was much more plain. Crooked nose, brown eyes and brown hair. No scars though. They were here to both kill our parents and take us, turn us into the things we were raised to hate, that my parents hated. A last insult and revenge. My parents fought magnificently, but were overwhelmed. My brother and I were forcibly taken, our parent’s blood soaking the ground and our home burning behind us. Power is everything in this galaxy. Without it, you will simply be conquered by those who do have it. My brother was my first lesson in strength. He wasn’t strong enough for the Academy, and I watched out for him, protected him. The other students, and the Overseers, saw this and knew it to be a weakness. So they attacked us. Again, and again and again. I lost count of the beatings, the mockings, the defiance I spat back. Their ways were not our ways. Their brutality was not the way of the Dark Side. The [i]true[/i] Dark Side. Funnily enough, it wasn’t even our fellow students or the Overseers that did him in the end. I dragged him all the way to Acolytes, and a damn beast killed him. The weak die and trying to save them results only in your own pain and weakening. While most of my fellow students preferred to use their study of the nature of the Dark Side itself and it’s applications to make them more powerful, I was far more interested in using my studies to learn the of the effect of the Dark Side, or alchemy, on the mind. Could it break people's minds? Could we use it to force false memories onto people? Could it even be used to corrupt their perception of reality? That's what set me on the track I am today. Studying the affects of the Force on the minds of sentient beings, and how it could be used. I've already developed a method of breaking into someone's mind and reliving the memories they are reliving, seeing what their mind is conjuring. It's...fascinating. It’s also the safest way I can still continue my parent’s teaching. I continued to display an increased talent for using Force powers, and alchemy as I entered the Acolyte stage. Unfortunately, that also made my weakness in physical combat all that more apparent. Those bastards who only get enjoyment from setting up dramas among their charges, the Overseers, would spread rumors and rankle pride among my more idiotic or impure peers. Fools, all of them. Brutes would be convinced I was tearing them down. Idiotic girls, or boys, would be sure I was the reason their lovers left them, and so on so forth. I don’t remember how many eyes were blinded with powders, heads smashed against walls with the Force, or limbs broken with surgical precision. But for every victory, I had two defeats. For every time I was grinding my heel on my enemies neck, there were more times I was beaten into the ground, covered with bruises, and only barely saved by running away after a distraction arose (either caused by me or luck). Or, if I was particularly unfortunate and lost a task, brutally beaten or thrown around by the Overseers. They only tried to best me in the Force only once, and after I used Tuatminus to throw the Force back in their faces, I left those idiots crippled for life. Eventually, as my time as an Acolyte went on, it came down to another Acolyte being my main antagonist. He was a filthy impure human, of course. Fraste was his name. We were both the strongest in our class, that was undeniable. But I was stronger than him, and he hated for it. Who he hated, himself or me, I was unsure of. But he hated. I could feel it, like an oppressive darkness around him at all times. With a little nudging from the Overseers, as I despised them and their games and instead focused on researching in the forgotten ways of the Dark Side and it’s many applications, he began making moves against me. Turning our peers to hate me as well. He gained a following, and they made it their goal to ruin or kill me. Surprise beatings. Trying to sabotage my tasks. Releasing animals against me. So on so forth. The Overseers encouraged all of it. They wanted hatred, and they got it. Though it was quiet. Subtle. Only fools reveal their full strength before the time was right. When that time would come...that was the question. One thing was certain, I was not strong enough to win this war on my own, so I need allies. Or, more preferably, underlings. Despite my disgust of it, I had to play the Overseer’s game. So I started putting my social skills to work. I flattered, bullied, coerced, enraged, anything and everything to gain allies, loyalty, or at the very least lose an enemy. Slowly, the tide began to turn. I received less and less beatings, and retaliated more and more successfully. He began to lose his followers, while mine only grew. The despicable fools were drawn to power like insects to light, and my power was shining brighter than his. Finally our rivalry came to a bloody end. We were both tasked to some forgotten jungle on Dromund Kaas, where minor Sith had gone to recluse on with his holocron. The order was simple. The one who returned to the shuttle with the holocron won. The loser would be punished, as per usual. We raced off, heading through the jungle towards where the tomb was. We were neck and neck, as trying to trip each other up with the Force and physical contact failed, and we settled on trying to best one another. Reaching the site of the tomb at the same time, we both skidded to a stop. A Gundark. The bastards had released a Gundark in the tomb. A Burskan Gundark, thankfully. (as I figured I would be at odds with arena creatures frequently, I made a study of the most deadly and the most often used. The Gundark species were particularly interesting, if only because they were so viciously deadly.) I didn’t know if the Overseers were merely stupid for not just sending us towards an area with Gundarks already native to Dromund Kaas in it, or if they were testing our intelligence as well as our martial skills. Regardless, the thing was merely looking at us, it’s attention brought to us by our running. I began moving cautiously around it, looking for another way into the tomb. It would tear the two of us and our vibroswords apart. Fraste did the same. Either he had also studied them, or he was smart enough to know that if I was being cautious, there was a reason. We went our separate ways, each circling separate directions. I found a hole in the tomb, whether from nature or another holocron seeker, I didn’t know or care. Dropping into the tomb I carefully made my way through, feeling every inch of the way with the Force. I didn’t want to stumble upon a nasty surprise. It took a long while(for a minor Sith, he must have hoarded quite the pile of credits to afford a large tomb like this), but I managed to make my way to the center of the tomb. The good news was that the Holocron was right there. The bad news was that directly in front of it was a pile of soft things. Fur, silk, etc etc. The Gundark’s hoard. Lovely. Still, I could see the Holocron. I reached out with the Force, and carefully lifted it from it’s pedestal. Right then, as it was floating back to me, Fraste walked in from another entrance. He took one look at what I was doing, and knowing that I would win a struggle between our Force powers, did something very stupid. He threw his vibrosword at me. I dodged to the side, hissing as it sliced part of my arm, and then froze as I heard it clang against the wall behind me. Lumbering footsteps rapidly approached. I retreated farther into my entrance, hurriedly yanking the holocron towards me. Fraste moved equally hurriedly towards it, kicking the pile as he tried to snatch it before I could bring it to me. It was his last mistake. The Gundark walked into the room just as Fraste was in the middle of it’s hoard and with a terrible roar, it leapt at him. Lightning sparked from his terrified fingers, a last act of defiance, before the powerful limbs hands closed around him and ripped him limb from limb. I yanked the holocron into my hand and tried to run. The Gundark heard me and, tossing Fraste’s corpse away, followed. I couldn’t outrun it, and I certainly couldn’t outfight it. So I hurriedly ripped a large part of the silk clothing I was wearing and tossed my sword aside. Cautiously I held out the silk towards the Gundark while attempting to make myself look as unthreatening as possible. With snuffling breaths, raising my terror levels immensely, it hurriedly took the silk from me and lumbered away. I ran as fast as I could, the Force fueing my limbs and my terror fueling the Force, and made it back with the Holocron. With that, serious threats from my peers ended. The pureblood that would later become my master visited frequently. He would often watch during our alchemy and Force tests. I watched him whisper to our Overseer and have specific Acolytes pulled for tasks from him. It happened to me more and more often as I displayed my competence with the Force and alchemy. I wasn’t foolish. I knew what to do. Figured out what he liked in apprentices, and acted like it. Earned his favor. after the Academy I was given over to my old Master for training. It was...harsh. Brutal. Not physically, but mentally, especially when it came to using the force. Some of my fellow apprentices (My old master had a dozen) died from the training , even before we started trying to kill one another to be his favorite.. I nearly died when this began, poisons being cured just in time, fighting off the mental attacks of my fellows. I always responded in kind and I always was victorious in the end. Of course, this could never be proven, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind. I was the strongest. I was the most determined. I deserved the secrets our master could deliver. Those who didn’t want to die got out of the way. Once I became the favored apprentice, my old master began teaching me his secrets. Information I didn't even have an inkling of he taught me, and I was grateful. It's why he's still alive. He's the reason I've gotten as far as I have and he's realized that his life was worth much more than trying to kill me. So, my studies began in earnest, and while my title was still that of Apprentice, I had surpassed my master in Force and Alchemical skill. I am now looking to further increase my powers. That's partly why I'm here, to garner Darth Nyiss's favor and become her apprentice, while also helping her with her experiments. My skills, and experiments, in the area of mental manipulation and essentially torture reaching even her ears. Officially, I’m on a mission from my Master to ‘learn as much as possible from other sources’. I will become her apprentice, even if I have to poison and kill all of those who would get in my way. [h3] We all learn about lightsaber combat, so what form(s) and skills in fighting have you found reasonable to learn? [/h3] I am proficient in form VI Niman. Just enough to avoid being killed by your average thug or adept. Force Speed to help my flamboyant, by necessity, moves with the double bladed lightsaber. Force Whirlwind or Force Pushes and Pulls to control the movements of my opponents, and so on so forth. During combat I also employ various alchemical substances to aid me. Gas, acid, smoke, etc etc. I typically have various vials on my person, ready to be used. I have none right now, having left my labs behind. [h3] How do you relate to the other characters and how do you see them? [/h3] Lord Sish is a brute and a fool, the one who gave me my scar. His apprentice is far more interesting. Such hatred can easily be turned. (Other relationships will be available as Sith sheets are approved) [h2] Out of Character [/h2] [h3] How powerful is (s)he in the Force? [/h3] Zanna is [s]powerful enough to rival the Darth herself[/s] average in the Force for her race and rank. Not insanely talented, but neither is she surprisingly weak. Her true skills lie in finesse and gentle touches of it, and being able to combine and manage multiple powers at once. [h3] Has your character encountered members of the other factions before? [/h3] No. [h3] What is your character’s personality like? What motivates him/her? [/h3] Ambitious. That would be the one word to describe her. She wants to be more than just a Sith. She wants to be more than a Lord. She wants power. And if that power comes with enemies, so be it. Enemies can be slain or subjugated. Ruthless, Driven. Both are also accurate words to describe her. Also paranoid and arrogant. Unsurprising, given her upbringing. Beneath the shell that the Sith Academy forced her to craft there is resentment, hatred. The Sith took her away from her family. All of them. She hates what they’ve done but knows that without it she would be dead. They taught her the ways of Power, the Force, and Strength, but she hates for them for trying to tear away her last connection to her family;The training they gave.. Having left the Academy and her past years ago she is no longer sure who her hatred is directed at, but she knows it is always there, waiting to be drawn upon. She trusts no one that reminds her of those days (typically physical brutes, humans, and people who are sadistic for the sake of it) and would happily kill any and all of them. This resentment is buried deep within, however, and she often ignores it. This is also what drives her desperate desire to climb the Sith ranks, to become ever more powerful. The more power she has, the more the chances of that ever happening to her again decreases. [h3] Nobody with any sort of wisdom wants to speak of their flaws. Especially not to their enemies, so what are your character’s flaws? [/h3] Zanna is terrible at fighting. She can kill a thug or an adept, but anyone remotely proficient in combat and able to nullify her Force abilities will find that she's not a threat at all. As a combination of this and her time getting brutally beaten in the Academy by her peers, Zanna has an intense fear of being beaten. If she is overpowered and helpless she might resort to a more animalistic survival state, seeking escape by any means necessary. She's also terribly arrogant. She'll underestimate non-purebloods and Jedi, but only once. She isn't stupid. Going hand in hand with that is her paranoia. She automatically assumes that, unless they're securely under her thumb, whoever is around her is an enemy. Even if she has them under control she still doesn't fully trust them. This, of course, leads to her seeing everyone as a threat even when they aren’t which could lead to rash decisions. As mentioned in her personality, she irrationally distrusts if not outright despises people who remind her of the events leading her to and the events during her Academy days. (Brutish and/or Sadistic people and humans.) Given the brutal way the Sith took her family and forced her to shape as they desired, to chose power and strength over everything, and the six years of custom training her parents gave her, Zanna occasionally finds herself wondering what it would be like to have been trained by the Jedi rather than the Sith and if it is not better on their side. Having to never worry about your so called allies stabbing you in the back, your food being poisoned in the base supposed to be safe, to be constantly grabbing and clawing at power. She tells no one of these thoughts, and often immediately latches onto whatever is at hand to distract herself from those stray thoughts and pretend they never happened. [h3] SIth tend to be loners who don’t seek to interact with other Sith except when it is business. What will cause your character to initiate interactions with the other Sith? [/h3] Zanna is a social Sith, though only because she wants to get a feel of those around her. She’ll chat and dine and any number of things with the other Sith to get to know them better. It's best to know your enemies before making a move against them. [h3] Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character? [/h3] There's probably something, but I haven't thought of it. Unless I say otherwise, assume everything is a go. [h3] How would your character go about trying to turn Jedi? [/h3] Drugs and the Force to play upon their emotions and make them question their creed. Nothing physical. Zanna detests physical torture. [h3] The Jedi can take prisoners too. Is your character eligible for captivity? [/h3] Of course! If they play their cards right, they may even turn her. [h3] What ideas would you like to try or accomplish with your PC in the IC?[/h3] Drug induced romances, is a bad thing really that bad if both parties are in love? Emotional play upon the Jedi and others. Basically a lot of mind games if I can get them to go properly. [b]Misc[/b]: Zanna still has a stuffed Bantha from her childhood, named Sosu. [/hider]