[center][h2][u][color=92278f]Lusitania Fullerene[/color][/u][/h2][/center] [center][h3] Route 9 [/h3] [/center] [center] East Group 2: [@Alder] [@1Charak2] [@alexfangtalon] [/center] [center] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center] Lusitania was happily walking along the route of route 9. She was taking in the sights of people sitting in the park having food with their Pokemon. 'Why couldn't Unova have more of this' Lusitania wondered to herself as Luna was busy sniffing the area in front. Lusitania had to admit, Chromis was a beautiful place but alas the cities weren't for her to be frank. Stretching her hands up to the Sun, Lusitania stretched before stopping, close to a row of bushes. [color=92278f]"Okay guys I think we should take a short resting break to - oh"[/color] Lusitania began as she turned around, stopping as she noticed the absence of the team she had planned to travel together with [color=92278f]"Oh."[/color] Lusitania said again as the situation dawned on her. She was alone. [color=92278f]"Well great, Luna!"[/color] She called to her loyal companion who's head perked up and turned to face her. [i]'Ruff?'[/i] It asked as if to say [i]'what?'[/i] [color=92278f]"We've lost our traveling group, every single one of them,"[/color] Lusitania said with a sigh prompting Luna to responded with a sigh of her own as the Rockruff started to sniff the nearby bushes. Lusitania walked to the side of the main path of route 9. She had no clue how deep she was into the route, only the Sun was nowhere near where it was before. Perhaps, she was nearing the end of the first half or was it the start of the second half? she had no clue and either way she couldn't go on until everyone catches up. She didn't want to train at this time, it was too bright out and besides Luna and her always started training at the same time each day if possible. Now was not that time. So Lusitania pulled out her Sketchpad from her backpack and one of her many pencils before she began to draw the scenery before her, leaving Luna to play around with the interlocked mat of bushes on this stretch of path. Her pencil lightly scratched the paper as she drew the scene. Nature was her second favorite thing to draw. She stopped her small sketch midway through to flick through the rest of the Sketchbook for some information on what techniques to use, She stopped on a hatching drawing of Luna's egg. Causing her to smile to herself that time wasn't that long ago, it was amazing how far Luna was coming despite that. They had a further road to go and an entire world to experience. First, though they had to win the league, Smirking at her own thought of being Champion, Lusitania shaded her eyes and looked up towards the sky. [color=92278f]"One day"[/color] she whispered to herself as her eyes darted down to Luna. She muttered something quietly under her breath. Suddenly the bush Luna was playing with rustled causing Lusitania to instinctively hop to her feet and drop everything. [color=92278f]"Who do we have here."[/color] She asked cheerfully as she stared at the rustling bush. Something to break the boredom perhaps? While she waited for everyone to catch up.