Hellu, this sounds fun. I think i will try and see where i end up. [hider=Character] Name: James Herner Age: 73 Sex: Male Bank: 500$ A tiny bit of history: James was born in 1988, he lived his entire life as an electrician and was married once. But she divorced but they kept somewhat good relations. He bought his yard back in the 2030's when the area was being built (therefore getting a rather large yard). He now lives on his pension and some cleverly placed funds and shares. Personality: He is basically the friendly old grandpa kinda person and have always had a great hobby of modelling. He was delighted when the MockZ came out and saw them as a new modelling project, he bought a starter pack combined with some special edition models, some of which is out of print (He also picked up a monstrous amount of regular plastic kits which were being decomissioned with the new MockZ release. These can of course not be used for combat, but look very nice.) In his backyard he has always had a 1:MockZ scale section of a section of the Somme trenches, which he has at times used to hold a large scale WW1 battle, which he streamed on Youtube which helped him fund his future purchases. In the end, the Germans won that game and the WW2 mockz got all hyped up. James made sure he had an up to date army to show the kids on how a properly modelled army should look. He has been known to bring his special edition Bismarck/Tirpitz battleship into the community pool where he had it blow up some milk and shampoo bottles to the kids great delight. Probably encouraging at least someone to get their own first MockZ battle set. Appearance: [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2a/99/3c/2a993c73e01626fbadcd0bcbb321f9d4.jpg[/url] [/hider] [hider=Army] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/e/ec/Terminator_Honors.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111110050110[/img] Faction Name: Herner's finest. General Appearance of MockZ: Being more into the equipment than the particular MockZ themselves, James haven't really bothered much with how the troops look and just used the standard "WW2 german face prefix" which randomizes the faces realistically. The troops are modelled after WW2 SS division "Das Reich", the tanks usually have the proper historical markings apart from the few places where the nation flag would be, there he uses his own marking instead. For regular troops however, James have a massive amount of old Gasmasks and uniforms from his WW1 sets, which the MockZ have initially stolen, but later got permission to take from. Mostly since James realized most of his MockZ had already gotten hold of the tiny wool coats anyway. Bodily, the MockZ of the Herner's finest tend to be very large and physically fit, almost comically so. Something he has forgot to take away after the fans constant requests to make their faction stronger in his WW1 time. Purchases: 1 Special edition Bismarck/Tirpitz battleship. 1'500$ 10 heavy tanks. (9 tigers and 1 tiger II) 2ยด500$ 2250 MockZ as crew. 50 as engineers. 460$ 3 AA Wirbelwinds. 600$ 10 Stuka dive bombers, with Jericho trumpets and heavy bombs. 1500$ 250 Mp40's. 400$ 10 heavy anti-tank cannons in fortifications on his backyard. 400$ 2 transport trucks 300$ 2000 troops with rifles with mounted bajonets. 1400$ Came with 200 horses, however these are mostly used in a large food preparation areas on his backyard. Bred as food. He actually has around 700 horses that live on the small fields. 300 MockZ to run the farms. 60$ 100 Assorted personnel and commanders. 20$ (The pilots to the Wirbelwinds and the aircrafts are from here.) 20 pistols. 30$ Assorted complex training films and presentations. 230$ A jerry can with diesel, with tubes so the MockZ can access it. (2000 M barrels of Diesel.) 500$ Total, 9'500 spent. Military: 2'600 for the army. 2'200 crew for the Bismarck. Forming a tank section. 1 tiger II 9 Tiger I's 3 Wirbelwinds All with crew with MP40s The Bismarck (modelled as a 'What if' variant, making it have the same armament as the Tirpitz.) Support section. 2 transport trucks. (Herner haven't had any long range engagements, so he never bothered with enough long range support.) Bombing section. 10 Stuka dive bombers. Combat Style: Herner's finest vary somewhat in how they fight. Some of the troops in the infantry are from James WW1 times, so are the commanders. Fearlessly advancing in formation, some are more clever and approach in cover. The main defining factor is fearlessness, since they remember that they were utterly slaughtered every time they retreated during the WW1 battles. The tanks and the Bismarck however are just as fearless but have retained a constant training regime to be the best tank section in MockZ history. James have taken them to large expo's where MockZ tank tactic enthusiasts have held presentations. And also trained a lot and been given training films and the like from James. The result of this is very skilled tank drivers, and James Herner have won a state championship with them and gotten second place twice. Sure the championship didn't involve any combat, but rather a target course, but it was challenging none the less. While not as skilled as the tankers, the pilots have also gotten many instructional films and a lot of training. Meaning they are also very skilled. Military Organization: The military organization isn't very complex in the Herner's finest. There is. Supreme Kommandant. Leader of the army, takes orders only from James. General. Leader of a section, the sections are tanks, troops, aircraft, support. Captain of the Bismarck. Commander. Commands 100 MockZ. Sergeant. Commands 10 MockZ. Important Mockz: Captain Lindemann. Captain Lindemann is named after the ships actual historical commander. However since he's been in James service for such a long time, he and his crew lack the problems the historical Bismarck had. Supreme Kommendant Herner. Modelled after himself, Kommendant Herner is a competent leader, whom led his german forces to victory during his WW1 period of modelling. Herner has since those days gotten to watch several films on how best to command in WW2. Flight General Forceps. Named by and modelled after his grandson, General forceps can at times be a bit unthinking, throwing himself into combat. He looks rather odd with a strong masculine body but with a nine year old's head with a mustache. Culture: The Herner's finest have been profoundly affected by the WW1 combats of old. A MockZ is worth nothing without a tank, that combined with James view on them more as toys than people have made them accept that they are nothing unless they prove their worth and make a name for himself. Some of them don't even care about naming themselves, calling themselves by their serial number or a squad number. Those few that have gotten a name for themselves have been given higher ranks and privilieges, and thus the Herner's finest fight furiously to prove that they are worthy of note. This mentality is different in the tank section, there every single commander and even crewman is named. Every tank a pet project by James and thus works of love. They are set apart, given extra nice houses. This has either the effect of being things to strive for by the infantry, or MockZ of contempt and jealousy by some. Map Locations: I want the yard below the community park. With the pool. [hider= Notes] James has a large amount of sporadic WW1 things on his yard and in his storages. While the trenches on his backyard are outdated by ww2 standards, there are a few crappy machine guns there which some MockZ might use in an emergency. Otherwise they deem that equipment as too old or too symbolical. James also don't give his troops ww1 things, apart from gas masks and coats. Since that is not historically accurate. He has also sold a bunch of the old ww1 things, to fund the ww2. He also has a nice camera and a few cheap ones which he at times place out in his forces. So he can edit it later and put it up on youtube. But that is already counted into the 500 he earns every month. [/hider] [/hider]