There have been many beautiful sightings in Stigma. From the beaches to the streets; from the architecture to the stoned streets. But nothing has more beauty than Stigma’s Palace; more specifically, the intricate crafting of its halls. Marble and stone of varying shades of gold and beige are lined up in rows, giving the already-elegant palace an enhanced feeling. [url=]The Dining Hall[/url] is no exception to this. It’s surrounded by those rows of marble columns. The natural light from the sun beaming through the glass windows shed their brilliance into the hall, revealing a lengthy table with thirteen seats(two at both ends, and five on one side, and six on the other). The floors were smooth like the marble columns. In the middle of the dining hall was the table that had food spread across it. Anything one could want for breakfast was there: various forms of eggs from scrambled to fried; from poached to sunny-sideup; from soft boiled to hard-boiled. Then there was various waffle and pancake items, toast(white and whole grain wheat) with multiple jams and jellies, fresh fruit, juice and milk, and the more complex, specific items. Around the table, Reia sat at the head of the table. Of course this was because she was the Empress. And the Empress [i]always[/i] sat at the head of the table. To her left and right sat her brother, Lorenzo, and his wife, Karolina. Just next to her, occupying two seats on the right, were the two Viera - Aloa and Vlyn. Opposite of those two was recently-engaged Wesley and Nadeline. Opposite of those two were Savayna and Grant. And the last two seats, of course, was Jaakuna and Emiri. Since neither of them had any blood or marital ties to the royal family, of course. Go outsiders, go! Among the chatter and silverware clanking against the glass plates, Jaakuna would notice the absence of those sounds coming from Emiri. Curious, he asked, [b]“[color=ed1c24]Hey, is everything alright?[/color]”[/b] He noticed that her waffles went untouched, unbuttered, and without syrup on them. Considering waffles were her jam, Jaakuna became worried right away. Emiri wanted to say ‘yes’, but the truth of the matter was that yesterday’s events had taken their toll. Or better said, the reality of it all placed a very heavy weight on her shoulders. Her mother was still dead, her father on the brink of it, and for the first time in a long time, she felt completely alone. Her clover hairtie was around her wrist at the moment; she couldn’t bear to wear her mother’s memento, nor could she bear to be without it at the moment. She simply gave Jaakuna a shrug in response, picking up her fork, though she wouldn’t actually do anything with it. All the while, the others were engaging in conversation with their food in their mouths. Well, at least Savayna was. Various topics were being discussed: the state of Stigma and what was going to happen since the fight with Lola, the overwhelming Myst around Ivalice, the impending doom that Zodiark presented to all of Ivalice, and whether or not Grant and Savayna had [i]done the deed[/i]. [b]“[color=lightblue]It’s none of your business![/color]”[/b] Savayna shouted, louder than she had originally intended. That hushed the murmurs with precision. Nadeline let out a rather nervous laugh, immediately shrinking back into silence. Grant stared at her, confused. Never in his life had he seen Nadeline fidget so much. Her hands went from picking at her food, to wringing her napkin in her hands, to toying with her knife; considering the fact that she was the epitome of etiquette, something was up. Once the two locked eyes, Grant narrowed his, to which Nadeline shook her head at him. He would peer at her, though he would take his fork, pointing it at her. [i]I know you’re up to something.[/i] He thought to himself. Nadeline gave him an apologetic, half hearted shrug, as if reading his thoughts, though the scraping of a chair would catch Grant’s attention as Reia would rise out of her seat. A silence followed, although Grant recognized Reia’s rather serious expression. Karolina looked at the Empress, curious. “[b][color=f7941d]I assume the Council has made its decision, then,[/color][/b]” She said, a frown on her face. Reia scoffed--Emiri couldn’t help but notice that her expression matched that of Grant’s--and crossed her arms. “[b][color=Turquoise]The way you state it would make it seem as if there was ever a choice,[/color][/b]” Reia replied, though as she would turn to make her leave, she would unintentionally jerk back. Nadeline’s hands flew to her mouth, suppressing a horrified gasp as she realized that her father had intentionally stepped on Reia’s gown to keep her from leaving. Lorenzo clucked his tongue at his sister, wagging a finger. “[b][color=f26522]Oh no you don’t,[/color][/b]” He chastised her, motioning back towards her seat. “[b][color=f26522]You’ve got some explanations due, young lady.[/color][/b]” Grant let out a groan, already knowing exactly what was coming next. Reia narrowed her eyes at Lorenzo, a very irritated look on her face. “[b][color=Turquoise]Explanation? Excuse me, I had no idea I had to unravel every idea before you,[/color][/b]” She snapped. “[b][color=Turquoise]Where were you when the more difficult choices were made?[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]Hey, as your big brother it’s my responsibility to look after my little sister![/color][/b]” Reia lifted one hand in the air very slowly, capturing Lorenzo and Grant’s attention. She would face the back of her hand towards Lorenzo, several of her fingers curling up. Nadeline’s jaw dropped as she realized that the Empress had left a single finger in the air, and that was NOT something a lady should do. As she was about to exclaim, Reia lifted her other hand, repeating the notion, and this time it was Lorenzo’s turn to scoff. “[b][color=f26522]Oi, Grant! She just flipped me off![/color][/b]” He hollered at his younger brother. Grant let out a groan. “[color=purple][b]Damn it, Lorenzo,why in the hell can’t you just be honest for once?![/b][/color]” Grant couldn’t help but yell back. “[b][color=f26522]Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side![/color][/b]” This is it. These people held the very future of Rozarria in their hands, and at the moment the current Empress was flipping her brother off. Aloa seemed amused, though she would nudge Vlyn as he wasn’t able to suppress his chuckling. Reia dropped her arms, intending to walk away, but Lorenzo’s foot on her dress pinned her down. She mustered every ounce of hatred she had and glared at Lorenzo. “[b][color=Turquoise]Shall I call a knight to slice off your foot? It seems to be stuck on my gown,[/color][/b]” She asked, her voice venomous and dripping with sarcasm. “[b][color=Turquoise]Honest to gods, Lorenzo, how much longer will you inconvenience me?[/color][/b]” Lorenzo frowned at her. “[b][color=f26522]Come on, Reia.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=Turquoise]No, [i]you[/i] come on.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]I’m here now,[/color][/b]” Lorenzo told her, a little more serious, though he kept his foot on her dress. “[b][color=f26522]We all are. And we need to clear the air while we have the chance.[/color][/b]” A silence fell, thick with tension, though it was short lived as Reia would take her seat. Clasping her hands together, she would take one look around the room, at each Rozarrian, at ones who had traveled far, at the outsiders who had been graced with her presence. She decided now was as good a time as ever, though it seemed she had no place to start. Lorenzo looked at Nadeline, motioning towards Reia. Nadeline was surprised, though she supposed she was as good a place to start as any. “[b][color=fdc68a]Reia...will you continue to battle the council for the throne?[/color][/b]” She asked, starting with the root of the problem. Reia eyed her goblet curiously, her index finger trailing the edge. “[b][color=Turquoise]As if the battle was against the Council by itself. No, the struggle for the throne includes my own family, and my people,[/color][/b]” She murmured, and it was then that Emiri realized that Reia was actually moping! She was actually bearing herself out there so much it was a shock. She wasn’t the Empress right now, she was just...Reia. “[b][color=Turquoise]Still, I am not a woman who would pass off her problems without resolution. I have a duty to fulfill, after all…[/color][/b]” Nadeline hesitated for a moment, though she still had questions. “[b][color=fdc68a]If that is the case...then why would you send an assassin after myself and Grant?[/color][/b]” Reia immediately stopped what she was doing, raising an eyebrow. “[b][color=Turquoise]I beg your pardon?[/color][/b]” Grant also raised his eyebrow. It must have been genetic. “[b][color=purple]Lola told us you wanted us eliminated,[/color][/b]” He replied slowly. “[b][color=Turquoise]Why in the world would I murder my own brother in a time of a succession crisis?[/color][/b]” Reia asked, narrowing her eyes at Grant. [b]“[color=fff79a]If I may,[/color]”[/b] Wesley interrupted Reia, earning glances from Savayna and Jaakuna, as if they were saying ‘what are you doing?’ He shot his own glance back. He knew exactly what he was doing.[b] “[color=fff79a]Empress Reia, if I am right in assuming, there was a time where conversations like this weren’t as...[i]civil[/i], correct?[/color]”[/b] Reia waved her hand at Lorenzo, as if saying ‘look at this idiot’. “[b][color=Turquoise]Do you truly believe any of our conversations have [i]ever[/i] been civil? Have you tried living with this buffoon?[/color][/b]” She asked incredulously. “[b][color=Turquoise]Not to mention in all of this you’re asking if I wanted my own flesh and blood dead.[/color][/b]” [b]“[color=fff79a]Empress —[/color]”[/b] “[b][color=f26522]You wanted Grant dead?[/color][/b]” Lorenzo gasped rather loudly. “[b][color=f26522]That’s fucked up.[/color][/b]” [b]“[color=fff79a]Lorenzo —[/color]”[/b] Grant shook his head at Lorenzo, scowling at him. “[b][color=purple]You’re an idiot.[/color][/b]” [b]“[color=fff79a]Grant —[/color]”[/b] “[b][color=f26522]Me? She’s the one that’s trying to kill you![/color][/b]” Lorenzo threw his arms in the air. “[b][color=f26522]I feel like this is kind of important![/color][/b]” “[b][color=purple]She just said we have reason to doubt, maybe you should let her talk instead of jumping to conclusions.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]I do not jump to conclusions! ...Well, sometimes, but my precious Nadeline just asked, so it must be true![/color][/b]” “[b][color=purple][i]She is asking for clarification[/i], damn it, Lorenzo![/color][/b]” Turning her attention to her brother, she would stand once more. Before he could trap her however, she would simply take her fan from a nearby table, returning. As she would sit, she would whack her brother upside his head. “[b][color=Turquoise][i]No[/i].[/color][/b]” She informed the table as a whole. “[b][color=PaleTurquoise]Whoever gave you that information was either misleading you or outright lying,[/color][/b]” She stated, her expression a little sad as she gripped her fan tightly. “[b][color=Turquoise]I can’t...I am not Roland.[/color][/b]” The trio fell silent at the mention of their lost sibling. [b]“[color=fff79a]Lorenzo, Grant, and Empress Reia, as I was going to say, I believe this is exactly what Nadeline was meaning,[/color]”[/b] Wesley said. Throughout the three times he tried to steer the conversation away from hostile route, he at least would try to whip it back into a civil manner. [b]“[color=fff79a]I do not claim to know your history or how you might’ve been in the past. And frankly, that is not my main concern right now. Even as horrible as it was and what your reasons were for sending an assassin at your brother and niece, I’m sure you thought it was the right course of action at the time, but,[/color]”[/b] Wesley’s voice, much like his eyes, trailed around the table. All eyes were looking at him, then to Reia, then to Lorenzo, then Grant. [b]“[color=fff79a]If you would indulge me, just look at every one here.[/color]”[/b] Wesley gestured to everyone, [b]“[color=fff79a]we are all gathered around a table. Not just us as individuals, but all of Ivalice’s major, governing parties are present: The Viera, Dalmasca, Archadia, and Rozarria. We are here, exchanging words, laughing about topics, and breaking bread together. And it’s possible because of you, Empress Reia.[/color]”[/b] Wesley cleared his throat. [b]“[color=fff79a]Regardless what the reasons were, you are the one responsible for bringing us together. Shouldn’t that be reason enough to hear everyone out?[/color]”[/b] Finally, Wesley asked his question towards the Empress, Reia. All eyes were on Reia once more, though this time she didn’t seem as moody. Inhaling a breath, she straightened herself up once more as she closed her eyes, opening her fan as waving it gently on herself. There was the Empress everyone was much more familiar with. She would open her eyes once more, not looking at any one person in particular, though she seemed much more calm than before. “[b][color=Turquoise]Let me make one thing clear,[/color][/b]” She stated, raising her voice. “[b][color=Turquoise]When I contracted Shion, our agreement began as something very simple: to retrieve Emelia Iniabi and to locate the Espers of our world. The two goals coincided with one another, though as time passed, things changed. The Espers were claimed by individuals, after which Shion and Aloa approached me once the issue of Zodiark appeared. We three chose to focus our attention on that, and that alone.[/color][/b]” Nadeline furrowed her brow, thinking. “[b][color=fdc68a]Then...Lola really wasn’t acting with Shion’s orders?[/color][/b]” She asked her. “[b][color=Turquoise]I don’t know what overcame that one,[/color][/b]” Reia admitted, fanning herself. “[b][color=PaleTurquoise]While our contract had changed somewhat, I did [i]not[/i] want anyone killed. Should Zodiark be freed, it would have given Ivalice a death sentence--that is something that is very clear now.[/color][/b]” Emiri couldn’t help but shuffle in her seat nervously. Boy, was that the understatement of a lifetime. “[b][color=Turquoise]But we failed. The Viera were forced into a slumber to protect themselves, and Lola has decided to dedicate herself to a new master with her Esper in hand.[/color][/b]” Grant paled, recalling her words in the Westersand. He hadn’t told anyone, though it seemed Reia had known. He shook his head, suddenly feeling very ill, and as much as he wanted to say it, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Emiri perked up, looking at Jaakuna and recalling their previous conversation. Now was their chance to find out. “[b][color=pink]Does that mean you know which Esper she has claimed, Your Eminence?[/color][/b]” She asked. Reia fell silent. Vlyn was surprised, though having stayed quiet this whole time, he motioned for her to continue. Grant looked away, already knowing the answer. “[b][color=Turquoise]All twelve Espers have been claimed...though there are other ways to take an Esper from someone,[/color][/b]” Her voice had lost some of its volume, though everyone could still hear her clearly. “[b][color=Turquoise]You could willingly give your Esper to someone else...or take it forcibly.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=pink]Take it? How?[/color][/b]” A dark look was on Reia’s face. “[b][color=Turquoise]By killing them.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=pink]Lola killed someone for their Esper?![/color][/b]” Nadeline shook her head, clearly disturbed, though she noticed Grant’s expression. A realization fell on her, her eyes widening. “[b][color=fdc68a]You...know who it is?[/color][/b]” She asked him. “[b][color=fdc68a]You know, don’t you?[/color][/b]” Grant clenched his fist, shaking his head. “[b][color=purple]It was back when we were all separated. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell anyone, but one thing happened after another, and I suppose...I never found the proper time or place for it,[/color][/b]” He stated, raising his head. “[b][color=purple]I met Lola in the desert...disguised as the person she had murdered. She...she somehow killed Harris.[/color][/b]” [color=fff79a][b]“Harris?”[/b][/color] Wesley asked, looking to anyone willing to fill in the gap, Jaakuna coughed, taking a sip of his orange juice. [b]“[color=ed1c24]He was —[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna heard Savayna cough, [b]“[color=ed1c24]I mean [i]is[/i] a guy who gave us some trouble. He even managed to sneak one of the espers away from us. He worked for the Empress here. Or was a friend. I don’t really remember exactly what position he had, but I don’t know, he wasn’t a bad guy. From what I could tell, he was principled.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said, shrugging somewhat. As he did, he felt a kick at his shin, which prompted him to grunt slightly. He looked across, and saw that Savayna did it, her head gesturing to where Nadeilne was. [b]“[color=ed1c24]Oh..sorry, I’ll just eat my eggs.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna never knew how to put his foot in his mouth. Reia eyed him curiously, though she seemed to disagree. “[b][color=Turquoise]No, as Lorenzo said, it’s best to clear the air now while we have the chance,[/color][/b]” She stated, gesturing to Jaakuna. “[b][color=Turquoise]Whatever it is that you want to know, ask now.[/color][/b]” Jaakuna wasn’t sure if this was a trap or not. He wasn’t one to cower in fear, but Reia was an intimidating woman. He doesn’t have the best track record with intimidating women. So, Jaakuna leaned to Emiri. [color=ed1c24][b]“Tell me, is she for real or will this get me in hot water?”[/b][/color] he asked Emiri, voice low. Emiri looked at Jaakuna, equally surprised, but she nodded. “[b][color=pink]Might as well take advantage of it while you can,[/color][/b]” She suggested. Jaakuna lowly said, [b]“[color=ed1c24]Right,[/color]"[/b] as he looked to Reia. There was something in the pit of his stomach that told him to not look directly into her eyes, but after all this time, surely Jaakuna could do that much? After all of the shit she put him and the others through, surely he could look at the person responsible for what’s been happening to them. Of course you can. Ask her your questions. Do before the moment fleets. [b]“[color=ed1c24]There were a lot of things I wanted to say to you, Reia. There have been so many times where I wanted to unleash all of what you put on all of us. I wanted to make sure [i]you[/i] knew the pain and suffering you caused all of us. But —[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna let his voice - and words - fall low, less with emotion fuelling him, and more with understanding, [b]“[color=ed1c24]— but, after hearing Wesley speak, I don’t have the will to do that any longer. I only have one thing to say to you.[/color]"[/b] Jaakuna said. Lorenzo leaned over, beckoning Jaakuna. “[b][color=f26522]Boy, speak now, or forever hold your--ARGH![/color][/b]” Lorenzo started, but was interrupted by Reia whacking him with her fan. “[b][color=Turquoise]I agree. Say it now,[/color][/b]” Reia stated, earning her ire from her brother. “[b][color=f26522]If you were going to just agree with me, why did you have to--OW![/color][/b]” Reia whacked him again, and Lorenzo would grumble under his breath, clearly displeased. Jaakuna cleared his throat. By the Scions, it was dry. He adjusted his shirt, looking at Reia once more. [b]“[color=ed1c24]I want two things, but before I name them, I want your word you’ll grant both of them.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said, uncharacteristically earnest. Reia gave him a look that she had previously thrown at Lorenzo. The more he spoke, the more he reminded her of him. Which, at the moment, wasn’t entirely a good thing. Lorenzo seemed to agree, grinning, though Reia raised her fan threateningly, and he remained quiet. [b][color=Turquoise]“No,[/color][/b]” She stated, crossing her arms. “[b][color=Turquoise]What kind of bargain is that? For all I know you could ask for either something completely ridiculous or something completely out of my reach,[/color][/b]” She pointed out. “[b][color=f26522]He’s a good kid,[/color][/b]” Lorenzo vouched for Jaakuna, giving him a wink. “[b][color=f26522]He won’t do either, no need to worry about that.[/color][/b]” Lorenzo meant well, but both Grant and Reia knew that his vouching actually pushed Reia in the completely opposite direction. Instead, she would look to Grant. Great, she wanted his approval. He looked over at Jaakuna, and then at Emiri, and returned to Reia, giving her a nod. This much would finally make Jaakuna and Grant even. She gestured towards the blonde, urging him to continue. Jaakuna stood up from his seat, and cleared his throat. [b]“[color=ed1c24]Okay, first off, I want you to grant Lord Andre Inabi a retirement from the Rozarrian Army with a full plan that includes enough gil so that he will not have to work another day in what will remain of his life.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna demanded. He gave Reia a firm, stern gaze. [color=pink][i]Papa…[/i][/color] Emiri almost burst into tears at that point, but she kept her composure somehow, instead giving Jaakuna a grateful look. Reia stayed quiet, though it was then that she realized he wasn’t going to continue. Dear gods, if she didn’t know that Lorenzo would forever stay true to his wife, she would have thought he went out and popped another kid somewhere and said child would be Jaakuna. It was like pulling teeth! Though she admitted it was reasonable as it is. “[b][color=Turquoise]If that is his wish, then of course,[/color][/b]” She would agree. “[b][color=Turquoise]And the other?[/color][/b]” It was going to be something ridiculous, no doubt. As Jaakuna coughed, once more feeling his throat feeling dry, he said,[b]"[color=ed1c24]I want to sign a treaty between our two countries. In this treaty, I want it to be known that we will no longer war with each other. That we will support one another.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna continued, [b]“[color=ed1c24]We — Archadia and Rozarria — have spent so many years fighting, shed so much blood, and cost innocents their lives. I won’t accept it any longer, not with Zodiark on the loose--[i]especially[/i] with him on the loose. And I’m sure my brother, Roman, who currently serves as Emperor of Archadia, would agree. In fact, if it would be too much, I’d like a third request,[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said. Instead of simply standing where he stood, he walked up to Reia, feeling every bit nervous as he was serious, [b]“[color=ed1c24]I would like for you to come with me when I set a voyage for Archadia. If this is to go successfully, the two rulers of both countries needs to be there. And, even though I would like to do it here in Stigma, here in Rozarria, I am not the official ruler of Archadia yet. So, if it’s not too much,[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna got down on one knee, left arm across his chest, and his head down. [b]“[color=ed1c24]On behalf of the country Archadia and the House of Darcone, I hereby extend a hand of peace, a hand to discuss a treaty with you, Reia Alexandria, of the House Roselia, Empress of Rozarria.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said, showing a different side to him that no one knew existed. He was not only bowing to a woman, but a woman who, up until just recently, would see him as an enemy. It was safe to say that, by the varying looks of astonishment, they weren’t expecting this to happen, least of all from someone like Jaakuna. Grant couldn’t help but find himself give the smallest of smiles, completely in agreement. He had honestly thought Jaakuna would go in the wrong direction, but there he was, proving everyone wrong. The blonde almost looked like a prince again, though Grant knew better than that. Lorenzo leaned back in his seat, clearly satisfied as he crossed his arms. “[b][color=f26522]Would you look at that, on one knee and everything,[/color][/b]” He told Reia, gesturing towards the boy. Reia was deep in thought, this much was obvious. It wasn’t that she disagreed, but in a funny sort of way, it truly was a ridiculous request to ask. Nadeline seemed to agree as she too would stand. “[b][color=fdc68a]I believe this would the the correct way for our country, Aunt,[/color][/b]” Nadeline spoke. “[b][color=fdc68a]Now more than ever, the two Empires would do well to stand united against the threat looming over Ivalice. We have much to gain, and even more to lose should we continue on the path of war.[/color][/b]” Reia snapped her fan shut, as if signifying her need for silence. After a moment, she let out an uncharacteristically annoyed sigh, opening her fan to cool herself off. She looked straight at Lorenzo. “[b][color=Turquoise]You realize you would have to stay here, don’t you?[/color][/b]” She asked him, raising an eyebrow. “[b][color=f26522]No way am I missing this![/color][/b]” He immediately protested, though he seemed to calm down as Karolina would put her hand on his arm, giving him a smile. “[b][color=f26522]...Eh, I can hold down the fort until you’ve returned, so no worries there. What’s really stopping you?[/color][/b]” The woman would return to her thoughts, eyeing Nadeline, who would hang her head. “[b][color=Turquoise]Then I’m afraid I will leave the more difficult task to you, my brother. As you’ve no doubt heard, the Council has already made their decision to go to war, despite--or rather, because of the incident in the magicite mines,[/color][/b]” She informed the group as a whole. “[b][color=Turquoise]Though I suppose...a treaty would put a stop to all that nonsense.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]Is that all?[/color][/b]” Lorenzo grinned, slapping Jaakuna across his back. [b][color=f26522]Would you look at this kid, going on and uniting Ivalice and all that?[/color][/b]” Karolina couldn’t help but dab at a tear in her eye. “[b][color=f7941d]How you’ve all grown![/color][/b]” She exclaimed excitedly. “[b][color=f7941d]Please, do leave the Council to us.[/color][/b]” Grant perked up for a moment, hardly believing the conversation at hand, though as he looked at Savayna, he wondered if the group would be alright without them. No, they would be fine. As nerve wracking as it was going into enemy territory, Grant knew Jaakuna would keep to his word and keep Reia safe. It would be a loss to miss such a historic event, but he had another just as important compromise to make, after all. “[b][color=Turquoise]My only concern is security,[/color][/b]” Reia said. “[b][color=Turquoise]As darling as it is to be an emissary of peace, at the end of the day, I do need to stay alive a while longer, lest I get off’d by someone who wouldn’t stand to have this treaty happen.[/color][/b]” Astonished that she actually accepted his more-than originally agreed upon request, let out a squee of excitement as he jumped half of a meter into the air. “[b][color=purple]And [i]that's[/i] more like the Jaakuna we know,[/color][/b]” Grant shook his head, actually letting out a sigh. “[b][color=purple]You were so close to acting of your lineage. So close.[/color][/b]” Grant’s comment earned the usual Jaakuna scowl. Emiri nodded, trying to steer the conversation back to civility. “[b][color=pink]That’s why you’ll have Nadeline, Grant, and myself on the Rozarrian side, Majesty,[/color][/b]” She pointed out to the Empress, though she noticed the expressions on both Grant and Nadeline’s faces as she spoke. “[b][color=pink]...what?[/color][/b]” She asked the pair. Nadeline looked at Grant, who looked back at her, as if unsure who should go first, though the two were surprised at one another. Nadeline let out a sigh, looking at Wesley to make the announcement in her stead. Wesley would sigh as well. Wesley would stand up, letting out one more, anxious sigh. [b]“[color=fff79a]In light of what’s happening, I feel like I need to come clean as well.[/color]”[/b] Wesley said, letting just one last sigh escape. [b]“[color=lightblue]And what about?[/color]”[/b] Savayna asked. Eyes went to Nadeline, then to everyone else. [b]“[color=fff79a]Last night, I made the decision that I will be returning to Dalmasca, and taking my rightful place as King of Dalmasca.[/color]”[/b] he said. There was, once again, silence in the room from most. Except Jaakuna. “[color=ed1c24]There you go again, trying to steal my thunder.[/color]” [b]“[color=fff79a]My apologies. You just did a marvelous job of opening the floor, I had to seize the opportunity.[/color]”[/b] Wesley gave Jaakuna a half-apologetic smile. “[b][color=fdc68a]You did, truly,[/color][/b]” Nadeline added, taking Wesley’s hand in hers. “Though as Reia said, this is the opportunity to go out and clear the air. You’ll be fine without us.” Grant looked at Nadeline incredulously. “[b][color=pink]Wait, ‘us’?[/color][/b]” Emiri asked. “[b][color=fdc68a]Well, Wesley and I are to marry, so...I decided to go back with him,[/color][/b]” The princess replied somewhat sheepishly, outright ignoring Lorenzo’s wail of sorrow. “[b][color=fdc68a]It’s necessary that I go to recognize my future home. So since Wesley is going...I will follow.[/color][/b]” Lorenzo buried himself in Karolina’s lap, openly weeping. “[b][color=f26522]I can’t believe it, dear! That man really IS stealing my Nadeline away![/color][/b]” He whined, sniffling rather comically. “[b][color=f26522]The nerve of him![/color][/b]” Karolina soothed Lorenzo, “[b][color=f7941d]There, there, darling, we both knew this day would come,[/color][/b]” She told him gently between drying her own tears. “[b][color=f7941d]Our Nadeline is all grown up![/color][/b]” Nadeline let out a groan, shaking her head. “[b][color=fdc68a]Father! Don’t start with your dramatics![/color][/b]” She couldn’t help but whine. “[b][color=fdc68a]I [i]told[/i] you this already this morning before breakfast![/color][/b]” “[b][color=Turquoise]If she told you already, then why are you reacting like this?[/color][/b]” Reia asked him. “[b][color=f26522]IT DOESN’T MAKE IT HURT ANY LESS![/color][/b]” Lorenzo wailed rather dramatically in response. “[b][color=f26522]My one and only precious daughter ripped from my’s enough to break a man’s heart into several pieces! Truly this pain cannot compare to any stab, to any physical wound![/color][/b]” Grant rolled his eyes at his brother. “[b][color=purple]If you’re going to miss her so much, once everything is said and done, you could, oh I don’t know, visit?[/color][/b]” He suggested sarcastically. Lorenzo let out a gasp, looking at his wife. “[b][color=f26522]That’s right, dear! Our Nadeline is not yet lost to us![/color][/b]” Karolina nodded, patting Lorenzo’s head. “[b][color=f7941d]Of course, darling, and we’ll have to help with the wedding![/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]And the grandkids![/color][/b]” “[b][color=f7941d]Of course, we must be around to watch over them![/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]What about when we get lonely?[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f7941d]Oh, my darling, as long as I have you, I will never be lonely.[/color][/b]” Reia gave the pair a scowl, attempting to bring the matter at hand to attention once more, though she couldn’t help but give Emiri a look. “[b][color=Turquoise]Then that would leave you and Grant, correct?[/color][/b]” She asked, ignoring Lorenzo’s dramatics. Grant cleared his throat, raising a hand in the air. “[b][color=purple]Actually, I will not be able to attend, either.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=pink]What?! Why?[/color][/b]” Emiri asked. “[b][color=purple]I won’t divulge the details just yet, though I have confidence that nothing but good news will follow,[/color][/b]” He stated, showcasing all the elegance a prince should have. “[b][color=purple]I must go to Mt. Bur-Omisace. Once my business has concluded, I will be sure to reveal all.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=fdc68a]And what you’re doing is so secret because…?[/color][/b]” Nadeline asked, confused. [b]“[color=lightblue]If you [i]must[/i] know, [i]Naddie[/i], but we’re going there together![/color]”[/b] Savayna said, “and that’s all I will say about that because, as he said, it’s none of your business.” Savayna said sharply. Now it was Nadeline’s turn to huff, clearly annoyed at being left out, though she would turn her attention to the now very nervous looking Emiri. The brunette looked at the Empress, who did not look confident at all. “[b][color=pink] still have me?[/color][/b]” Emiri tried to smile confidently, though it all but shattered and she sank back into her seat. Lorenzo jumped to his feet, wiping his eyes dry as he would recompose himself. “[b][color=f26522]If that really is the case, then don’t worry, Sis,[/color][/b]” He said, mimicking Jaakuna’s earlier practice as he would get down on one knee. “[b][color=f26522]Karolina, I know I can count on you to see things through on my part here. I’ll make sure my sister gets to Archadia safe and sound, and once everything is said and done, I’ll come right back here.[/color][/b]” Grant’s jaw dropped, though he immediately protested, “[b][color=purple]This isn’t the time for games, Lorenzo. Someone of the Royal Family needs to be here.[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]And my beautiful wife, while having no royal blood of her own, is legally a princess consort, having married a dashing prince and all,[/color][/b]” Lorenzo reminded him as he would take Karolina’s hand and lightly place a kiss on it. “[b][color=f26522]Were something to happen to all of us, she would be able to take the throne. And we all have our parts to play--myself included.[/color][/b]” Nadeline was shocked to see her father so serious, moreso when he would stand. “[b][color=fdc68a]Father…[/color][/b]” “[b][color=f26522]Hey, it’s about time I started doing something important,[/color][/b]” He said, placing both his hands on his sister’s shoulders. “[b][color=f26522]I swore that I wouldn’t get myself involved in Rozarria’s political affairs. My father’s death only served to prove that point, so now I need to make up for it.[/color][/b]” Karolina nodded in agreement. “[b][color=f7941d]Then, I too, will do my best.[/color][/b]” She clasped her hands together as she would stand. “[b][color=f7941d]If you’ll excuse me, then, there is much work to be done![/color][/b]” Aloa and Vlyn would both rise as well. “[b][color=bc8dbf]Leave Karolina to us, we will guide her,[/color][/b]” Aloa stated, placing a hand on her hip. “[b][color=bc8dbf]Lorenzo is right. We all have our duties to fulfill.[/color][/b]” Emiri looked crestfallen at this point. “[b][color=pink]Then...this is really it?[/color][/b]” She asked. “[b][color=pink]We’re just splitting up?[/color][/b]” [b]“[color=ed1c24]It’s not permanent. I’m sure we’ll be back together before we even realize it.[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said, cocking a reassuring grin. Wesley also smiled, chuckling lightly. [b]“[color=fff79a]If we all do our part, I see us sharing a meal again.[/color]”[/b] Wesley said, sounding hopeful for the future. [b]"[color=lightblue]If we don't die before the end of it all,[/color]”[/b] Savayna said, laughing at the possibility, [b]"[color=lightblue]I mean, yeah we'll definitely come back for another meal like this. hopefully without the looming fear of death.[/color]" [/b]Again, she was laughing. Grant nodded in agreement. “[b][color=purple]Be sure to take care of ourselves until then, I suppose.[/color][/b]” Nadeline gave the group a small smile. “[b][color=fdc68a]We’ll meet again, someday.[/color][/b]”