[center][h1]Route 9[/h1] [@Alder][@1Charak2][@ZachChase][@alexfangtalon][/center][hr] From the bushes emerged a pile of eggs, rolling towards Lusitania and Luna. Then the eggs opened their eyes. It was an Exeggcute looking to fight, and they had just found a suitable challenger. The Exeggcute preemptively used Reflect to protect itself than prepared for battle with its classic corky smirk. Leo in his journey to find the group again would come across a large flower, coming up to his knee in height, along with a Flabebe clinging to it. It didn't look like it had noticed Leo yet, so he could attack it if he wanted to. Sadie on her journey to Amalgam University would see a Gulpin relaxing on the path, not asleep but not doing anything particularly exciting either. Just relaxing, possibly digesting a meal if the scraps of food lying around said anything about the situation. [hr] [center][h3][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h3][/center] Talonite picked up his wallet and Pokedex, shaking his head as the delinquents ran off. [Color=gray]"Honestly they have nobody to blame but themselves. Even if they had won your mother would've just beat them down instead of paying for blackmail."[/color] Talonite checked his Gastly with his Pokedex and sighed. Talonite called out Necro and pulled out a small diamond shaped object from his jacket pocket, revealing it to be a Revive. Talonite fed the Revive to Necro and watched him wake up from his forced sleep. [Color=gray]"Ya did good little demon. Let's go."[/color] He didn't recall Necro, instead letting him float alongside Talonite and York. [Color=gray]"I say we rest for a bit, our Pokemon deserve that after the battle they just we through."[/color]