[color=lightpink][h1][b][center]Sadie Hill[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][center][hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://i347.photobucket.com/albums/p479/sakukage/mypokemontrainer.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center]Interacting With : [@ZachChase], [@1Charak2], [@Alder] GM : [@floodtalon][/center][center]Location : Outside the Pokemon Lab - Beryllium City ---> Lost in Route 9[/center][hr] Sadie clapped her hands together that they were about to get the adventure on the road. However, Lusitania instantly started walking off, and Leo ran off after his Gible. Sadie and Chance stood their in a daze that the other two had gone off without at least trying to wait. Then all of a sudden Chance decided sprinting ahead was helpful. It took a matter of a minute for Sadie to get left behind. Gigaton wasn't very fast so there was no way that Sadie and Gigaton could keep up with the others. Sadie looked down to her Roggenrola and said, [color=lightpink]"Hopefully, they realize they left us behind before getting to far ahead."[/color] After about 45 minuets of walking Sadie said, [color=lightpink]"Okay. Either we're lost or they forgot about us."[/color] Sadie looked around and soon realized that she couldn't even see the lake from wherever she was. Sounding a little frightened, [color=lightpink]"Uhh, Gigaton. I was joking about being lost before, but now I'm not so sure. Can you hear the lake? If so please hurry and get us there."[/color] The small rock looked up to her trainer and shook her and said [i]Roggen Rog Rola[/i] which probably meant [i]You can count on me![/i] The Pokemon did a quick 360 to try and pick up the sound of water. Once it located the closest source of water sounds it started walking in that direction. Sadie walked slowly behind her closest friend, both literally and figuratively, when they suddenly heard a noise directly to the right of them coming from a bush. [color=lightpink][i][b]"EEEP!"[/b][/i][/color] Sadie quickly went to the opposite side of Gigaton from the bush and Gigaton moved to protect her trainer. [color=lightpink]"Hello?"[/color] They stood there for a bit and when no more noise came from behind the bush Sadie slowly made her way over and peeked through, and there it was in its wonderful glory. The lake and the path that they were suppose to be taking. Sadie and Gigaton took a step onto the path when Sadie saw a green thing(?) laying on the path. She pulled out her Pokedex to scan it and what came back was, [b]Gulpin, the Stomach Pokémon. Gulpin is able to swallow items of its own size whole, as its stomach compresses most of its body. Its unique stomach acid allows it to digest almost anything.[/b] [color=lightpink]"Well, that's interesting. Gigaton, do you think we should add it to our party?"[/color] Gigaton looked up at Sadie and responded with a, [i]Rog Roggen[/i]. All right then. Went through Sadie's mind. She walked out onto the path and pulled out a Pokeball. She waited for Gigaton to be standing in front of her before she threw the pokeball right at the Gulpin.