[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Route 9 : Road to Amalgam University[/center] [center] East Group 2 : [@Alder] [@alexfangtalon] [@1Charak2] [/center] [center] Interacting with : [color=92278f]Lusitania[/color][/center] [center] GM : [@floodtalon][/center] [hr] [color=8dc73f]"Alright! It's time to start training!"[/color] He stood there proudly for a moment with Blitzy and the unnamed Feebas. Wait-- how exactly are they going to train. After some critical thinking, Chance grabbed a small log and placed it in the middle of a field, gesturing for Feebas to attack it. [color=8dc73f]"Go, you got this!"[/color] His voice was filled with confidence, until... it splash around helplessly... [color=8dc73f]"Er- y-yeah! You'll get it! Eventually..."[/color] Confidence was fading as the Feebas flopped even farther away from its target... eventually he just sat back watching for a while. [h3]Thud[/h3] [color=8dc73f]"Huh- what was that?"[/color] Chance woke up to the sound, he had fallen asleep watching the Feebas attempt at an attack. Woah, the sun has moved pretty far since then... [color=8dc73f]"Heeey! You did it!~"[/color] He raised his arms in celebration once more, getting up to pat the Feebas on the- uh... back? Yeah. Fish have backs... -right? Chance was about the set the log back up before he realized... where was Blitzy. He looked around quietly, maybe she was lurking in the bushes. Wait, there's a bird? Huh... he stared at the bird, scanning it with his pokedex. Spearow... cool I guess? Another Spearow fluttered by, landing next to the other one. And another one-- and wait there are a ton of Spearows here. Then suddenly, loud cawing was heard and followed by the bushes rustling- then Blitzy popped out, sprinting quickly by Chance. [color=8dc73f]"Wait-- BLITZY!? Where are you going!?"[/color] He turned around, watching his partner run off before checking back behind him. Oh... better start running too. A whole mob of Spearows had been chasing Blitzy-- and so, was now chasing him. Chance quickly grabbed the Feebas and made a run for it. RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING, as he sprinted towards Blitzy, Spearow after Spearow would attempt to swoop by and peck at him. A few would hit their mark as he quickly shooed them off, continuing to run. Run run run run run... He'd catch up with Blitzy, picking her up as well, carrying both his pokemon with him until- BAM, dead end. Chance was met with a hill side and a ton of Spearows at him. Crap crap crap... think think think. [color=8dc73f]"BLITZY GO!"[/color] Blitzy would nod, hopping off his shoulder... Chance didn't want her to battle, but facing a night full of Spearow peckings wasn't a very good option either. Honestly he didn't quite remember most of the moves Blitzy could preform... or did he? Hmm, he thought-- but there wasn't much time for it so he shouted the first thing that came to mind. [color=8dc73f]"FAKE OUT!"[/color] The skitty would charge toward a mob of Spearow, coming to a full stop as she spun herself around-- smacking a few of them in the face with her tail. Many of them flinched, giving Blitzy a chance for another attack before she was pecked. [color=8dc73f]"Blitzy use tackle!"[/color] Blitzy would lunge forward, swiping at the crowd with her claws. A few of them would fly off in fear, cawing loudly into the evening sky. The remaining Spearow would begin assaulting the skitty, quickly swarming her with peck after peck, but she'd stay in strong while Chance thought of another attack. [color=8dc73f]"Ugh- uh- tickle?"[/color] Chance didn't sound very confident-- but it was the best he could think of and thankfully it was a move Blitzy could actually take advantage of. Blitzy spun around once more, swinging her tail around at the Spearows that surrounded her, her fuzzy tail would tickle them. Now the Spearow were open for an attack! [color=8dc73f]"Alright! Let's finish this off with another tackle!"[/color] Blitzy quickly went to work, clawing at the Spearow with critical damage after they left themselves open. The remaining Spearow flew off, and so... Blitzy and Chance won the battle. Hopefully Feebas had learned something too... she had been watching under Chance's arm the whole time, maybe she could learn how to tackle... but now they needed to rest it was getting late and-- AW CRAP ITS THEIR LEADER! A mighty bird come swooping from the sky, glaring down at the small squad. Chance slowly raised his pokedex at the pokemon. Fearow. [color=8dc73f]"W-well... it's a fitting name- RUN!"[/color] With Feebas still in his arms, Chance quickly sprinted forward as he sweeped up Blitzy. Run run run ruuuun! The Fearow would dive down at him as he rushed towards Blitzy, smacking into the ground as Chance made his escape. Now Chance was running away once more, this time from a much LARGER threat. After a few more minutes though the big bird would grow tired of this chase, flying off as Chance exiting the bushes smacking right into a- a tree? Wait-- that isn't a tree?! [color=92278f]"Who do we have here?"[/color] Chance had smacked right into Lusitania...- and wait were those eggs? [color=8dc73f]"Uh- Hey! Lusi..."[/color] Chance at this point, was most likely a mess. Covered from bruises caused by pecking Spearow and scratches from the tough branches of nearby bushes and trees. Blitzy seem a bit hurt as well, under Chance's right arm-- under his left arm would be a Feebas.