About an hour or so had passed since everyone went off into their own repsective corner of the palace. Savayna and Grant had just finished packing up what they had. Well, Savayna packed her shit, and Grant, from the look of, packed what he needed for the trip. She felt a knot in her stomach that had been present all throughout the entire conversation about Reia and the Council, Jaakuna’s treaty proposition, what will happen in the days to come, and how everyone was going on their meaningful journeys. And there was Savayna, going to seek out her parents for her father’s approval of Grant. Or rather he was. She was just going so she could — well, she didn’t know why she was going. Grant didn’t need her to go, did he? She could simply stay on the Ifrit while he went off to seek out her father’s approval, right? Would that be such a bad thing. No, it would be a bad thing. I can’t let him face my father without me. That’s the cowardly way out. You’re a Glacie, Savayna. You have faced the harsh winds of Omisace. You’ve defied Vincent. You’re a former general of the Archadian Army. Don’t let the sight of your father disapproving of your lover stop you now. Savayna shook her head, snapping herself out of her out doubts of the situation. She then nodded twice, once to herself as if to reassure that it was going to be fine, and another to Grant. He had asked her if she was ready. To that, she would say, [b]“[color=lightblue]I suppose.[/color]”[/b] Savayna shrugged, heaving a bag over her shoulder. She would follow Grant’s lead. First she knew that they would inform the others that they were leaving. But aside that? Savayna had no idea. Let the adventure start. [hr] Initially, the treaty was a good idea. Hell, Jaakuna wasn’t going to back down. However, since proposing the idea no more than an hour or two ago, there was a lot of preparation to be done on Reia’s behalf. At first he thought she was simply ignoring him, but he heard the whispers. Apparently there was a lot ot do before she could be cleared to leave. Even if Karolina was going to take hold of the Rozarrian Throne while Reia was gone, apparently there was much to do, which left an impatient Jaakuna waiting. But there was one upside. He got to spend some extra moments with Emiri, who seemed less-than cheery since breakfast had ended. JAakuna thought the first request he made to Reia about her father would be something she’d be happy about. And maybe for a brief moment, he caught something of a joyful smile, one of gratittude. But now? She looked to be, for a lack fo better words, depressed. No there was more to that. Something about the way she had been fidgeting her hands together, looking away from the passing persons, set Jaakuna into deja vu. He knew where it was heading and he didn’t like it. But at the same time, something popped into his head. Maybe something that would be good. Or maybe make matters even worse. Only time would tell. [b]“[color=ed1c24]Say, Emiri,[/color]”[/b] Jaakuna said, placing his hand on her leg. He didn’t look towards her. He simply looked ahead, and said, [b]“[color=ed1c24]when I return from Archadia and the treaty is signed, let’s get married.[/color]”[/b] The tone of Jaakuna’s voice was as nonchalant as it had ever been. [hr] [b]“[color=fff79a]After all this time, I’m returning home.[/color]” [/b] Wesley couldn’t say how long it’s been since he was last home. Maybe a week or so. But that was for a short visit. He hadn’t been home home since Isaiah Darcone had led an invasion on the behalf of his cousin, Vincent, to Dalmasca that cost Wesley and Cassandra their father, the late King Jonathan. That thought made Wesley feel bittersweet. A thought that brought him painful memories of his father. A thought that, despite what he [i]wanted[/i] to do, he couldn’t bring himself to maim or kill Ixion. That wasn’t right. That wasn’t what a future king would have done. Or at least the sort of king he wanted to be. As he packed his things, Wesley tried to go over it in his head. How would he explain the sudden desire to become the king? After all that time of adventuring with Jaakuna, Emiri, Savayna, and Grant. After nearly dying and everything - how could he properly explain? To make the matters all the more complicated, how was Wesley to explain Levi? And how she tied into everything? Those questions ran through his mind. So much so that Wesley didn’t realize he had wasted about twenty minutes asking himself over twenty-one questions with not a single answer. [color=a36209][i]Wesley, you seem troubled?[/i][/color] He heard Hashmaal speak to him. [b]“[color=fff79a]You could say that,[/color]”[/b] Wesley said, laughing. [b]“[color=fff79a]You could also say that I don’t even know how I’m going to begin to explain to my family that I want to claim my inheritance.[/color]”[/b] [color=a36209][i]I understand,[/i][/color] Hashmaal said, [color=a36209][i]tell me, what made you want to claim the throne after all this time?[/i][/color] A good question. When was it that WEsley had decided? Maybe it was Zodiark being free, and wnating to have some change in the things to come. Maybe it was after the battle with Ultima and what followed. Maybe it was when Wesley showed mercy on Isaiah. It could be a number of things, all of which didn’t feel like the right answer, not along, at least. Maybe they were all a contributing factor. [b]“[color=fff79a]Well,[/color]”[/b] he said,[b] “[color=fff79a]I suppose it was everything. But most importantly, it’s just the right time. I need to do my part. And if that means becoming King of Dalmasca, then it will be done.[/color]”[/b] Wesley said. It was as if he wasn’t just answering Hashmaal’s question but his own questions as well. [i][color=a36209]I see,[/color] Hashmaal said. [color=a36209]Well, if this is your wish, then I will support you, Wesley. I am bound to you, after all.[/color][/i] “Appreciate it, Hashmaal.” Wesley said In the minutes that followed, Wesley would pack what he could, make sure he had everything with him, and let his mind center around the fact that he was actually doing this. There was no turning back. There was no saying “on second though.” No, there was nothing of the sort. Wesley couldn’t back out now. What’s more, he [i]wouldn’t[/i]. There was too much at stake for him to do so. Once Wesley was ready, he departed for where Nadeline was. He searched for her. He heard familiar quips from just down the hall. It was Lorenzo and Nadeline arguing. Based on what he heard, it was about practically everything that was just discussed. Nadeilne wanted Lorenzo to take matters serious, citing that he was similar to Jaakuna. Wesley couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He found it mildly amusing. It was completely true, of course, but WEsley couldn’t help himself when Nadeline made that comment. [b]“[color=fff79a]I’m not king yet,[/color] “[/b] Wesley said, waving to Lorenzo. He would give Nadeline a kiss on the cheek. [b]“But, you know, your father is right.”[/b] Wesley could just feel the impending scowl from Nadeline because of that comment.[b] “[color=fff79a]We are all going on our separate journeys. Jaakuna, your father, and Reia are going to potentially sign the most iconic treaty we have seen in years. We are going to my home country so that I may become, as Lorenzo has said, become king. As for Grant and Savayna, while none of us know where they are heading, I am sure it’s of equal importance for them.[/color]”[/b] Wesley said, stepping forward to face Lorenzo. The two men were somewhat of equal height. [b]"[color=fff79a]Lorenzo, you can't rest assured. Nadeline will be safe with me. Besides, as you would never want anything happen to Karolina, I will give my life to protect Nadeline.[/color]"[/b] Wesley's eyes went to Nadeline for a moment, then back to Lorenzo's, "I'll tell you what. When it's all said and done," Wesley leaned to Lorenzo's ear as he whispered, [b]"[color=fff79a]I'll get you in touch with a friend down in Balfonheim Port who knows about that new energy-based fuel that's said to increase maximum speed by almost thirty percent.[/color]"[/b] He tried not to let Nadeline hear. No doubt a second scowl was in the works.