Syvarrus had remained passively quiet and contemplative throughout the discussion, up until the most recent addition to the conversation. The Eldar didn't recognize the chapter heraldry of this imposing Space Marine, but he [i]did[/i] recognize the threat posed by the vile weapons he and his brothers carried. So it was with great interest, and no small amount of skepticism that he listened, hawkish eyes narrowing to slits as the Captain spoke. When the giant superhuman finished speaking, Syvarrus stepped forward, thinking it prudent that he speak his peace in response to the Captain's address. [quote][color=6ecff6]"I, too, will speak plainly. I have walked the galaxy for centuries. I have seen the machinations of Tzeentch, played along with the schemes of the Laughing God, seen empires rise and fall by the exchanging of a few simple sentences. I say this not to boast, but to convey the full gravity of the coming advice."[/color][/quote] As he spoke, his hand drifted fluidly to rest on the hilt of his sheathed power sword. He had no idea how well this would go over considering present company, and did not intend to be caught off-guard by a power-armoured fist to his jaw for the words to come. [quote][color=6ecff6]"I would start by saying that, on one very crucial point, I agree with you, Captain. Our Gregori is no God-Emperor. He hasn't worked any miracles, hasn't performed any feats of amazing psychic power. He is a mere man, a fact that [i]no one[/i] beyond this room need know. Indeed, should the commoners of the younger races of his burgeoning empire see their honoured Adeptas Astartes treating their Emperor as a common feudal Lord, their respects would shift. I suspect the common folk would come to revere you and your ilk more than Amastov. This seems to me like the setup for the perfect coup. If this suggestion offends, I make no apology. I have my own reasons for wanting this new Empire to succeed, and I would see any potential threats neutralized before they grow too dangerous, or in your case, Captain, [i]influential.[/i] [/color][/quote] By the time Syvarrus had finished, his hand grasped the hilt of his power sword tightly at his hip, his knuckles whitening as he squeezed the handle in anticipation of some horrible and swift battle in the opulant meeting-chamber.