[hider= Maximus] [b]Name:[/b] Maximus (no family name), The Revenant. [b]Age:[/b] [i]78[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]White Rock/Onyx:[/b] Onyx. [b]Appearance:[/b] Maximus is a diminute, unimposing man, standing tall only to 5'4". He's thin and wiry, but his otherwise lightweight appearance does not do justice to the compact and sinewy nature of his physical shape and condition. Beneath the wrinkled skin, strong, dense muscles are woven to his bones like the pieces of a bow, and it is only upon closer inspection that despite his frail-looking appearance, he won't break easily. His hair, while not receeding is now completely white, a far shoot of the brown he used to have, and he has a vivid amber-colored eye, which can give a certain piercing gaze. His body is actually covered in dozens of scars, and his left side of the face has been burnt and scarred, resulting in the loss of said eye. He usually wears a black obsidian mask to conceal his deformity, and well-worn but rather comfortable full body clothes of a dark green, along a breastplate nicked with several chips. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and somewhat polite, it is difficult to see Maximus as other thing than an old man tired of living. He carries himself with an air of somberness, and always thinks for a long time before replying. Almost impossible to disturb or make angry, he's akin to a soft wind or a rock in a mountain. He's here, but he isn't always felt nor heard, and usually keeps to his own business. The games of politics and socializing, while he tries his best to perform in them, clearly are something he's far comfortable with. He is also very conscious about his scars and disfigurement, trying to conceal his face as frequently as possibly, and rarely being seen in public baths. Beneath all of this, however, Maximus is a hardcore survivor. Years of experience and the sheer numbers of times he's had a brush with death have given a keen insight and an insane willpower. His favority strategy is to play in the long run, making his moves carefully in order to outlast his opponents. He's oddly fond of his Revenant moniker, which denotes how many times he has been declared dead only to resurface later. [b]History:[/b] Maximus was born as the unrecognized son of a imperial noble and a concubine. While said noble welcomed him at first into his fold, and gave him education and training, he soon was the target of vindictive intentions by the rest of the family. Her mother died when he was 7 due to poisoning, after drinking a cup that was destined to him. An arrow nicked his neck in a training accident at age 13, when they decided to start shaping up the kid to serve in the military as a trade-off for not being officially recognized. While he appreciated the old man's efforts, Maximus never felt protected nor loved by that person, and his half-siblings and adoptive mother certainly hated his guts. But what could a bastard kid do to take revenge against such opponents? It was when he decided. He would endure, endure and outlast every single one of them. Dodge death everytime. Survive. Endure and grow strong and disciplined as a result. His first test would come as age 17, in the Dragon Fang mountains. After a rather difficult expedition in order to try and assess the feasibility of a new mine, Maximus and his colleagues were assaulted by a fire-spitting beast, which killed the rest of the team and gravely wounded Maximus, sending him tumbling down a ravine towards his sure death. But it didn't come. Maximus' bones were broken, his face was burnt, but he still crawled himself out of the ravine, heaving with each breath. Wolves sought to eat the spoils of the broken mind, but the pack was driven after he managed to kill a couple of them. Which then became his nourishment and garments. Slowly but steady, he began to wander, each day regaining more and more strength even while at the verge of perishing. It was then when he found the beast's sleeping nest. However, not everything was hopeless, as he also spotted a patch of unstable ice and rocks above the creature's heads. Cursing the gods, and bracing himself for his grim retaliation, Maximus poured his everything in triggering an avalanche who then trapped the beast. Unable to move, and wounded, the creature proved to be felled easily. Why did he stopped by to do such a deed, Maximus never knew. Maybe it was because his teammates were among the few people who had shown genuine concern for him. Meanwhile, at the capital, his fellow survivor brother in arms held a symbolic funeral for him, and while his family was present, they were more or less trying to corroborate Maximus was dead. The look on everyone's faces was ghastly when Maximus crashed his own funeral, with the dissecated monster's head in tow. He had become someone who had returned from death, a Revenant. It was then when his family stopped trying to conspire against him, out of fear rather than respect, and Maximus career, boosted by his ordeal, was fruitful. However, Maximus' reputation worked against him. No matter how good his service was performed, his dreadful moniker still stood. Enemies sought to test the apparent immortality of the Revenant, only to be rebuked in turn by Maximus, and thus perpetuating his circle. At the same time, the amount of disfigurement and scars he kept accumulating over the years made all but possible to settle down and form a family. And after decades of struggle and service to the empire, he began to notice something he never thought he would ever reach to witness. Old age. His strenght was beginning to wane. It was time to close the curtain in the final act in his life. Hopefully Castle Grimm would be an end befitting his life. [b]Why I Fight:[/b] It is the last opportunity I will have to earn a peaceful retirement. Hopefully, I could get a spouse (noble preferrably) and peaceful last years trying to raise a son and overseeing my hard-earned possessions. However, should that be denied, I will dance madly one last time, no matter if i have to tear the castle apart. The Revenant does not die easily. [b]Skills:[/b]Having a long career in the military, Maximus is no slouch when it comes to the art of warfare and using weapons and he can competently use a vast array of weapons of all shapes and sizes. He however, has never taken the path of mastery of said weapons, and his movements are a bit unpolished. Maximus is a cultured man, and he knows the importance of the more subtle aspects of warfare, such as tactics and patience. He's somewhat rusty with diplomacy, though. He however, is very perceptive, as years of narrowly dodging death have made him, and his lifeforce is second to none. He's got an unshakeable poise and will, able to keep getting up after taking staggering amounts of physical or psychological punishment. Last but not least he's accumulated a decent experience in survival tactics, creating improvised weapons, foraging and first aid as a result of his many brushes with death. He's also good at sewing. [/hider] Today, I entered Castle Grimm!