[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjEyNGE5MS5WVzVwZEdWa0lFNWhkR2x2Ym5NZ2IyWWdSV0Z5ZEdnZ1lXNWtJRk52YkdGeUlGTjVjM1JsYlEsLC4w/expletus-sans.semibold.png[/img][/center] [sup][b]London, British Empire, Earth[/b][/sup] The city of London was once the powerhouse of the Old Empire, building ships and upgrading the planet's defenses. That was before their fall caused by the world's population tried of living under a tyrant. After the revolt, Great Britain—and the world—were finally able to forge their own pathways. The people immediately went back to the old monarchy of the British Empire.