[@Caits] Caius grinned and pointed to himself. [color=turquoise]"You have a guard dog here that would do anything to protect you,"[/color] he winked at her and then shrugged. [color=turquoise]"But I suppose I understand the need for self defense."[/color] He walked over to where Callie was standing and brushed a quick kiss on her cheek. [color=turquoise]"So, food first... what do you wanna eat?"[/color] He grabbed his wallet from the night stand and tucked it into the back pocket of his jeans. He ticked off what he needed to do for the day, including Callie's tasks. Food, supplies, grocery, a few more clothes, a meeting with Darric and then coming home to Callie. That last part made him smile as he realized that he was looking forward to it.