Hello there! I'm gonna cut the polite greetings and just start with telling you a bit about myself. I've been roleplaying for a good number of years now, so I do consider myself a casual roleplayer that tends to mirror what her partner gives in terms of length of a post. I go by EST, although my posting may be random occasionally. For the most part you can expect my posts during the evening, but there are times when I'll post beforehand. It just depends on the day. Please keep in mind that I am a [u]college[/u] student who has to put a lot of work into school that others might not have to. In fact, my school recommends spending 2 hours at the school for every hour that you're there for class, and a lot of times, I do end up staying late at night! In addition to that, I'm also working on personal projects that I'm hoping will get me a job where I want to work, so that will likely take up a lot of my time as well. On the upside, however, I'm literally always working on a computer, so during breaks I should be able to make a post as long as I have the motivation to. Also, there are times where I may vanish for a few days at a time, so I'm looking for someone who can be patient with my schedule. I will definitely not drop out of an RP without giving notice, no matter how long I take to reply! [hider=What to expect from me:] - I have a tendency to play female characters, but I am also more than capable of playing male characters, along with multiple characters at once if it's needed. - When romance is directly involved with the main characters, I prefer to do MxF. Romance shouldn't be the main story within the plot though, only a side dish! - I'm fine with mature content like violence, gore, etc. However, when it comes to the sexual side, anything past some verbal humor is a no-go for me. I'm fine with jokes about it and the like, but when it comes to actually RPing it I'm going to have to step away. I'm perfectly fine with swearing and will likely use it a lot myself. - I do my best to help drive the plot and give off ideas for future use. My grasp on the lore and science of the world may be iffy in some cases, but I find it to be boring to constantly be led, and to constantly be leading. I like an even mix of collaboration. - Honestly, I'm a pretty friendly individual and I love talking about anything that even holds a bit of interest to me. I'm not saying you have to talk to me 24/7 - but I do love a nice conversation every now and then! - I have a preference for PMs, but I'm willing to do thread if I can't sway you. [/hider] [hider=What I expect:] - Someone who can help drive the plot. This is above all else, simply because I believe it's considerably more important than post length and the like. If you're not going to pitch in ideas or occasionally lead the plot into a twist, then I may as well just go write my own novel. - Someone who's flexible with characters. I love when you're capable of playing a large variety of characters, and it helps me learn as well. - Someone who can write a good-sized paragraph or more per post. I'm not too strict on post length, as long as it gives me something to [i]work with.[/i] - Someone who will keep my updated on what's going on. By that I mean, if you haven't posted for a week, please tell me what's up and whether you're just bored of the plot or not. I won't get offended. I'm a pretty patient person and have my own busy life, so I won't expect a post every day. [u][b]However, I want someone who will be just as patient with me![/b][/u] I can't stress this enough, because I genuinely do have a busy life, and even if I have a break sometimes it just drains my motivation. - Lastly, I would like someone who's willing to talk. As in OOC, just talk about interests or the characters or just [i]something.[/i] This isn't a huge requirement, but it sure as hell is nice. [/hider] ________________________ Now that the introductions are out of the way, here's my little list of fandoms. As I said before, this list is pretty short right now because I'm not looking for a lot of partners and there's very specific cravings I have at the moment. I'll likely add more to the list as my schedule frees up and once I get the motivation for other categories. [b]Destiny[/b] [hider=The Game] I would love to be able to do a Destiny RP, as it's something I've never tried. I do have a plot idea or two, but it's hardly fleshed out and very basic. So if you've got any ideas, please feel free to offer them, or PM me if you'd like to hear my ideas. [/hider] [b]Titanfall(2) mixed with Zoids[/b] [hider=The Game] I'll be completely honest, I've only played Titanfall 2 and have only watched a minimal amount of Zoid TV shows in my childhood. However, I absolutely love the story in Titanfall 2's campaign and love the designs of Zoids, so if we could do some sort of mix between the two, that would be awesome. I have absolutely no plot idea for this yet, but I'd be more than happy to work something out if you're interested! [/hider]