Name: Skye Indigo Titles: Ranger Skye, Indigo Ranger Age: 23 Gender: Female Occupation: Freelance Ranger Affiliation: None Appearance: [hider=Skye Indigo][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Skye is mostly calm and reserved when interacting with people that she doesn't know at a very close level, to the point where she usually only speaks when she needs to. Even her friends aren't safe from her quiet composure. Sometimes she is happy enough to speak more than usual, and usually has sarcasm dripping from her words. When Skye openly starts to yell at you, or openly cries in front of you, you've most likely done something very wrong in her eyes; if Skye is annoyed, she'll most likely have some venom in her voice, but she won't actually yell. History: It was at a young age when Skye Indigo was taught to shoot her arrows. Her own mother was a ranger, whilst her father had served in the military and had handled a bow before. Her mother told Skye that it was a way to relieve stress, and while that much was true, it was later revealed to Skye by her father when she was older that it was also a way to protect herself against the dangers that may come to harm her one day. Skye's first experience with a 'danger' was at the age of fifteen, when she was out with her mother in a forest, looking for something to hunt. A deer had just been shot by Skye's mother, and the buck wasn't so happy. Skye was faced with shock as it speared her mother with his antlers, and was brought down by an arrow to the head. Skye ran for her father's aid, but by the time they returned the body was already cold. Skye's father brought her up from there onwards, however it wasn't a good upbringing. Upset with his loss, Skye often saw her father leaving the house to go drinking. It started as him leaving the house to go slightly more often, before it soon became a daily activity for him. At nineteen, Skye left the home to live in the woods. She set up a tiny home that was more equivalent to a shack, but was arm. After a year Skye began to visit her father again. He had sobered, but yet Skye remained living separate from him, living off the forest. Weapons and Equipment: [hider=Bow][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Quiver][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Dagger][img][/img][/hider] Skills and Abilities: Skye is quite good with her bow, and she is an okay hand-to-hand fighter. She is okay at camouflaging herself, though she could improve these skills with a little more time.