[center][h1]Route 9[/h1] [@Alder][@1Charak2][@ZachChase][@alexfangtalon][/center][hr] [Center][hider=Lusitania Vs Exeggcute] Lusitania shoved away the sudden intrusion that had just barrelled into her. [color=92278f]"Who the hell do you think you are-"[/color] She said instinctively before noticing who it was. [color=92278f]"Oh Chance, What happened to you, you look terrible."[/color] She inclinced nodding at his shoddy attire and bruised body. Calmly Lusitania breathed, she'll ask questions later. Her eyes darting back to the main prey at hand. [color=92278f]"Hello Mr Exeggcute, if you want a battle... Then a battle you should get, Luna! Sand Attack!"[/color] She cried almost instinctively going from semantics to battle ready in less then an instant. Luna began to kick up the dirt that was on the path attempting to obscure the exeggcutes direct vision of the hound. Lusitania bit her lip. How could they get through the reflect, for now they just needed time. The Exeggcute couldn't see through all the dirt, so it began shooting a Barrage of seeds into the cloud in an attempt to hit by sheer numbers. It started to back away slightly so it wouldn't get dirt in its eyes. Luna was hit on the side by a few offshoots of the Exeggcutes attack, but it seemed like it barely phased her. "Thats my girl!" Lusitania called out to her Rockruff. 'Ruff!' She barked back as she looped behind the Exeggcute. [color=92278f]"Tackle now!"[/color] Lusitania declared. Luna responded by tackling the Exeggcute from behind with her full weight. The Rockruff barreled into the Exeggcute, pushing it back further and hurting it a bit, which Exeggcute did not like. So it shot out a series of seeds once again. These ones though would stick to Luna and drain it of its energy. [color=92278f]"That... Son of a."[/color] Lusitania started as she saw the attack it used. She never really liked Leech Seed as a concept let alone an attack. "Uh- ... birds, lots of birds." Chance finally responded, awkwardly standing at the side lines of the battle. He wasn't sure if Lusi was actually fighting a pile of eggs, or that maybe his hunger was getting the better of him. Blitzy and the Feebas also sat at the edge of battle, watching closely to hopefully learn something. [color=92278f]"Oh Shut up Chance, We are fighting. Luna! Bite!" [/color]Lusitania yelled, She couldn't give the Exeggcute time to responded, Luna could take a hit, She just had to win the battle of attrition. They didn't have time to waste with Leech seed going on. Luna rushed forward again and clasped her jaws down on the host of eggs. Biting... Hard. He wasn't sure if he should've interveen. Blitzy was pretty hurt after all those Spearow... but it seems Luna is doing fine, so hopefully they aren't needed. The Exeggcute screamed in pain as it attempted to throw off the Rockruff, but it was too big and Exeggcute just didn't have the strength to throw it off. It started to shoot another Barrage of seeds at Rockruff but it wouldn't do much. Lusitania smiled, They had this battle in the bag. Luna recoiled at the Barrage of seeds hitting her. She let go of the eggs only to bite down hard again at her trainers earnest command. [color=92278f]"Give them no window to strike back."[/color] Lusitania yelled again. That'll show those eggs for thinking her dog was some easy target. Even Chance began to take some notes here... this was interesting to watch. Lusitania seems like an amazing battler... hopefully I won't have to be on the reciving end anytime soon. He sighed to himself as he laid back in the grass, watching and waiting for the fight to end. The Exeggcute thrashed around weakly until the final Bite, where it fainted and collapsed.[/hider][/center] [color=92278f]"Chance, you want it?"[/color] Lusitania gestured toward the fainted pile of eggs. She wasn't going to toss a pokeball at them, The thing had tried to use her dog as a food source. Not cool. "...are they edible?" Chance's only concern right now was food, and it showed. He didn't even realize it, but... those eggs... scrambled, could be good...-- unless they're poisonious or something. [color=92278f]"Probably are, but I don't want to be liable for killing something that gave me a good battle, leave it be, the Exeggcute has earned its keep."[/color] Lusitania said as she pulled out a few pellets of pokefood from her backpack, dropping them in a small pile next to the fainted creature. She made sure of course to throw some towards Luna, whom happily jumped up and ate it with a bark. "So... should we uhm- set up? I can cook some food if you can start a fire." Chance scratched his neck a bit, hehe-- probably shouldn't eat pokemon... not one of those rich jerks who eat slowpoke tails and sharpedo fins. He did have ingredients to make a simple stew though, and even if he isn't the perfect chef he could still make more than cereal and sandwiches. [color=92278f]"Do you even have a tent?"[/color] Lusitania stared at him. Luna padding up to start sniffing the Feebas in his arms. She bared her teeth at it as if to intimadate it like she was pretending she was going to tuck in. [color=92278f]"Either way. Fine, I'll make a Fire, lets just look for somewhere suitable to set up camp."[/color] "Yeah... I have a hammock, all I need is two trees, or I could just use it as a sleeping bag..." Chance scouted the area aswell, looking down at Luna as it bared its teeth at the Feebas, it would wiggle around in his arms a bit before slipping out, trying to slap Luna with its tail before trying to flop away. "Feebas! Gah- nooo..." He'd try to return the Feebas to its pokeball before anything horrible could happen. Lusitania laughed at the flopping feebas. Not because it was ugly or weak like some may think but because it was funny to watch Chance go after it. [color=92278f]"Luna, Fetch."[/color] She said as Luna gently held the Feebas in its teeth and returned it to chance, trying to ignore the fish slapping its tail in their face. Chance whinced a bit, unsure if the Feebas would be okay as it helplessly flopped in Luna's maw. He quickly returned Feebas to it's pokeball, giving Luna a "thank you" pat anyway. Luna barked from the praise. Lusitania sighed getting bored again. [color=92278f]"So are you going to find a spot or what?" [/color]She said impaitently. [color=92278f]"And why are you the only one who's here, where the hell is everyone else?"[/color] She said annoyed. "Well... Leo just ran off and after he did I realized you had ran off too, so when I left I thought Sadie was right behind me... but I had lost her too." Chance would speak as he walked around, Blitzy following behind him as he searched for a nice clearing. Lusitania followed at a slow walking pace, listening to what the boy had to say. Luna weaving between her legs excited for food. "Then I figured out how to catch pokemon after catching a Feebas that slapped me in the face while I was admiring the lake's water." Chance would pull out a small pot from his bag, proping it up with a few sticks. "And then... after that I tried to train the Feebas, which... took a long time and so I feel asleep. Then I woke up, then Blitzy had attracted a large mob of Spearows that chased us off... then we got cornered and had to fight them, THEN after scaring them away a FEAROW showed up! SO, I took off and ran-- and ended up finding you out here." Chance went on and on with his story, setting up the small cooking pot with some sticks and tinder for the fire under it. [color=92278f]"Sounds fun."[/color] Lusitania chuckled as she started to kindle the fire beneath the cooking pot. Eventually getting bored of it, so she just struck the stick and lit the fire. Wondering when the hell everyone else would arrive.