[@Buddha] I guess you have to give a better example of people with mental disorders then, because you actually mentioned ADD/ADHD/ and whatever else in your opening post. What makes you so sure your encounters with people with mental illnesses weren't labels? Perhaps the reason for our differing perceptions is how we view web forums as a whole. When I go to forums frequented by people age 20-25+, very few if any of them complain about their mental problems. They do like to take a spin on the soap box mind you, their mental stability just never seems to come up. It's only in these gathering places of dark, brooding teens do I ever see all of these mental problems. Even in real life I notice that younger people are much more willing to mention they have a mental illness. Because of this personal experience, I believe most of these people claiming to have mental illnesses were either misdiagnosed or simply spent too much time on web MD. Or as you and I have been calling it, a label. But you specified that wasn't what you wanted to talk about. So I must see far more labels and you must see far more genuine mental illnesses, in the exact same people.