[Spruce] Another attack from Giratina, and another bout of pain, this time, located at my left 'leg'. [i]No... this just can't be real, it HAS to be a dream...[/i] I told myself this again, but it just didn't seem to stick, unfortunately, as the imposing figure of the supposed deity pokemon of my supposed home realm remained in front of me, unmoving, and unflinching. "Just give up. With what you've already done, you're better off dead, anyways," I started to speak, but he interrupted me "Your good deeds do NOT outweigh the various dungeons you've destroyed, and the pokemon you've doomed within them... and worse, you've halted my progress, and DOOMED the rest of the void pokemon to a similar fate," I tried to counter his argument, and he laughed, and seemed to respond before I could say anything with "And what's your 'proof' that what you're doing is right, hm? Two traitorous void pokemon's testimony, and ONE instance where you couldn't restore the void leak by returning the crystal? Is that all? I expected you to make a more informed decision than that," Unfortunately, he was right, and I found it even harder to attack him, yet, I still did. Somehow, I managed to pull myself together long enough to use leech seed on him, and somehow, it actually worked. Sure, he didn't notice, and whatever health I got back was negligible compared to Giratina's attacks, but, it helped. [i]If I can just survive, I'm sure someone will find me... I'm sure someone will help me out of this mess...[/i] I thought as I looked for any other way out of this mess... finding nothing, so far, unfortunately. [hr] [Vine] The nurse continued healing him, and he flinched a few more times. "He should be... stable... now... all it will take... is time... now..." That would have been more comforting if she had said it a bit more quickly, but, it was great news, all the same. "You hear that, Celes? He's gonna wake up... eventually, at least," The nurse nodded at that as she left, and Spruce seemed a bit more comfortable, somehow. The guildmaster then walked up to me, and handed me some sort of envelope. I already knew what this was, an important mission that I couldn't ignore. I didn't even bother speaking to him, and instead spoke to Celes. "Celes... when he wakes up, please, give him this," I then handed her a wooden badge, HIS wooden badge that he thought I lost a long time ago... just holding this type of badge reminded me of a time when I was just some weak pokemon with a crazy thought, but, this was his, not mine, and I explained "He'll know what it means, but, please tell him that I never forgot... tell him that I would never forget my little bro," with that, I ran out of the guild, and quickly assembled a team from my recruits, and then ran as quickly as I could to the mission. [hr] [Anthony] The battle was over as soon as it had started, and I finally got myself off of the wall, only to see Reshiram shake his head, again, and say "I'm sorry, but melting the ice walls would anger my brother, and I hope to speak with him, rather than fight him, if it's at all possible," I nodded in understanding and Reshiram seemed to speak to M, saying "Miles Hall, hm? I recall a name like that coming up. Davis had said that was his friend's name. That was also the name of one of Davis' programmers, you know," he seemed to smile at that, but I had no idea what he was talking about. I tried to move forwards, and the ice seemed to have the same idea... the problem with that was that the ice basically flung me into the next wall, and into a fight with two rockruff, and one graveler. As I tried to get myself off of the wall, I got pelted with two rock throws, while the graveler decided to use rollout on Kamina. I would have gotten in the way of that attack, but I couldn't move very well in the ice, and I would have countered the rock throws, but, again, the ice limited my movement, this time... so, I settled with a warning "Kamina! Watch out!" I knew that the rock-type move would hurt him quite a bit, as gyrados were, for whatever reason, flying type pokemon. Oddly, the wild pokemon didn't seem to have any issues moving around in this place... maybe they were just used to it? After all, it's not like any of them could float. [hr] [Nina] "The button simply activates the map. Press it, and it will change Crystal Chasm... just, please note that you should probably be at the entrance when you do this, else you might end up trapped in the walls... had that happen to me a few times, real bothersome," the bronzor explained to us all before finally adding "Perhaps I will follow you in, as well... it would give me a chance to stand up to those jerks who would always give me the stupid or boring jobs, and tell me how incompetent I am, yeah, and with you three, I should be able to go there without getting knocked out instantly," I looked at the team, again, wondering what they'd think... sure, it might be nice to have someone else with us, but, at the same time, it doesn't seem like he was up to the task, before, and might become a liability. I then finally asked them "So, what do you guys think? I'm not really sure, myself... I mean, again, he could be trying to lure us into a trap, where he'll switch sides, but... he COULD potentially be helpful... of course, he could just as easily be a liability to keep around..." of course, once I weighed the pros and cons, it seemed like we'd be better off without him, but, if the rest of my team wanted him to follow us, I wouldn't say no.