[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X4gqYBh.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] Before the scientist could muster a reply, Aiden suddenly jumped in beside Novis and completely ruined the whole thing by refusing to play along. Nov shot him a glare, but couldn't hold it for long before bursting out into a chuckle. The exasperation evident on his friends' faces made it worth it, regardless of whatever the scientist guy thought of them now. Aiden named the team, and the young man seemed to be much more pleased by the wholesome introduction than Nov's grandstanding. Pushing up his glasses by the center, the archaeologist looked at all three of them, and then to their pokemon, before speaking. [color=slategray]"Well, seeing as you seem determined to aid us, there is a task I would like you to settle here in the excavation site. You see..."[/color] [color=red]"We're already on it!"[/color] Novis shouted out, snapping his fingers for effect. Nier barked in agreement, wiggling out of Nov's one-armed grip on him. Ignoring that interruption, the man continued on to actually explain the task at hand. Mid-way, he started to pace around while thinking about something. Nov puffed out his chest-- some random wild pokemon in a fossil site wouldn't be much of a problem at all. At the very least, there was no way they would lose between all three of them. After a bit of consideration, though, the archaeologist turned back towards the group of trainers. [color=slategray]"If you would be so kind, go into these caves and find the pokemon responsible for annoying us."[/color] He pushed up his glasses again, this time by the side of the frame. [color=slategray]"Capture them, knock them out, do what you will; report back to me when you do so."[/color] Novis nodded again, looking over towards the couple of caves the young man had pointed out earlier. He took a few steps towards them before flipping around and pointing at Roxy and Aiden. [color=red]"I don't wanna leave you guys in the dust again,"[/color] Novis said, [color=red]"So hurry up this time!"[/color] [center][b]| Excavation Site |[/b][/center]