[center][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/40jRsnO.png[/img][hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHIo6qwJarI[/youtube][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7sRQBdM.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [indent] | [b]The Overview [/b] | [indent] ■ [b]Introductory[/b] [/indent] | [b]The Setting[/b] | [indent] ■ Metahumans ■The Academy Program [/indent] | [b]The Characters[/b] | [indent] ■ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4074856]Character Sheet[/url] ■ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4074858]Character List[/url] [/indent] | [b]The IC[/b] | [indent] ■ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4074873]TBD[/url] [/indent] | [b]Other[/b] | [indent] ■ TBD [/indent] [/indent] [hr][h1]|| Overview ||[/h1][hr] [indent][b]Co-GMs:[/b] ~TBD~ [b]Genre:[/b] Space, Urban, Superhuman, Scifi, Character Driven, Interaction heavy [b]Recruitment Status:[/b] [b][i][color=Green]Open[/color][/i][/b] [b]Currently looking for:[/b] People fam [b]Players:[/b] [i]0[/i] [indent]The year is 2073. The world has been very, very busy. The human genome contains around 20,000 genes, that is, the stretches of DNA that encode proteins. But these genes account for only about 1.2 percent of the total genome. The other 98.8 percent is known as noncoding DNA. Or, at least, that’s what we [i]initially[/i] thought. You see, there was always something peculiar about how a person’s genome overlapped with a banana’s by a margin of fifty-odd percent. Scientists rationalized it as evolution. For the most part, they were right. Mutation is the driving force of evolution, and recently mother nature has been going through a lot of heavy stuff- because from what it looks like, everything we thought we knew has been taking place at a rate far faster than we initially thought. Over the past forty years, a small but notable percentage of the human race began to display... [i]characteristics[/i] for the lack of a better term. Super strength, the ability to manipulate the elements, telekinesis, and other incredible powers began to pop up across the globe. Most of these gifted people were killed out of fear. However, those that survived used their powers to gain influence or control. As areas became affected, the government of that place began to work to contain and neutralize the situation. And it worked. Well, temporarily. You see, these situations happened several times, always with the same results, and always with some loss of life. It became a trend, and the populace began to notice that it wasn’t just over-dramatization by the media. The United Nations called for research, and research they did have. Some form of energy was pulling some form of genetic trigger in the chromosomes of affected individuals. No two metahumans were alike. Even those with similar powers always seemed to have completely different active areas- often overlapping with the areas that other, seemingly unrelated powers had. No one knew who would be affected, what caused the mutant genes to activate, and where the trigger even was. All that the world knew, was that it was only affecting babies, and humans of incredible power were being born. Despite such limited knowledge, human understanding of power rocketed forward. With most if not all adult metahumans exterminated, society underwent a paradigm shift towards these gifted beings. Babies began getting tested at birth for active metahuman genes, and those affected lived [i]slightly[/i] different lives that the common man. Men in black, government officials, stopped by your place or residence once a week to monitor your development. If one’s living conditions were bad enough, they were brought to live on government ground in one of their ‘Academies’. Superhuman education was a large part of your life. You know what you are, and you know what will happen if you abuse your power. And now, those government officials have arrived at your door. You have either been asked and accepted the invitation, or have been forced, to take a trip outside the Earth’s atmosphere- and to the United Nation’s most progressive endeavor yet. Welcome to The Promise. The school among the stars.[/indent][/indent] [hr][h1]|| Plots ||[/h1][hr] [quote][b]1.0 Houston, We Have Liftoff.[/b] [list][*][i]The cast is brought together to depart on the greatest journey they will ever take. Today, they leave the earth, and take a trip towards the stars.[/i][/list] [hr][/quote] [h3][hr]| Plot Template |[hr][/h3] [pre] [quote][b][Plot Name Here][/b] [list][*][i]Description of plot here.[/i][/list] [hr][/quote] [/pre] [hr][h3]| [i]Previous Plots[/i] |[/h3][hr] N/A [hr][h1]|| [i]Rules & Notes[/i] ||[/h1][hr] [hider=1. In-Character Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]1.01[/b]] The usual rules. No godmodding, metagaming, powerplaying, autohitting, etc. Just don’t be a dick. [[b]1.02[/b]] Swearing, alcohol, drugs, and sex are fully permitted in the RP long as you do not overdo it excessively. Although, good luck getting it on board a space station. [[b]1.03[/b]] There will character deaths in this RP. By submitting a sheet, you acknowledge that your character will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. If your character does something dangerous, then they may get injured or die. Don't Godmod your way out of it. I won't purposely go out and kill characters (That I [i]like[/i]), but I may purposely injure them for the sake of the story. [[b]1.04[/b]] I’m pretty easy going when it comes to posting. If you can only post once a week, dont hop into an interaction that’s time sensitive out of courtesy. If you can’t continue, please say if you're leaving the RP, especially if you're in the middle of any interactions/important subplots. Inactive characters will likely be forgotten about, or killed off if they were significant enough to the story. [[b]1.05[/b]] I don't care too much about post length. I rather have a short meaningful post over one full of filler. That said, all I want is [i]one[/i] paragraph. Just one. Be prepared for some long posts every now and then. However, I expect average writing [i]at least[/i]. I also recommend that, once we get into the mix of things, you do plenty of collaboration posts.[/indent][/hider] [hider= 2. Out-of-Character Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]2.01[/b]] Respect everyone else at all times, please. Solve conflict with civility. Last thing I want is for things to become toxic. The golden rule is: Don't be a dick. [[b]2.02[/b]] Me and my GMs have the final say. We aren't tyrants, but if things get out of hand, we'll have to settle things ourselves. [[b]2.03[/b]] I'd rather that we talk on the OOC as much as possible - even if it's irrelevant chatter. I makes the RP seem more lively, and keeps everyone attached to it. [[b]2.04[/b]] I’m pretty relaxed with character sheets. Please don’t make me regret that by thinking my criticism of your Edgelord McDarkness character is a personal attack. [[b]2.05[/b]] Feel free to ask about anything, anything that I don’t cover here. I'll happily answer them. [[b]2.02[/b]] I plan to enforce a strict pro-shitpost policy. Send me all your spicy memes. [[b]2.07[/b]] Whatever you do, do not listen to anything [@Mr Allen J] has to say.[/indent] [/hider] [hider= 3. Character Creation Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]3.01[/b]] This is a casual RP, but I expect a moderate amount of detail when writing your sheet. The one thing I tend to make people go back and edit is a lack of detail. On the same note, [i]try[/i] to make your characters interesting. [[b]3.02[/b]] You have a great deal of freedom when creating a character. You can make someone of any gender, sexuality, background, etc. Long as it's written respectfully. I will not accept characters with mental illnesses unless they are written correctly. [[b]3.03[/b]] I'm gonna say it now; I'm not a fan of sociopaths/psychopaths, dark and tragic backstories (Without proper mental repercussions), one-note "badasses", perfect characters, and any of the sort. So keep that in mind when planning your character. [[b]3.04[/b]] "Magic" does not exist in the setting. This RP will be mainly scifi with slight paranormal themes here and there. There will a suspension of disbelief for artistic license but let’s not do anything too drastic please. [[b]3.05[/b]] The following powers are banned; "instant death" powers, mind/character control, time powers, anything with "omni-" attached to it, reality warping, darkness manipulation (that has to do with creating solid constructs out of it- same goes for light), gravity manipulation, life-force absorption, complete indestructibility/absolute defense, and probability manipulation. I also will not accept characters that have powers that can only be used in a fight. [[b]3.06[/b]] I encourage a written description for the character's appearance section. If you want, you can provide a picture. It must be a real photo, or a realistically drawn one. [[b]3.07[/b]] You can make a non-Metahuman if you want, although they’d have to be on The Promise for a reason. [[b]3.08[/b]] Please don't post a "wip" sheet. Post the complete version or don't post it at all. [[b]3.09[/b]] You can submit your own NPCs, long as they are important enough to the story (Or your character) to warrant one. [[b]3.10[/b]] You are free to make as many characters as you can handle. Unless it gets [i]really[/i] ridiculous, I won't chime in. [[b]3.11[/b]] Remember, when a person is invited to The Promise, it is because they were either selected in a random lottery draw, or because they are criminal and The Promise is the last thing between them and being shot into the sun. [/indent][/hider]