[center][hr][hr][h1]||| The Setting: Metahumans |||[/h1][hr][hr][/center] [center][hr][h2]|| Metahuman Information ||[/h2][hr][/center] [indent]Mutants, Freaks, Overhumans... Commonly called Meta-humans are normal humans that were afflicted with a strange condition that has given them powers that defied the laws of nature and physics. Men with super strength, women who can teleport, children who can control nature itself. These powers are extremely varied. These abilities stem from a strange energy that resides deep within them. It is an invisible energy that is extremely hard to detect through normal means. This energy inhabits a Meta-human's entire body, from their skin, to their bones, to their blood. The energy isn't detrimental to them, or the environment, not even in the slightest, it can even be called beneficial. What is interesting is that scientists have observed that while the trigger seems to universally act the same, everyone’s activation zone is in a different spot. This is believed to be related to how no Meta-human has the same exact power. Meta-humans are born with their genes activated, but some do not trigger until later into their lives. Powers received are sporadic at best. There is no way to predict what power a Meta-human will have, nor when they will develop powers. That said, any power a Meta-human receives is almost random. Completely unrelated to race, culture, education, or physical activity. It is also theorized that every human being has the potential to become a meta-human if they were to have the genetic trigger mechanism. However, there are such a thing as hereditary powers. Powers passed from parents to the children, or simply run in the family. These are relatively uncommon, but this is the reason why there are entire families of Meta-humans. However, while inherent powers do exist, anyone will get a different version of a passed down power. In what ways vary. Sometimes it's a slight difference, then other times there's a difference in function, or they will have an ability that nobody else have. Like it's been stated before, Inherent powers are uncommon, but there is a chance family members will get a power. Which will be explained below. Meta-human’s powers are very much like a muscle in that they are normally only capable of using a fraction of their full strength. These natural limits are theorized to be in place so that they don't hurt themselves. However, similar to flight-or-flight, high-stress situations allow Meta-humans to push themselves beyond their blocks, and develop them in the process. However, while powers are truly incredible, they come at a price. Powers have a toll on the body and mind. Excessive and unrestrained use would cause what could be described as physical overexertion. They'll get tired and weak from use, along with some bodily damage. Pushing powers beyond their limits in high stress situations cause even worse problems, and at it's most extreme, it may cause an effect known as "Ashing". This is basically an extremely deadly aliment where a Meta-human self destructs. Their powers shut off, and all their cells will die at an alarmingly fast rate. Their cells will drop off their body like specs of ash, and this process will continue until there is absolutely nothing left of a Meta-human. This state is extremely deadly, and there's a mere 4% chance of survival - Even if a ashing victim does survive, there are some permanent physical damage (Amputation, Brain damage, loss of powers, etc, etc - Are a few). Ashing is what Meta-humans truly fear, as any meta-human can ash if they are not careful. The North American Metahumans were regulated by state governments in the past. Now the United Nations has taken the reins and has a more socially aware way of dealing with Metahumans. Metahumans, young and old, are educated and made sure they are mentally well and adjusted. Assisting them in getting jobs, and are properly integrated into society. So far, the UN’s plans are certainly working effectively. The main thing that UN changed was how Metahumans were registered. Opposed to previous habits of concentration camps, Metahumans are uploaded to a database with their information, whereabouts, superpowers, etc. Their DNA are uploaded into the system, and a registered UN ‘visitor’ (of which two will visit a metahuman once a week on a weekly basis) have a DNA scanner in which they can quickly access the database and access their information. To avoid scrutiny from some countries, and to avoid breaking several Geneva conventions, Metahumans are not allowed to join any official army, nor are they allowed to participate in any wars. There was always a prejudice against Metahumans, organizations in the past did what they could to alleviate it, but they couldn't do everything. There would always be people out that hate them. After the many previous battles, society’s fear of them was far from justified. Tension is at an all time low, but is ever present. A meta abilities stem from energy. Upon stepping aboard, metahuman’s on The Promise are injected with nanomachines that limit the maximum potential of a metahumans abilities. These limiters do this by monitoring the amount of energy being produced. If it gets too high, it forces them back down. Most people are on The Promise for eight years- from high school until they finish a collage level course, or until they finish the four years of power control training should they decide not to attend further schooling. After each year their power modifiers are modified to allow a larger and larger percentage of their power to be used. Once they hit eight years, it is deactivated, but can be reactivated remotely if necessary. Teachers are almost always much more powerful and experienced than most students due to having deactivated limiters. For example: A first year super strength metahuman, even if they normally have the strength to lift four tons, may only be able to lift a ton. A teacher with the same power would probably have no issues lifting four. It should also be noted that limiters are used on a case by case basis- with the more dangerous powers being more heavily regulated. The purpose of these limiters is to prevent ashing, and prevent students who are not experienced with their power from causing damage to themselves, The Promise, or other students. As the student becomes more adept, their limiters are adjusted accordingly. [/indent] [hr][h2]|| Classifications of Metahumans ||[/h2][hr] [hider][hr][h3]| Cerebral |[/h3][hr] [indent][b]| The Mind |[/b] Easily the most straight forward out of all the power types; Cerebral powers have something to do with the mind. Any power that has something to do with the mind. Out of the three primary power types, Cerebral powers are the least diverse. Usually falling under powers that let people gather information, alter minds, or exert their wills on the outside world. Telepathy and Telekinesis are the primary Cerebral ability - with a great deal of the Cerebral types have differing versions of those two powers. There are a variety of other Cerebral abilities (Astral projection, Memory Manipulation, etc). [i] Subclasses:[/i][/indent] [list] [*][b]| Extra-Sensory |[/b] The Extra-sensory class entails powers that allow people to gather (and sometimes share) information on a extra-mental level. A sixth sense you could say. Powers under this sub-class strictly deal with gathering information. Telepathy is stated to be under this class, yet the powers that are mainly under this class are Extra-sensory powers such as ESP, Precognition, Retrocognition, etc.[/list] [list] [*][b]| Domination |[/b] Domination class powers are abilities that are mental in nature that allow people to manipulate the minds of those around them. This class can work in many ways; from control of animals, to affecting emotions, or outright mind control. Unlike what the name implies, not all powers have to do with mind control. They can be the subtle powers that are suggestive in nature. Many of these metahumans are put down by their ‘Visitors’ at a young age. Domination Powers include: Mind/Emotion Control, Animal Manipulation, etc. [/list] [hr][h3]| Super-System |[/h3][hr] [indent][b]| The Body |[/b] Super-System type Meta-humans have abilities related to the body of themselves and/or others. Super-System powers are easily the most diverse out of all the Power Classes. Any power that changes (or enhances) the body in any way can be classified as a Super-System power. Powers such as Super strength/speed, flight, and Regeneration are prime examples of Super-System abilities. [i] Subclasses:[/i][/indent] [list] [*][b]| Bestial |[/b] A very common sub-type of Metahuman, Bestial Metahumans have traits from the Animal kingdom. Most, generally, have the traits of one Animal. These abilities are divided into two functions; either they're permanently altered with the animal traits, or they have the ability to transform into animals. They don't exactly [i]have[/i] to be based off an animal, a Metahuman can simply have animal-like, or have bestial traits.. [/list] [list] [*][b]| Biological |[/b] Those under the Biological class have the direct ability to actively manipulate their biology and anatomy, rather than have permanent alterations. They have the ability to manipulate the biological makeup of themselves and others. Bones, blood, skin, muscle, etc. This can include shape-shifting, growing new muscles, and skin-manipulation. Many of these metas are carefully monitored if not neutralized as soon as their powers begin to develop. [/list] [list] [*][b]| Mimicry |[/b] Mimicry type powers are the set of abilities that allow the user to adopt or completely copy certain external aspects of other objects. Men that can change their appearances, women who can change their volumes, children who can multiply themselves all fall under this category. Metahumans like these can be incredible hard to keep track of. [/list] [hr][h3]| Elemental |[/h3][hr] [indent][b]| The World |[/b] Those under the Elemental class have the ability to warp matter and energy to their will. Most Elemental types have control over one, or several similar, elements. Many of them function the same way, in the way that each Elemental-type has the ability to move the Element that they have control over, along with a few extra tricks. However, not all Elemental types are the same. Any ability relating to a kind of matter falls under the Elemental Class. [i]Subclasses:[/i][/indent] [list] [*][b]| Energy |[/b] Energy-types are Metahumans with an affinity over Energies. They operate similarly to Elemental-types, they can generally create and control an energy they are attuned to. This is a very broad definition. It can range from electricity, to fire, to sunlight, or sound. [/list] [list] [*][b]| Physiology |[/b] Physiological elemental powers are a set of abilities that allow their user to transform themselves into an element, or otherwise take the properties of it. These abilities are quite versatile as their main class. They can be any element, even tethering into the energy sub-type at times. [/list] [hr][h3]| Power |[/h3][hr] [indent][b]| The Essence |[/b] The least common type of Meta-human out there. Opposed to altering the mind, body, or the world, Power-types alter the very essence of Superpowers; the Meta-human energy. For example they can alter it (On a large, or small, scale) to give themselves different powers (Power replication comes to mind), or enhance, or weaken, the powers of others. [i]Subclasses:[/i][/indent] [list] [*][b]| Replication |[/b] Replication type abilities are another form of Power type. Replicators are known as those who can mirror the abilities of other Metahumans, and use them for themselves. They are known to be the most versatile brand of Metahuman, as they can figuratively have any power within the spectrum. However, many of them are limited in how many abilities they can hold, or alternatively can only replicate certain kinds of power. Many have limiters that adjust the complexity of the abilities they can copy, oftentimes simplifying the power they receive from their host.[/list] [list] [*][b]| Charger |[/b] This is the other Power-type, Chargers are Metahumans who can either enhance or weaken the abilities of others. Depending on whether their genes work to dampen or enhance their surroundings such powers can include power boosters, upgraders, nullifiers, etc. Many of these are limited by the amount of power they can cancel out, or limit the area of effect.[/list] [list] [*][b]| Anchor |[/b] Anchors are Metahumans who have abilities that prevent chargers and replicators from limiting or adopting their characteristics and abilities. Almost all power anchors have some visibly mutated aspect of their beings that have permanently changed their physiology and physical bodies. Most power class metahumans copy or limit the energy that is produced by another metahuman's genome. Most anchors on the other hand do not produce this energy in the same form. Anchors cannot be charged, or nullified. 90% of Anchors are Beastial or Biological in nature. But there ARE some exceptions.[/list] [h3]| Other |[/h3] [indent]Powers that simply don't fall under the above categories.[/indent] [/hider] [center][hr][h1]|| The Setting: The Academy Program ||[/h1][hr][/center] [indent]Academy programs are world-wide organizations that work in conjunction with the many governments of the world in order to produce safe learning environments and to teach Metahumans to use their powers. They are a global organization that caters to this specific goal. There are hundreds of Academies based in North America, and thousands around the world. The students are the purpose of the Academy, for they are trained in how to use their powers in accordance to their nation's standards. The students are given real skills so they can possibly survive out in the world. The main thing the students are put through are trials, some of which are tackled in groups whilst others are faced alone. Students are scored based on how well they perform in these trials and those who score higher have a tendency to graduate at a faster rate. The Academy excepts a wide variation of student age groups, ranging from students just learning to walk to elder men and women, all coming from a variety of different backgrounds. There are two types of student: "Fresh" students are the boys and girls that are fresh to the Academy. "Full" students are the people who choose to live on the Academy full time, either to because they have not completed their training, or because they don't have a stable home nearby. That's one thing that the Academy Program is known for - they house Metahumans who are wards of the state, where foster parents are incapable of taking them in. The Academies are usually staffed by Metahumans (as that's the best way to teach someone how to use their powers), but they are also staffed by regular people. Many of these empowered teachers are known as Instructors. The Instructors are Metahumans that teach the students how to use their powers in efficient, safe and practical manners. There's a large team of them, though nowhere near as many students. Each of them specializes in a different type of power. Whether it's Elemental training, or Shape-shifting and transformations. They do it all, and they can help their students. [b]The Promise[/b] is the largest and grandest academy ever dreamt or built. The central column of the space station is over five miles long, with the thirty seven hexagonal living spaces branching off of it being two miles in diameter and having their own various environments. Each most students under the ages of 18 live in housing complexes, or dorms. Older students have the opportunity to purchase private housing with credits, the currency of the stations. Credits can be used to purchase most anything available on earth and are earth by going to classes or performing jobs that benefit the station- be it doing repairs or simply working a job at one of the retail centers around the station. Credits are distributed by Terabyte. The entire space station’s main operating system is run but an AI named Terabyte. Terabyte was a Metahuman who died on The Promise- and was arguably the most powerful technomancer to ever live. Due to her late stage lung and heart cancer, her last project was to copy and convert her mind into that of an AI's. While she might be gone, her legacy keeps on living by assisting the staff and students on The Promise. Most other functions such as the private internet connection, the station economy, and grades are also managed by Terabyte. Terabyte is on constant surveillance of all indoor (and even some outdoor) areas, but due to ethics cannot repeat what she sees unless specifically requested to by authorized personnel. When a student graduates from The Promise, they are sent back to earth to live their lives. However, The Promise is known for extending an invitation to graduated students that fall within the top ten percent of the graduating class. Some do take the opportunity, and some do not. Oftentimes seniors preparing to graduate will shadow instructors or staff that have been hired for positions similar to the ones they are on track to hold.[/indent] [hr][h1]|| Credits ||[/h1][hr] [indent][sub][i] [@Mr Allen J] - The asshole who gave me permission to use his sheet platform. Credentials to him and all those who helped him make [i]this abomination.[/i] [/i][/sub] [sub][i] [@SepticGentleman] - Creative and artistic brilliance and generally having talent. Still trying to figure that part out. Also, he's a shitty lobster.[/i][/sub][/indent] [hr] [hider=No longer a space dick sorry to disappoint] .……………………._„„„--~””””¯””~-, .………………„-~”¯;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ .…………„-~”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ .…….„~”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;\ .…,-“;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;\ .../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;\ .…\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;\ .…..\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;\ .…….\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;\, .………\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;”-,………………¸~””) .………..\,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;”-,……….,-~”;;;;;/ .……….…\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;\…..,~“;;;;;;;,-‘.…_,-~"¯¯"~-, .……….…..\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”,-“;;;;;;__„-~"¯¯:::,-~~-,_::::"-„ .……….……\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;„~”;;;;„~"¯::::::::::::::":::::::::::::::: ::\ .……….…….\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;,-~”__„„„-"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-, .……….……..\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;,-~”-~"::,-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::"~-, .……….………\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;„~":: __„-~":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::"-, .……….……….\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_„-~”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::_„„-~,~~~~--,:| .………_„„„----~~\.……;;;;;,„-~”¯¸„„--~-,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _,-~":'\'-,:\:|:\|::\|\:|:\:| ...,-~”¯;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”-;_„„-~”::::::,-‘::::_:::::::::\:\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::,~':\'-,::',"-\::'':"::::::::\|:|/ ...”-,_;;;;;;;_¸„„--~~””_,-'"~----":|::/,~"¯"-::|::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,~"::\'-,:\;;'-';;;;;;;;;;;,-'::\::|/ .…….¯¯¯.………,-':::::::::::::::\'-\~"¯_/:::/::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,-',::\'-,:|::";;;;;;;;;;;;,-':\:'-,::\ .……….…………|::::::::::::::::::\¸:'~'::::,-'::,':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,-':\'-,:\'-,';;';;;;;;;;;;;;;,-':\:::'\-,|'' .……….………...|::,-~"::::::::::::/"~-~"::,-'::::::::::::::::::::::::_,-~':\'-,|:"'";;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'¯::'-,:',\| .……….………../::/::::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::_,„-~"¯\:\'-,|;''-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'--,::\-:\:\| .……….………/::::|::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::,-';;'-';;;;',/;\/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-.,|:::\-,:|\|..\| .……….……./:::::::\:::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-~'''("-.,\:::|\:|::'' .……….…...,':::::::,':::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::: ::::,-'/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,--'::::::/"~' .……….…..,'::::::::|:::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::, „-~"::|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'::::::::,'::::/ .……….…./:::::::::|:::::::::::::„-|--~~""¯¯¯::',:::::,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,':::::::|_ ,-' .………...,'::::::::::::",:,-~"¯::::|::::"-,::::::::::|:::/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,':::::::|::::,' .………../:::::::::::::::|::::::::::::|:::::::"-,:::::::\:::|¯¯¯"""~-,~,_/:::::,':::/ .……..,-“::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::|::::::::::"~-,_::|::\: : : : : : |: : \::::::::/:/ .…..,-“:::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::|::",:::::::::::: :"-':::\: : : : : :|: : :\::::::|::|\ -------- I SAY! ...,-“::::::::::::::::::::::\::::::::::::|::::",::::::: :::::::::::\: : : : : :\: : :|:::::|::|;;\ .-“:::::::::::::::::::::::::::"-,::::::::|:::::::",:::::::::::::::/|\ ,: : : : : : : |::::,'/|::::| .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"-,:::::|::::::::::"-,_::::::::::\|:/|,: : : : : : :|:::|'-,/|:::| .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,|_::::::::::::::"~-,_:::"-,/|/\:::::::::::\:::\"-/|::| .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::"~-,_::::::::::::',"-,:::"_|/\:|\: : : : \::\":/|\| .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: :::"~-,_:::::\:::\:::"~/_:|:|\: : : '-,\::"::,'\ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: ::::::::::"-,_:'-,::\:::::::"-,|:||\,-, : '-,\:::|-'-„ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: :::::::::::::::,-,'"-:"~,:::::"/_/::|-/\--';;\:::/:||\-, .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: ::::::::::::::/...'-,::::::"~„::::"-,/_:|:/\:/|/|/|_/:| .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: :::::::::::::|……"-,::::::::"~-:::::""~~~"¯:::| .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: :::::::::::::|………"-,_::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: :::::::::::::\………….."~--„___„„-~~" .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::: ::::::::::::::\............... .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O::::::::: :::::::::::::\.............. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::\ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::\ [/hider]