Hey Everybody It's Me, Lazer I've been roleplaying on and off for about 8 something years I wanna say? I don't know, the exact length I don't think matters too much because honestly I've only been writing stuff I can take any kinda pride in for the past four, maybe five of those years. Most of my experience has been in play-by-post forum roleplaying, but it's been a good long while since I've actually been in one. The past few years my main squeeze has been Tumblr roleplaying, specifically Danganronpa original character RPs. I'm starting to kind of phase out of those, though, particularly because I haven't. Actually cared all too much about the canon Danganronpa series for a good stretch of time. It was pretty much just my and other peoples' OCs that's kept me hanging on. I've still got a few more of those to finish up, but after that I'm thinking I'm just about donezo, and I wanna start getting my ducks in a row for what comes next. So that's led me here! I googled "roleplay forum" aaaand this one showed up a little ways down. I don't have a concrete idea of where I wanna go from here but I know there's no rush. Snooping around'll be half the fun. That's the basic RP stuff out of the way, so what else we got? My FULL handle I use just about everywhere is Lazerbones McGraw, but no one but my bank calls me that (plus it wouldn't fit the 15-character limit anyway, just Lazer's fine). I'm a 22 year old dude from Ohio, currently living out of state but hoping to move back whenever I get the opportunity. I'm into pro wrestling and in any given setting I'll try to worm in a way to make a character who's a pro wrestler or at least reminiscent of a pro wrestler. I have a big ol collection of aloha shirts, I enjoy a nice frosty beer every now and again, and I can recite the entire Link and the Faces of Evil intro movie from memory and I do the voices every time. Aaaand that seems like as good a place as any to cut off. I'm excited to get started and looking forward to mingling y'all!