[h2][color=lightblue]Location: Route 13, Excavation Site[/color][/h2] Aiden listened intently on what the archaeologist had to say before smiling at his teammates. Glad to see that they were all gungho for the adventure. Roxy let her timid and uneasy look fade away. Novis didn't seem so annoyed by the prospect of, "just looking at rocks all day." And now they were ahead of him. Regardless he was set to join them and before long he spoke up to say, [color=lightblue]"What my energetic friend said was true, we'll take care of it and don't you worry. We'll be back soon with good news!"[/color] From there Aiden ran after his friends, Zorex staying close by and once again smiling from ear to ear like he always did. Adventure awaited and now they had their first real quest. Aiden followed his friends into the caves and regardless of how the light situation was inside he reached into his pack to pull out a small but seemingly bright flashlight to light their way into the possibly dark caves. Though the deeper they went the more uneasy Zorex seemed to get. He was in his element persay, but he spent almost all of his life running around in fields and through trees, not cooped up in a small cave. Aiden was quick to support his friend, patting him on his head to reassure him that no matter what he was there to help him get through this strange new type of landscape. It seemed to work too as that big lovable grin came back to Zorex's face, even if he was still a tad upset by his surroundings. [color=lightblue]"Keep an open eye guys. The archaeologist said there was aggresive Pokemon here so make sure they don't get the drop on you."[/color] Aiden said trying to look out for his companions, even if they most likely already new that this wasn't exactlya friendly situation.