[center][h1]The Excavation Cave Crew[/h1] - Roxanne ([@Shadeflare123]), Novis ([@Sen]), Aiden ([@Deos Morran])[/center][hr] As they would delve deeper into the cave, the pathways were lightly illuminated with faint, tiny lightposts, just enough to see the walls nearby, and barely ahead. After all, the archaeologists did need light to at least spot some sort of difference in the walls. Speaking of which, there were chunks missing here and there, most likely from various discoveries they had made. The only signs of pokemon life inside was the constant, eerie feeling that while they walked, they could feel something staring at them in the darkness. Several pairs of eyes would occasionally reveal themselves, only to scamper away the moment they were noticed into smaller holes, most likely made by the pokemon they were hunting. As soon as Aiden told them not to let them get the drop on 'em, what sounded like a drill could be heard from the wall above them. It was faint at first, like a slight humming sound that gradually got louder until suddenly, the ceiling above them began to shake. It then began to crack slightly, dirt dust falling to the ground below before finally 3 pokemon burst from a hole in the ceiling where the crack was, a drilbur spinning down and landing in front of the group, a rockruff and larvitar in tow. What was interesting, however, was that the larvitar was also holding a small bag that looked like it belonged to the scientists, with various stones shining in the light as they were barely visible from the opening in the bag. The larvitar tossed it to the side, to which all 3 of them were looking for a battle. They all were shouting at the trainers, telling them in pokemon language how this was their cave now and anything in it belonged to them, and if they didn't leave they'd make 'em leave.