[img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/081/f/b/anime_boy_black_hair_and_red_eyes_by_shadowsinthesea-d7b8k4k.jpg[/img] Name: Zerus, God of Shadows Appearance: A young teenage boy with black hair, pale skin, and red eyes. He usually has bandages wrapped around his hands for some reason or other. He wears mainly black robes and the like. Domains: Shadows, the Night, dark actions. Realm: Land of Shadows, similar to the mortal plane, but covered in darkness. Personality: Is fairly antisocial but will interact with his sibling if the need arises. Will clash with some, but that is mainly out of conflict of interest. Demeanor: Most mortals are wary or even afraid of Zerus, but there are few that have demeanors similar to him, and those few are the ones that catch his eye, and were relationships may arise. Favored Subjects: Morticians, grave workers, emo-types, those who practice in dark arts.