The explosion catching Celty by surprise and Quinn taking the brunt of it shocked her and made her body freeze for a moment. She coughed and took Quinn's hand to stand. Once on her feet she coughed again and dusted herself off a bit. Heart racing she grabbed her bag that had fallen off her shoulder and put it back on. "I'm not allowed to touch things anymore." Celty said half joking and half fearful. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she looked at Quinn then at Jake and rushed to the door. "Let's go. Even if it's not the Blood Army someone could've heard that and could be on their way." Celty stood by the door, rifle in her arms now instead of slung around her shoulder. Almost as instinct when Celty heard the shouting she raised her rifle and pointed it in the direction they heard it come from. "We don't have long. I don't have a visual yet, but will soon. I can pick a couple off when I do, but we better run like hell." her tone got colder and less frightened. Celty waited for the slightest hint of a figure before preparing herself for the recoil each shot would have. "We have less than five until they get here." she watched them through her scope and judged the time off of their distance. Slowly she put her finger on the trigger and waited till they were in good enough range.