[Center][H1][color=orange]Darius[/color] & [color=fff79a]Dike[/color][/H1][/Center] [color=fff79a]"Your turn for watch."[/color] Feeling what he thought was someone's boot gently nudging his side, Darius groggaly opened his eyes and sat up, hoping to tell whoever was doing it to stop. Seeing Dike standing near him, Darius slowly felt the memories of what had happened yesterday filter into his consciousness, which soon reminded him that it was his turn for watch. Standing up and taking a moment to make sure he was fully awake, Darius nodded to Dike before finding a plave to watch the surrounding area from. Soon finding a spot in a nearby tree, he watched the night slowly become dawn. As this was happening, he started thinking about all of the stuff that happened. [color=orange](I never thought that helping someone would lead to helping carry a letter like this. It's just a bit weird isn't it?)[/color] Sighing, he took a moment to pull out the letter and look at it. After several minutes of looking at the odd text, he put it away, deciding that it was probably written in another language. Taking out one of his throwing knives next, he practiced tossing it away from himself and catching it mid air. after a while he made it a challenge to see how much he could change its initial path before catching it. He soon got so caught up in it that he nearly let go of it mid catch when he heard Dike shift arround in his sleep. Remembering what he was supposed to be doing, Darius put his throwing knife away and waited until the sun had fully risen before waking Dike. Soon after having a bite to eat, they cleaned up camp and continued making their way to Alfheim.