Stats are a work in progress, but everything else is done, I guess. Posting so my fears of accidentally deleting it aren't justified. Please do have a look. [center][color=#ffffff][h1]【[u][b][/b]Daigo Serizawa - [i]Wild Animal[/i][/u]】[/h1][/color] [img][/img] 【[url=]A fond farewell[/url][b]||[/b][url=]To my dear friends[/url][b]||[/b][url=]On the wild side.[/url]】[h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Quit the whining, ladies, it's time to get dangerous."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center][hider][center][u][b][h2]【Personal Info】[/h2][/b][/u][/center] [hider][indent]【[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Daigo Serizawa 【[u][i]Nicknames:[/i][/u] Dai, Old Man Dai (Dai-jii), Crazy Old Man 【[u][b][i]Alias:[/i][/b][/u] Wild Animal 【[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Most recent records say around 543; he himself has forgotten/neglected to remember. 【[u][i]Age Appearance:[/i][/u] Late 30's 【[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male 【[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Soul (Shinigami) 【[u][i]Former Rank:[/i][/u] 4th Seat 【[u][i]Former Division:[/i][/u] 5th Division 【[u][i]Additional Appearance Info:[/i][/u] Daigo is an intimidating old man that doesn't stand tall at only 5'5", but boasts a sinister poker face to make up for his height. Weighing 78 kg of muscle, he possesses a toned and battle-tempered build, numerous scars adorned on his rough pale olive skin. He has wavy black hair that is tied back in a messy ponytail that looks like an explosion of tangled locks. Lining his chin is an inconsistent shave; sometimes he lets it grow fully, sometimes he shaves it clean. Most times, you'll see a scruffy five o'clock shadow. Owing to his intimidation factor, Dai has piercing brown eyes with rather small pupils. For much of his time walking on earth, he sticks to his old standard issue shihakusho, his zanpakuto taking its rightful place fastened on the left side of his waist. Recently, he has attempted to try more...humanly styles of clothing, much to the embarrassment of his fellow exiled. 【[u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] For Daigo Serizawa, everything began with opening his eyes and finding himself in a place both alien and familiar simultaneously: the Rukongai. Like most souls that end up there, he remembered nothing of the life he once held, but couldn't be bothered to care even if he did. This realm he was plunged into was dangerous; one wrong step could mean the death of him. He focused on the now rather than the past or future. Having little options, Dai learned to just run away at the first sight of danger, but the day he picked up a fallen bandit's blade was the day the game changed. It was like something awakened inside of him. How natural the sword sung in his hands, it could only be fate. Thus began the infamy of Daigo Serizawa as a renegade bladesman, fighting for his right to live in this chaotic cluster of shitty districts. Drifting between gangs and unscrupulous groups, he had a hand in countless crimes and murders, surely taking a toll on his conscience, but always justified by 'I did what I have to do'. There was little to no purpose in his 'life' besides making sure he saw tomorrow in one piece. Even when he was informed that his new existence was actually the afterlife, Daigo couldn't care less. He was the picturesque drifter; a man with blade in hand and no purpose but to fight and survive. Daily life in the Rukongai was shaped by those kind of people. And sometimes, the lucky among them rose to greatness alongside the famed Shinigami ranks. Dai never imagined himself having a place with them, the uptight enforcers of spiritual balance and law. They didn't seem like the kind of people that would take on one such as him. Imagine his surprise when the otherwise proved to be the case. On one seemingly normal day, Daigo was locked in combat with some upstart punks. They were fighting over a slice of bread. He dispatched them easily, poor bastards limping away on their last legs. But just when he started to walk away, he heard from them another scream. He turned back and they were gone. Completely gone. In their place was a massive, ape-like creature. All gray except for its white, macabre mask, it devoured the bodies of the punks he had beaten up. Blood stained its hands and mask. This must be a Hollow, the horrible beings that were the bane of Seireitei. For Daigo, just another enemy to slay. He daringly squared off against the Hollow, the two proving to be quite the even match. For every strike and swipe it dealt out, Dai's blade had an equally potent answer for it. Twenty grueling minutes of bloody combat later, he finally struck the final blow, killing the troublesome Hollow, but not before he could suffer significant wounds. Dai could've easily bled out, but thankfully a strike team of Shinigami moved into the scene to clean up the mess essentially. Too late for his tastes, but they had a healer with them who gladly brought him back to health, which was nice. It was clear to the Soul Reapers that this man, whoever he was, knew how to fight, at least enough to dispatch a Hollow on his own. The apparent leader of the strike team extended to him a hand of thanks and strongly suggested that he make for Shin'o Academy and become a Shinigami. After giving him some directions, they just...left as quickly as they came. The Shinigami were an interesting sort, he'll give them that. But the suggestion was not entirely ignored by Daigo. Having his strength recognized by the Shinigami was the closest anything has gotten him to being flattered. Perhaps with them, he could finally have purpose after all. He headed on over to Shin'o Academy, where the entrance exam found him worthy of entering. It was there that he learned the fundamentals of Shinigami conduct and pretty much perfected his code of combat. Predictably, Zanjutsu lessons were a cinch, but where he lacked was hand-to-hand combat, otherwise known as Hakuda. His Zanpakuto actually awakened while he was in the Academy. Edobashira, it was called and wielder and spirit formed a strong bond even from the get go. Hoho, the art of agility and footwork, was somewhat hard to master, but he managed. Surprisingly, he discovered an aptitude for Kido, spiritual spellcraft, which didn't seem like his style at all. It would be a lie to say that he would reject such powers, however. Daigo has seen the masters of Kido in action and their craft was more fearsome than any blade. Skipping forward years of boring academy times, Daigo finally graduated from Shin'o Academy and was soon due to be assigned to a Division. His friends would guess that he'd go for the 11th Division, the division full of warriors, but in a shocking surprise decision, he opted to join the 5th Division. Not a soul knew why. His skill earned him the 4th Seat. Operating with the Shinigami was more fulfilling than he initially thought. It felt...great to have something to fight for, rather than just for himself. Daigo was sort of alienated in his division, being a drifter from the seedy districts of the Rukongai, but he quickly earned their respect as the years rolled onward. In this time, he frequented the realm of the living to deal with Pluses or itinerant Hollows. The man grew enamored with human culture and especially music, so much that between missions, he'd steal these machines called 'cassettes' which stored music like an Asauchi held a Shinigami's warrior spirit. Life seemed good. For a while. Then the coup happened. When the rogue transgressors suddenly overthrew the Gotei 13, Daigo was among many who opposed their new rule and as such, was exiled into the living world. Not that he minded. While his fellow exiles stewed in anger and despair, he quickly adapted to his new reality, like he always have. Hollows still existed and still terrorized souls. No kind of coup could stop him from acting out his duties. 【[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] The first thing you'll notice about Daigo is his lack of seriousness. Over the years, he's grown to be a very jovial one with a positive outlook on what comes forward. Be it with friend or foe, he'll love to joke around and pretty much treats everyone with the same sort of amiable hospitality. Centuries of comparatively peaceful living with the Shinigami has dulled his volatile, warmongering edge by quite a bit. Once an emotionless fighter, Dai has learned to respect his opponents and treat them like he would his friends. Why is this? No one knows. Still, he retains one thing from his time in the Rukongai: eccentricity. People once called him Crazy Horse due to how he acts and fights with reckless abandon. Daigo can be likened to that one annoying uncle you wish had never been born; you know he doesn't mean anything bad and respects you as a person, but makes no effort to be a bearable person himself. Some of his jokes rely on taking the piss on others and can cross the line between humor and harassment at worst. Back in his 5th Division days, he would often get reprimanded for disorderly conduct. Daigo comes as he is. Just a simple and maybe insane old man, he feels that he has nothing to hide, so in turns makes no efforts to keep anything about him hidden. As...some have discovered, this makes him impossible to blackmail. In fact, it is notably difficult to bait his anger through conventional methods. Perhaps to counter his combative nature, Dai learns to be patient and not lash out in anger. Given his combat habits...this patience does not carry over well into actual combat. Despite all these things he is known for, his main crux is possibly his unpredictability. You sort of feel on edge when you're with him as you never truly know what he's going to do. One moment he'll talk to you about human music and the next he's verbally ripping you a new one. Some even doubt whether Daigo himself knows what he's going to do next. I guess that's what Zanpakuto spirits are for. [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Notable Traits】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent]【[b][i]Likes/Dislikes[/i][/b]】 [indent][color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Sword fighting [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Human music from the 1980's era [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] BBQ [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Animals [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Rain [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Spears [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Nobles [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Lending money[/indent][/indent] [indent]【[b][i]Defining Traits[/i][/b]】 [indent][indent][i]Positive[/i][/indent] [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Optimistic [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Protective [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Humorous [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Determined [indent][i]Neutral[/i][/indent] [color=#828282]☯[/color] Unfettered [color=#828282]☯[/color] Unpredictable [color=#828282]☯[/color] Empathic [color=#828282]☯[/color] Genuine [indent][i]Negative[/i][/indent] [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Crass [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Unprofessional [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Reckless [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Stupid[/indent][/indent] [/hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Relationships】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][i][b]NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc[/b][/i] [indent]Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.[/indent] [i][b]NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis/Lover/Spouse etc[/b][/i] [indent]Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.[/indent] [i][b]NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc[/b][/i] [indent]Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Equipment】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][hider] [indent][indent][i][b]Walkman[/b][/i] [indent]A simple cassette player and earbuds that Daigo stole from the living world after a mission. He is a great fan of human music and listens to it whenever he can, even in battle. He has compiled for himself a 'mix-tape' comprised of his favorite songs. [/indent] [i][b]The old blade[/b][/i] [indent]Before entering the Gotei 13, Daigo fought with a sword picked off a fallen thug some five centuries ago. It's a normal katana that definitely looks aged and battle-beaten, but has no other special properties (unless being oddly resilient despite its age counts). He keeps it on his person, sheathed next to Edobashira on his side, for purely sentimental reasons. Though sometimes he fights with it as an offhand weapon. Screw the haters that say dual wielding is a stupid art.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Capabilities】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【General Aptitude】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider][indent][sub][h3][u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u][/h3][/sub] In combat, Daigo is a wild animal, fighting in a similar fashion to the Kenpachis of old. He fights with just the slightest attention to his own well-being, like a berserker. More instinctual than orderly, he often relies on outmatching the opponent through sheer brutality and strength and while he is clearly educated in 'professional' Zanjutsu, his application of it is anything but orthodox. If need be, he can also make use of his knowledge in Kido; he is not object to it like most self-proclaimed 'warriors'. Like the man himself, Dai's main bid in battle is making the enemy on edge, keep them guessing. If there's anything he can do to let their guard down, he'll do it. Dai acknowledges that he is often outclassed in terms of physical capabilities. That's why he relies on such a manic way of fighting. A confused opponent is as good as dead. {INSERT STATS HERE}[/indent][/hider] [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Specialization】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][indent][i][b]Skill/technique name:[/b] Prerequisites[/i] [indent]Insert lots of text under these.[/indent] [i][b]Skill/technique name:[/b] Prerequisites[/i] [indent]Insert lots of text under these.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Zanpakuto】[/h2][/b][/u][/center] [center][i][b]Sealed State[/b][/i] [img][/img][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Being on the wrong end of this here blade can leave you knocking on Heaven's Door."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][i][u]Additional Description:[/u][/i] In its sealed form, Edobashira is a simple katana that really isn't much different than the standard issue Asauchi. A clean polished blade and a black hilt, he stores it in a black sheath. [i][u][url=]Inner World[/url] & [url=]Spirit[/url]:[/u][/i] [indent]The Inner World of Daigo Serizawa is the small center of an old Japanese ghost town, permanently in the shadow of grey clouds as if waiting for rain that will never come. The town seems to be abandoned and left to ruin naturally and not through forceful displacement; no signs of battle (save for those made by his spars with Edobashira) There appear to be woods bordering the town, but venturing further just takes him back here. Despite the resemblance, Daigo knows that this is not a piece of the Rukongai and perhaps a remnant of his memories in life. Edobashira, Daigo's blade spirit, is a boyish man of around his height with long white-gray hair. It wears contemporary human clothes; a white dress shirt coupled with brown chino trousers, flip-flops and a trench coat that he uses like a cape. It seemingly clings to nothing but his back. He typically bears an aloof expression.[/indent] [u][b]Zanpakuto Personality:[/b][/u] Edobashira sees his master as not a master, but a good friend. The inverse is also true. The bond between them are almost brotherly. From day one, 'Edo' treats him with respect and patience, meaning he can put up with Dai's crazy antics easily, but will gladly knock some sense into him if he's about to do something too stupid. This compatibility makes mastering Shikai easy, though both of them know that Bankai will have to wait. He can be seen as Dai's rational side; the man he could be if he wasn't so damn eccentric. While he often gives his master counsel in combat, he is well aware that the Wild Animal can handle himself just fine. [/indent] [center][i][b]Shikai[/b][/i] [img][/img][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Knock'em dead, Edobashira!"[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Edobashira's Shikai ability is to manipulate gravity from its blade. With slashes, Daigo can send gravitational forces flying in the same direction as the slashes like a pushing wave of force. The forces he creates always overpower that of the Earth (or Soul Society. Or Hueco Mundo) and they can strangely be resisted by beings of strong Reiatsu. He can also use the blade like a sort of wand and increase or decrease the effects of gravity on an object (or person) for an indefinite time. Landing a direct attack on Daigo will temporarily disrupt any gravity effects caused by Edobashira. Gravity manipulation can only happen through his blade and only when his hand(s) are firmly on the hilt. Unrelated to abilities, there is a chain attached to the Shikai so Dai can use it as a wicked sick flail of some sort. [indent][b][u]Techniques[/u][/b][hider] [indent][b]Gravity Blade[/b] (重力刀 [i]Jūryoku-ken[/i]): Edo's basic ability, he manipulates gravitational forces by simply moving the blade in a given direction. The strength of the motion mostly dictates the strength of the force. It always moves outwards relative of Daigo's position. This technique is used to disrupt positioning and not purely as an offense. The force can bypass lesser Bakudo. [b]Reeling Pull[/b] (綛 [i]Kase[/i]): The technical opposite of Gravity Blade, Daigo points Edobashira towards a person or object and gives it a pull to in turn pull said object/person towards him with gravity. Unlike the above technique, it cannot pass through any sort of Bakudo and it doesn't take much to resist it if you're prepared. [b]Heavy Boundary[/b] (重境界 [i]Omokyoukai[/i]): By sticking Edobashira into the floor or ground, Daigo creates a steadily increasing field of downwards gravity with a radius of about 20 meters, slowly bringing people and objects in the vicinity down and impeding easy movement. Every five seconds, the field increases in intensity, capping out after two minutes for a total of twenty four degrees of intensity. Everyone and everything except for Dai himself is affected by this enhanced gravity field. The blade must be stuck to a surface parallel to the already existing gravitational pull of a given place. That means he can't stick it to a wall and watch everyone get slowly pulled to it. Also, he obviously can't fight with Edobashira while this ability is active lest it deactivates. [b]Blade Magnetism[/b] (剣磁気 [i]Ken-jiki[/i]): Ignoring the misleading name for a second, Edobashira can pull incoming attacks towards the blade and away from Daigo's body. It only works at a really close range and is usually used to make a clutch block that he can't normally pull off. [/indent][/hider][/indent] [/indent] [indent][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] [indent][b][u]Techniques[/u][/b][hider] [indent] [/indent][/hider][/indent] [/indent][/hider] [/hider]