[@Kyrisse] Callie smiled, [color=fff200]"Like sleepy time charms and things. they work on vampires, they get hit with one, down they go. Works on just about everything"[/color] She said, [color=fff200]"And allows a quick get away. Do it right, and no one knows you were even there"[/color] She said, the charm bracelet clanging as she shook it, [color=fff200]"Most of the charms here can be used for that sort of thing, and anyone can use them"[/color] She thought a moment, then gave a shrug, [color=fff79a]"I'm happy with anything, honestly. Ravishing leaves you not caring what it is, as long as its food"[/color] She said with a laugh. The fact she had the defensive charms had always been to protect herself, but now she found herself wanting to use them to prevent Caius from getting hurt. So she'd keep them close, so that if anything happened, they'd both be safe. [color=fff200]"But do you have anything to do today, I don't want to interrupt your plans..."[/color]