[center][h2] - Imperial Facility - [/h2][/center] [center][@supertinyking][@Wraithblade6][/center] As Mithias was dragged from to his cell he was pulled through multiple portals, Martin allowed to follow behind but unable to track where they were going. Their eventual destination was deep underground, and no conventional means would allow the small drone to track down this particular location. The cell was, in essence, a large steel box seperated by the rest of the facility by a power field. It appeared they were treating Mithias as a first-degree prisoner. The only entrance was a teleportation device which could only be activated from the outside, making breaking out practically impossible and disrupting any and all communications devices. Martin's little bot was also pushed into the cell, forcing Suzzi to make do with what intelligence was stored on the bot itself, unable to communicate with the space station on which it's main intelligence was stored. Meanwhile, data sent to the Rock revealed the previous location of Martin's space station. By intercepting and tracing the live connection that had allowed first Martin, and then Suzy, to interact with Martin, the advanced sensory systems of the Rock were easily able to divine the point of transmission. Of course the kill squad sent to that location would find nothing there, Martin had done well to move his base of operations away. But the secondary team, consisting of servitors and techmarines, would be searching the air for the 'tracks' left by a vehicle of that size. Being mere minutes behind they were able to pick up some traces, and began the arduous search for a trail. The forces of the Imperium were well aware of Martin's involvement in this, and they intended to secure him once and for all. If he wasn't theirs to use, then he was a potential threats. And all potential threats were neutralised.