Finally updated the military section as concerns the fleet. By the bye, do you people suppose the Terran-core nations would be aware of the Conglomerate's existence at all as of the current events' beginning? After all, it has mostly remained at the galactic periphery until now, probably only carrying out the occasional raid on the fringes of "civilised" space, and it might have sworn what allies it has to secrecy in preparation for a thunderous entrance. Having its envoys abruptly appear over Earth as an unknown and unexpected presence while the negotiations are underway would certainly make for an interesting impression (the "alien surprise" never gets old, does it?)... [@Malphaestus] If not necessarily immediately pleasant, it might at least prove quite instructive. This leads me to wonder - do the Neo-Zakaabites actually regard themselves as human, and could they appear as such to an external observer?