[hider=Garrett] [center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/rccdl3f2z/Garrett.png[/img][hr] [hider=What's Yours Can Be Mine...][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/226e/th/pre/f/2014/280/7/d/garrett___thief_gold_by_yibingling-d81y54v.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Alternate Appearance][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/thiefgame/images/1/17/G_garrett.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20140223020430[/img][/hider] [hr][/center] [B]Character Name:[/b] Garrett [B]Title:[/b] Legend [B]Kingdom:[/b] Hails from Looking Glass Studios, but when the Kingdom fell he left for Ion Storm, and when [i]that[/i] Kingdom fell he went to Square Enix, specifically the Eidos Montreal district of the Kingdom. [B]Written Description:[/b] Garrett is a rather small man, only 5'7 and weighing in at 149 pounds. He has pale, almost porcelain skin and close-cropped warm black hair. A small scar runs from above Garrett's right eye to his upper-right cheek, and in place of a normal eye his right eye is mechanical, with the 'whites' of the eye being metal and the 'pupil' being a neon green color. His left eye, which is still normal, is a hazel brown. Normally, he sports the outfit seen in the first photo. When out on missions or thieving, Garrett is seen in all black and leather, with a hood pulled over his head and cloth pulled over his mouth, as seen in the second photo. His thieving outfit also sports elevator shoes, boosting his height by three inches. [B]Personality:[/b] Garrett is normally a quiet man who is only interested in looking out for himself. However, when he does open his mouth to say something, it's usually either a sarcastic quip, a cynical remark, or a big middle finger to the person he's talking with. Due to his past (see: getting his eye torn out by someone he came to care for, having his fence turn him into the city guard, etc.) he's not very trusting and is careful not to get close to anyone. Despite his rough and callous exterior, Garrett is actually a rather kind person deep down. He doesn't believe in stealing from his allies or the poor, and only robs upper-class people or those he believes deserve it. In addition to these things, he is also horrified by killing, having vowed to never take a life unless there is no other way (see: the last mission of Thief: The Dark Project). Regarding sexuality, Garrett is a heterosexual, though he doesn't believe in attachments or long-term relationships (I suppose you could classify this as being aromantic but heterosexual). Basically, he'll bone any woman he can, but the second she so much as implies the two being in a real relationship he'll bolt. Garrett also doesn't take sides in large conflicts, instead choosing to just remain neutral until he gets dragged back in by one side or the other (in terms of factions, pretty much all of his allies have been his enemy or vice versa at one point or another). [B]Games:[/b] Thief: The Dark Project, Thief 2: The Metal Age, Thief: Deadly Shadows, and Thief (2014). Garrett considers the last one to be a rough part of his life that he'd like very much to forget about. [B]Current Story:[/b] Following the events of Thief (2014), Garrett decided he had enough of being dragged into large scale conflicts despite being just a simple thief, and chose to exile himself. After living out in the wilds and regaining his old voice actor (because I want Stephen Russell, not some Italian dude who sounds like he shat himself), Garrett eventually reintegrated into society and went back to thieving. This time he promised himself that if any faction tries to convince him to join their side again, he'll rob them blind as a way of answer (note: he's probably gonna get dragged back in again anyway). [B]Weapons:[/b] Blackjack (has no offensive capabilities save for knocking out unaware people), sword (though he doesn't have much skill in using it, as he's never really [i]had[/i] to use it due to being a master thief and all that. It's only for instances where stealth is not an option and, even then, Garrett just uses it until his opponents are incapacitated and not dead), and a bow and arrows (has normal broadhead arrows to start with but can acquire quite a number of different types, from water arrows to rope arrows to noisemaker arrows). [b][u]Stats[/u][/b] [b]Level One[/b] (P)Damage 2 (P)Defense 2 (M)(E)Damage 1 (M)(E)Defense 1 Dexterity 4 0% (This is critical damage. Everyone starts at 0%.) XP ////////// (0/10) [B]General Abilities[/b] Slot One: [b]Swoop[/b] - Moving from cover to cover has never been so easy! Garrett can use Swoop to move from cover to cover, shadow to shadow, etc. (or he can just use it to get around a bit faster). It acts as a way to teleport across short distances (so long as there is solid ground between those distances) silently. Although it generates no noise on normal floors, if there are noisy things such as paper or broken glass or things in the way that can be knocked over on the floor that Garrett is Swooping across, noise will still be made (be it from glass/paper crunching or said item being knocked over). [B]Special Abilities[/b] Slot One. [B]Items[/b] Slot One. Slot Two. Slot Three. [B]Strengths[/b] - Master Thief: To put it basically, Garrett is one of the quietest, sneakiest bastards you've (n)ever seen. He's an expert thief, and can usually escape any situation so long as he has a flash bomb and a place to hide. (Garrett is really, really stealthy obviously) - Master Lockpicker: Garrett can bypass any lock so long has he has his trusty picks on him, and for some locks all it'd take is a bobby pin for him to crack it. (Garrett can unlock normal doors [nothing magic or technological preventing them from being opened, just a lock]) - Bottomless Pockets: Garrett can fit massive stacks of gold, candlesticks, urns and pocket watches in his pockets. After all, what's the point of being a thief if you can't carry out everything that isn't nailed to the floor? (Garrett can carry a shitload of loot items and gold, though equipment is a different story) - Mechanical Eye: Garrett has a mechanical eye in place of his right eye, which he can use to zoom in and enhance his vision. It helps him see small details that can't be picked up by the naked eye, and it can also enhance his aim with his bow. [B]Weaknesses[/b] Due to almost never having been caught, Garrett's combat skills are... A bit rusty. By that, I mean that if he engages in a one-on-one fight, he might make it with a bit of ingenuity. Two people and he'll have a lot of trouble. Three people and he's fucked unless he has a good number of health potions and flash bombs on him. Four or more? Forget about it. He also has a code of honor, meaning that killing is a no-no. If he kills anyone, unintentionally or not, he'll break down for a while. It'd be dangerous if this happened in the midst of combat, as it leaves him open to be attacked and, due to his squishy nature, an enemy could easily cut him down in a hit or two. On top of both of these two things, he's also from an era without much technology; anything futuristic is new and alien to him, and as such he's only trained in the use of his bow and other tools. Hand him [url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/12/article-2323453-19BC2885000005DC-737_634x492.jpg]a gun from the future[/url] and he'll have no clue what to do with it. [B]Achievements[/b] None... Yet. 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