[PART 2 Collaboration] "Good morning, I am Detective Roman of block D17 and I see you have met my extremely dense toaster friend here... I’m just here to ask you a couple very simple questions and if you answer them truthfully and honestly, than i promise I won’t throw you out the very same window you tried to run from me out of." Deon didn't look pleased. He realized right away he had been cuffed to the chair, not like his body was in peak physical condition to try and run again anyway. He kept his golden eyes off of Jack, staring at a few select places on the ceiling, seeming to ignore the detective. Jack snapped his fingers above his head where Deon kept staring. "Hey buddy you have the right to remain silent... but i really wouldn’t suggest it." Jack leaned back in his chair and took another sip from the glass next to him. "in about.... oh say fifteen minutes a cruiser is going to come and pick you up as the main suspect for a murder, and based on the evidence we already have on you... well I think you should start by spilling your guts." Deon was silent for a while, ignoring the snapping fingers and words coming out of the man. Then he slowly and lazily looked over to Jack, seeming to glare a bit as he kept his chin up high, 'looking down' on Jack. He moved his tongue around not so subtly in his mouth, and then spat a good amount of blood at Jack. "I don't know that the fuck you're talking about." He said slowly. "Besides, I ain't saying shit till I get a lawyer." He stared Jack down, looking at him as a predator would stare down his competition. "KATIE!" Deon then yelled out suddenly, trying to reach his cousin, but there was no answer. "You cunt! I know you can hear me. I need your lawyer, this jack-ass think he's got me for something. KATIE!" Jack didn’t flinch as a wad of blood smacked his face square in the mouth. He gently rubbed the blood off with his coat and got up out of his seat and walked toward Deon. As soon as he called Kate a cunt he took his hand and picked Deon up by his mouth chair and all and pinned him against the wall. "LOOK YOU INSIGNIFICANT PRICK! your Katie is going to jail for just as long as you for aiding and abetting a criminal and tampering with evidence. ALL BECAUSE YOU COULDNT KEEP YOUR DRUGGED UP DICK IN YOUR PANTS and threw away the trash afterwards." Jack got the holofile out of his pocket and pulled up the Red ladies picture. "YOU FORGOT TO RECYCLE MOTHERFUCKER." He screamed before dropping Deon back onto the chair legs. Deon's eyes widened a bit at being picked up like a rag-doll, but he made no effort to escape. As soon as he was dropped back down on the chair, he started laughing. "Look [i]asshole[/i], I ain’t ever seen that bitch before, so I'll ask you again to fuck off and get my shit-headed cousin's lawyer for me so I can see you get sued for harassment." Deon was quiet for a minute, still studying the man in front of him, and then let out another laugh. "Look at you, you call yourself a cop? You filthy aug. Bet you can't even beat it anymore without fear of ripping it off huh? I bet you're one of those cops that spends all your bonus money on hookers to do it for you..." Jack just stared in disbelief at this guy. "You got balls kid ill give you that. so much balls that you left their sauce all over the body like you forgot to aim." Jack sat back down near Deon and lowered his voice. The direct approach wasn’t working. "Look at Kate for a moment, just look. you mean to tell me that you can live the rest of your life in a Jail cell with her thinking you’re a murderer? She obviously cares for you since she decided to hide you in her bedroom. She believes you didn’t do it, but once all the evidence hits the courtroom... it’ll be hard to ignore." Jack leaned in forward and whispered to Deon. "All I need is an explanation kid..." Deon just shrugged, seeming completely unphased by the fact that Jack had just admitted to having his own bodily fluids at on the girl as evidence. "I fuck a lot of girls, probably more than you have ever even thought about. So what? Am I supposed to keep a book and remember everyone I bone?" He shook his head, a rather amused smirk on his face. "Kate? That bitch probably already thinks I killed someone, and it's not like she hid me. I live here too asshole. Not exactly brain science to find me, but if you want to think that you were smart enough to think to look for a 'hider' in his own home, then good for you buddy. Two gold stars." Jack leaned back again. He was running out of options, this guy was like a lead egg. No matter how much it boils down, it just won’t crack. Jacks eyes widened as something he said came to his attention. Standing up and walking around the table. He took his holopad out and pretending like he was reading it. "You say you fuck a lot of girls right? Well if I read correctly here that you were with another girl that night as well." Jack quickly tried to remember the names Mr. Stone gave him before he killed them all. It wasn’t like he could go back and ask him. "I believe a Miss Vander was with you that night as well. She’s at the station right now spilling her guts out. What do you think she'll be saying to Officer Roberts? Will she be your savior? Or the nail in your coffin?" Deon tried to lunge forward to slam his fist on the table, but the as his wrists were cuffed to the chair all he could do was jerk the chair a bit. "YOU ASSHOLE! DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR WHAT I SAID?" He shouted, getting angry. "I don't keep a record of every girl I'm with. I know that might be hard for you to understand, so let me put it in simpler words. I dunno who dat is." He said the last sentence as if speaking like a mentally challenged person. "If she's saying anything it will probably be about how great in the sack I am, hell if I know. I worked last night, hooked up with a bunch of chicks I'm sure, I always do. Not exactly 'strange behavior' for a mid-town celebrity." Jack paced back and forth getting overly agitated with this guy, constantly looking up at the clock wondering when this damn cruiser is coming. Jack walked into the other room to where Kate was sulking. "I’m sorry I tried to get something out of him that could possibly help, but from the looks of it you would need a friggin miracle. " Just than his radio sprang to life. "D17 to PD7, all leads on the Red Lady case has been suspended. i repeat all leads on the Red Lady case has been suspended. Sorry Jack but we have a Handymans special order from the higher ups." Jacks jaw dropped and his eyes widened as he stared at Kate in disbelief. "Some rich prick just answered your prayers Kate...." "You done fucking my ass cop?" Deon yelled as Jack walked away. Kate meanwhile had Sektor back up and running, though he was in a bit of a 'sleep state' as she had just a few more minor adjustments to make. Looking up from her work when Jack came into the living room, she stopped her work on crossing a few wires and gave Jack a rather horrified looking expression. She was going to jail no matter what it seemed...and it was enough to bring a slight sheen of mist to her bright green eyes. She couldn't blame Jack though, not for this. It was her fault for putting too much faith in her cousin. She closed her eyes hard, about ready to accept the fact that her life was over before his radio came to life again. But before she even had time to react to the bitter-sweet news before the lights in the entire house began to flicker. Sparks emitted from Sektor's 'body' and then the whole house went dark, save for the natural light coming in from the windows. "SHIT! NO! NO NO NO NO!" Kate flew from her work station back to her laptop where she began pounding in a series of commands, trying verbal commands at the same time. For a split second, she had that silver lining, that she wasn't going to jail, that she still had time to finish the update before the deadline tonight. But now...her entire work she had created last night was gone. The lights slowly came back on as the power surge took its course, and Kate buried her head in her hands, collapsing down onto the couch in a fit of soft sobs. The lights went dark and a nervous Kate started darting back and forth across the room only to end up face first into a couch pillow. Jack watched as an all too familiar face appeared in front of him. flashbacks mixed with reality as two women sat on the couch in front of him. one crying in her hands, the other staring right at him with eyes as clear as glass. Both muttering the same thing "why? no no no why?" the voices echoed in his head. Jack stood there like he did previously, scared at the sight before him he didn’t know what to do. Rubbing the temples on head one of the figures disappeared and all that sat there was Kate. Jack snapped out of it and walked over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder as he slowly sat next to her. "Shh shh, dont worry... everything will be okay I promise. I won’t let anything ever happen to you Michelle." Jack whispered with his eyes closed, keeping a tight hold around Kate. The power surge had shook Sektor awake. Electricity crackled around its frame as lights about its platform lit up. The flashlight like photoreceptor on its head lighting up very dimly. Sektor began rising, lifting itself to a crouched position. It clicked loudly, eventually standing once more. "No!" Kate sobbed out, immediately standing up the moment she felt his prosthetic hand on her shoulder. She crossed her arms over her chest, keeping her back to him as she continued to babble on. "No it won't be okay. I'm going to jail! All my work is gone, hours and hours of work just...just..." She slowly turned to face him once again, wet tears streaming down her soft cheeks. "Who's Michelle?" Jacks eyes darted back and forth nervously, getting back up off the couch and continued to pace back and forth. "well... what do you need to complete your work?" He said avoiding the question. "I’m no help in the Tech department but i may know someone who could help.... she’s pretty good, after all she did make these." Jack said stretching out his hands in a Frankensteinish manor. "Unit identification number: 0.18462958. Designation: SEKTOR. Prime directive: protect and guard...Kate." It said the last word in a curious manner. Using the shortened form of its maker's name. Sektor looked at her and Jack slowly. "You are in duress." It observed simply, approaching awkwardly. "This platform's archived data of 'Interstellar Attraction' gives this unit knowledge of how to interact with the...opposite sex? Does this unit classify as a male?" Sektor looked down between its legs. "Negative; no penile or vaginal organ detected." Flaps on the robot's head furrowed, as if very confused. "There were tamperings within the inner computer systems of this mobile platform. Were manual updates issued?" It asked, looking at Kate. She just shook her head, keeping her arms tightly folded to her chest as if that would bring some sort of comfort. "No offense to your friend, but I'm pretty sure I'm better." She said rather quickly and then shut her eyes tight once more. "I somehow managed to piss off the Academy of Science's leader at the convention last night. That’s where you saw me coming out from last night. Are you familiar with the X-95.3?" She asked looking back to him, but then shook her head realizing that he didn't speak 'science' like she did. "I mean...the new toaster model? There have been a lot of accident reports lately, and the A of S wanted to demolish the entire project, but I opened my big trap and brought up the idea of a system update. I have until 8 pm tonight to have it ready, or they're throwing me in jail." She sighed. "Looks like you'll be at least getting one person to go back to the precinct with you." She tried to make it into a joke and laugh, but it came out as a soft sob instead. "I was so close..." Jack crossed his arms in a manner mocking Kates. "you greatly underestimate her, shes honestly a miracle worker... c’mon honestly what have you got to lose?" Jack winced at the bad choice of words. "Look... you already had one miracle today, who’s to say that you can’t get another?" Jack said tapping his radio in remembrance of what was just reported shortly beforehand. "Just think about it... meanwhile, i got a buddy higher up the food chain. Something tells me he won’t hear about the arrest until at least 12." Without waiting for an answer, Sektor began walking around curiously, apparently inexperienced when it came to manual reactivation. It looked towards the two of them again. "Kate. This platform has reached consensus. Statistics confirm this platform can take you to...dinner for emotional homeostasis." Suddenly, without saying anymore, Sektor sat down on the couch, pondering its own words. "Vocal emitter is damaged. Internal computer systems cannot reach consensus onto what is being said. Solution: A repair of the vocal module is necessary to ensure this platform is working at complete efficiency." Sektor lowered its head, acting almost...humanly confused and discombobulated. "I don't think God works that way..." Kate responded to Jack on the subject of miracles. Finally approaching the babbling robot, she quickly examined the exposed pressure panel she had been working on prior to the power surge to check to make sure everything was still intact. "You'll be fine, just relax while you reboot." She said carefully patting him on the top of his head like one would to a dog. Had she been in a better mood, she might have laughed at his proposition of taking her out to dinner, but her heart just wasn't in it. Looking back to Jack with almost pleading eyes, she finally nodded once simply. "Okay, okay I'll meet your friends." His previous word choice was harsh, but he was right. What did she have to lose? Jack gave a smile as wide as his face. "Great! you won’t be disappointed." Jack said as he pulled the handcuff keys out of his pocket. "Well I guess I need to cut your other half loose." Jack spun the tiny key ring around his finger. Passing by an awkward acting toaster... well as awkward a robot can act honestly, he couldn’t help but wonder why they called a "Handymans special" on the case. Jack wanted the murder found and he thought he had him, but Deon was nothing special and Jack was sure as hell he didn’t have those kind of connections... so why the toss out? Jacks mind wandered as he entered the kitchen only to see an empty chair and some bloody handcuffs. "KATE WE HAVE A BIG FUCKING PROBLEM!" Jacks eyes grew wide as he realized he never told Deon that the case was dropped... even worse he lied and gave a name of a "witness" that supposedly ratted on him. "Oh shit this is not fucking good at all!". Jack whipped out his radio and called out an APB on a Deon Saunders and a woman named Vander. He had nothing else except the name and now she is probably being hunted. "Fuuuck meee." Jack muttered. "Suspect was injured." Sektor said, looking up at Jack. "He could not have moved far. Biological scan confirms lung damage. This unit can find him." Sektor said, standing shakily. Offering a few sideways glances to Kate. Almost too many glances. "This platform is still attempting to adjust to reboot, complete core faculties have not been fully rewired." It looked at Kate once more. "This unit's offer still stands. The tradition of devouring edible consumables is universally practiced by all organics. Some consider it a...romantic gesture. Romance, however, is inefficient. Interstellar Attraction confirms this." Sektor stated. Kate rushed into the kitchen, thinking that Deon had died or something gauging his reaction. Though only seeing an empty chair, she just sighed. "Don't..." She said putting a hand on his arm to lower it from speaking into his radio. "I have his number, I can just call him and tell him the case has been dropped. He'll believe me." She said sincerely and then retracted her hand. She then turned her attention back to Sektor. "That’s sweet, but I'm not too hungry. Did you want to stay here and restart your functions? You can watch your shows." She offered, not particularly liking the idea of taking a disorientated robot around town with her to meet Jack's friends. Jack let go of the button on the radio as kate motioned that she would call him first. "that still doesnt squash the fact that he may be searching out the girl named Vander. Now im not sure if Deon actually murdered that woman but im sure as hell making sure i dont cause another one." Jack put the radio down and created a public notice on the his holopad stating to place a system check on any female age 18-30 named Vander within the city limits for the next 24 hours. He was positive there couldnt be many women named Vander so hopefully he will get something. "Deon may talk tough, but he's a moron. The only thing he's out doing right now is getting more drugs, I'm certain." She shrugged, but made no more effort to stop him. [i] "Thats sweet, but I'm not too hungry. Did you want to stay here and restart your functions? You can watch your shows."[/i] Kate had offered Sektor. "Negative. This unit is working at 78% systems capacity. Not optimum, but effective. This platform must remain with Katherine Saunders at all time. Must obey the prime directive." Sektor stated. "This unit offers the organic form of apologies for previous misbehavior. Manual reboot halted certain functions. This unit is reasserting itself." Sektor looked at both Kate and Jack. "Memory archives confirm sexual arousal between both Ka-," it stuttered for a moment, "-therine Saunders and Detective Jack Roman." Its photoreceptor then glanced downwards. "Now is not the case. Inconclusive, should you both have wished to mate, it would have already been done. Statistics suggest Detective Jack Roman may be suffering from erectile dysfunction." It looked directly at Jack. "Is your mobile platform working at 100% efficiency?" It asked curiously. Kate let out a hissing sound, trying to put her hand over where Sektor's 'mouth' would be and then wanted to slap herself for realizing he didn't have one. "SEKTOR!" She hissed out again. "STOP READING OUR INTERNAL DATABASE!" Jack watched Sektor as he accused him for lack of "efficiency" and Jacks face grew beet red. Pulling out his pistol and aiming at the toasters head. "Remember what I said yesterday toaster?" Kate jumped in and Jack aimed at the holovision instead. "Next time I’m taping over your precious soaps you goddamned tea kettle! Consider yourself demoted!" He said with an agitated look. instinctively fixing his pants. "Quit checking my platform you damn creepy robot!". He said once more before attempting to calm down. Damn thing knew how to agitate him that’s for sure. As Jack pulled out his pistol and aimed at Sektor, the robots only reaction was for its photoreceptor to flicker once as if 'blinking'. "Combat programs were unaffected. Weapon is inefficient, standard grade among law enforcement. You will cause no damage to this platform." It turned its head sharply when Jack aimed at the holovision. "Subject displays insecurity. Consensus not reached. The statistical chance of Detective Jack Roman shooting the holovision is only at an estimated 33%." Sektor, however, did stop. "The suspect we seek must not be far. Statistics suggest she is close after examining evidence via Extranet search. Consensus has not been reached. This platform does not know where to go." However, Sektors vocal/thought process was stopped as it noticed a book on Kate's desk. It was...different, it caught Sektor's attention. The robot slowly walked over and picked up the book, looking at it curiously. "Identification: Christian Bible, holy book. This unit must study the data." Sektor stated, sounding almost confused as its internal computers would not understand such a command issued. Sektor stood there, staring at it intently, not looking away. Sektor moved over and sat on the couch once more, opening and reading the book. A box appeared in its HUD [COMMAND NOT UNDERSTOOD. ERROR DOES NOT COINCIDE WITH DIRECTIVE.] Suddenly the box flickered and disappeared. Sektor looked disturbed, seeming to 'shake' - what was happening. This went against every directive or programming Sektor was built with. Sektor could only sit there, motionless. Kate's weary eyes shifted from Jack to her new robot, her eyebrow quirked but she eventually just shook her head. Noticing the distraction on the robot, she tapped Jack's shoulder and led him out of her home. If they were ever going to leave, now would be a good time while Sektor was distracted. She had very little time to waste.