When Nadia told her to head home and grab her things, she felt her mouth go dry at the prospect of going back home on public transportation on her own. The town wasn't dangerous nor was the public transportation, but with all the stories she'd heard she was still quite nervous about the situation. Despite her concerns, she managed to work up enough courage based on the fact that she didn't even recognise herself and smiled, standing up. [color=F08080]"I think it'll be nice to hit the mall. You already know you can pass, and just going on appearance, I will too, but I still need to know for sure. And if I don't for whatever reason, at least there will be a crowd and stores we can disappear into. Also then we can see a movie if we want. Go get ready, I'll be back."[/color] She said with a nervous smile especially toward the end. She left and quickly made her way to the bus stop, too preoccupied with keeping an eye out for trouble to notice her unintentionally feminine gait. She was glad that she encountered no one on the way or at the bus stop as she sat down on the bench. She knew it would only be a few minutes until the bus arrived and so she began to look over herself. Her nails were almost entirely dry and wouldn't be ruined easily at this point. She carefully grabbed her bus fare from her wallet that was tucked into the makeshift bra. When the bus arrived she was overjoyed to see that it was mostly empty, meaning she was able to board, pay her fare and take a seat without feeling too uncomfortable. Looking out the window as she waited for her stop, she couldn't help but think about how spring weather was finally coming. She daydreamed about herself in a two piece swim suit at the local pool with her family and Nathan. Then the scene in her head changed, she was in the park wearing skinny jeans, a cute t-shirt and a light jacket. Sitting on the grass next to her was Nathan... she shook herself out of the line of thought, she fortunately realised she was coming up on her stop, stood up and walked toward the doorway. As the bus came to a stop, she stepped off and began walking toward the house. The neighbours would be gone, except possibly officer Richman. That could pose a small problem if he was home and watching. Keeping her eyes open, she made the final turn onto her street and could see that Officer Richman was not home. Relief clearly etched on her face, she hurried to the front door and quickly unlocked it and stepped inside. Knowing exactly where everything was, she quickly glided down the stairs and entered her closet, undoing the makeshift bra and pulling the stuffed tissue out. With a level of ease that would be highly impressive, she grabbed a simple black bra as well as black gaff panties to hide the nuisance and slipped them on without getting fully undressed. After that it was simple for her to slide the falsies into place and adjust them to look right with all the practice she's had. After making sure the adhesive side would stay put (and loving the actual weight on her chest) she grabbed nearly $200 in cash and her purse and a can of pepper spray. That was certainly something she wouldn't leave home without once she was doing this full time. After she double checked to make sure nothing was out of place and that she wasn't forgetting anything, she began walking back to the bus stop, only pausing the lock the door behind her. As she got to the bus stop she pulled out her phone and texted Nathan, [color=F08080]Hey I'm on my way back now, how far along are you? Did you lock the door behind me on my way out?[/color]