Hey everyone! I wanted to put this request up in a separate thread to my pre-existing interest check, mostly because it differs greatly in theme. To be blunt, I’m looking for a zombie apocalypse roleplay. I know, it’s a bit generic, but over the last week or so I’ve been craving it pretty badly. If you’re willing to indulge my craving, here’s a little bit of general information about myself, as well as my standards and expectations for my partners. [hider=Me, Myself, and I] -I'm 21 -I’m Male -I'm a university student in the Northeastern United States (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5) -I study marketing. Because reasons. -I have a 1 and 1/2 year old daughter. She's pretty fucking cool for a toddler, too. -I love video games, and anything that involves them. Especially RPGs, fighting games, strategy games, and things with a really heavy and detailed story. (This will be really confusing later on) -I love anime. Particularly Naruto, Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, and a little bit of Gundam for flavor. However, these are not the only anime I’m into. If you have a particular favorite, just ask if I've watched-- I probably have. - dungeons and dragons is my bread and butter. - I am legally blind. Yes, the kind of blind which involves me not being able to see the computer screen, or my TV. You may be asking, "But wait... How do you play video games? How are you even using this computer? Are you real??" The answer is... Pretty unamusing, honestly. Except for the gaming. So please be patient and I’ll get to that in a second. I lost my vision around 8 years ago to a mitochondrial condition known as Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). It's a ridiculously rare and ridiculously complex condition that, in its simplest terms, caused me to lose vision in both of my eyes over a period of around 6-7 months. This all occurred during my last year of middle school, so throughout high school, in addition to doing all of the normal high school stuff, I learned how to navigate using a cane, read Braille, and a few other neat tricks that help me survive. For example, I'm using this computer right now with the assistance of a program known as JAWS 16.0. JAWS stands for Job Access With Speech, but I prefer to think that it's not an acronym, and that a digital shark is guiding me through the internet. Oookay, so that answers that question. But you still probably wonder how I play video games. (Or you don't care...) Either way, I'll explain that really quick so I don't have to later on. With some games it's more complicated than this, but with most games I simply learn the pattern of the menus, learn where all of the selectable characters are located, memorize their combos/controls/special moves.... I think you get where I’m going with this. I literally memorize EVERY ASPECT OF THE GAME and do my best to play it from memory. Results vary, but for the most part I do pretty well. Especially with fighting games. (And I mea nlike.. Actually playing them, not just hitting buttons like a spaz.) I can play other games too, but my process is entirely dependent upon the game that I’m playing, and the structure of the game in question. It's not like I can play battlefield or call of duty. I'm not that lucky. But I think I’ve talked enough about this. Let's get to the good stuff now. [/hider] [hider=Roleplaying Guidelines] -If you're not 18, I’m not going to be all that comfortable roleplaying with you. Sorry. That's probably the one rule I’m not willing to negotiate. -All guild rules apply. Because we all want to be cool, like the Fonz -I enjoy dark themes. intense violence, blood, gore, drug use, the works. I'm also cool with other mature themes, like sex. I'm pretty much limitless in this regard. - I am blind; therefore pictures are pretty useless to me. If you're going to describe your character's appearance with a picture, you're in the wrong place. That kind of stuff doesn't fly with me for obvious reasons. Just do your best to type out an appearance section in your character sheet. Preferably a paragraph or two. -I write at an advanced level. I expect you to do so as well. I will request a sample of your writing if I feel so inclined, and you hold the same privilege. If you think I’m bullshitting you, you're fully within your right to ask me for a sample. -I will RP via thread or PM, whichever is your preference. Though if things between our characters are getting hot and heavy, we'll go to PM for obvious reasons. Unless you prefer to fade to black, of course. -9 times out of 10, I use character sheets. Every time I haven't, something goes wrong in the roleplay. Either I don't feel like I’m dealing with an interesting enough character, or character personalities become hard to keep track of between RPs.. Something just always goes wrong. Unless you feel extremely confident that you can portray your character properly without the use of a CS, expect to be filling one out. I tend not to go too in depth with these, but a few paragraphs worth of appearance, personality and history never hurt anybody. Plus.. I kind of like having the reference. -Please tell me if you're losing interest. I will do my best to do the same. -I really like overpowered heroes and villains, regardless of context or setting. -If you have an idea that you would like to suggest to me, feel free to do so. I really enjoy a lot of genres, from medieval fantasy to modern supernatural to sci-fi political dramas. I'm not going to ignore you; I'll definitely hear you out. The ideas that are listed in this thread simply are what are going through my head at this time in particular. -I like OOC discussions. Even if it's just little stuff, I like them. So please, if you're not going to talk to me, don't apply. -In addition to the last point, I enjoy building a setting, creating well developed characters, and pushing my writing abilities to their limits. I am capable of playing as either gender of character, and I am capable of playing multiple characters with varying degrees of importance to the narrative. My ideal partner is somebody who is also capable of doing these things, and enjoys pushing their creative boundaries and stepping out of their comfort zone. -If you're going to create a character sheet, talk about how interested you are in this idea for two weeks, make one post, and then disappear, I have absolutely no interest in roleplaying with you, so don't apply. I know I’ve done this a few times myself, and regardless of how good or not good my reasoning behind it was, it was just a dick move. Nobody likes having their time wasted. I'm not going to waste yours, please don't waste mine. -I expect at least one post every 3-5 days. I'd be really happy if you could post daily, because I often can do so. But I understand that everyone's situation's different, so I understand if you're not capable of doing that. However, once every three days is my limit. In the past I used a one post per week limit, but the RP moves so slow that it's like pulling teeth. So... Yeah. If you can post once every three days, you'll make me a happy Dylan. -If you’re interested in any of the plots of pairings below, PM me. If you post in the thread, I might miss it. PM is the optimal method of communication for me. -I reserve the right to update these rules as I see fit. [/hider] I’m absolutely fine with playing out a zombie apocalypse roleplay alongside any character of any background. I don’t care if you’re a former military badass or a genius mechanic, I’m just really craving some head-splitting action and existential angst. In the context of my ideal roleplay of this nature, I enjoy the idea of our characters having no pre-existing concepts of what a zombie is, similar to the walking dead. In distinct contrast to The Walking Dead’s mehods, I’m a much bigger fan of faster, stronger zombies in comparison to the slow, shambling idiotic types. I’m also not against the idea of “Special” mutated types of infected, not unlike the types of infected one would see in the Left 4 Dead series. Obviously, these are all negotiable aspects of the roleplay—I don’t in any way need any of these things to have fun with it. I’m totally open to the idea of other types of apocalypse as well. Demons invading a fantasy world, etc. Please reach out to me via PM if you’re interested, we can discuss the details of the roleplay from there.  Hope to hear from all of you soon.