[center][color=dbbd70][h2]Daisuke[/h2][/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/57mE58V.png[/img][/center] [center][@liferusher][@kitsune][@ZekariVoblis][/center] He woke up, tired, and in pain, unknowing of where he was or what had happened. A light shines through the window and curtains, and into the room, illuminating the entirety of it. Staring at the ceiling, he thinks of what had happened. Last thing he can remember, he was looking for Aya, she had gone missing. He was wandering the city looking for her, then blacked out. Looking around, he can tell hes in a room in the tavern. Sitting up slowly, he feels a pain in the back of his head. Quickly, he pressures his hand against the pain. He can feel his hair loose on the back of his head. He's still fully clothed, but under the covers of the bed. He slowly and steadily gets out of the bed and stands up. He sees his hair tie on the bedside table, and uses it to bun his hair. He peeks open the door exiting the room, looking into the hallway. [color=dbbd70]"Hello? Is anyone here?"[/color] He can hear voices and movement downstairs, so he makes his way down the hall to the staircase. On the way down, he can see Yoshinobu, Kyojin, Ease, the bald guy they had talked to, and some other people he doesn't recognize. [color=dbbd70]"Ohayo gozaimasu."[/color] Daisuke wished them good morning as he stepped down the stairs. [color=dbbd70]"Yo! Kyojin, Yoshinobu, Ease! What happened? Why did I wake up here? Wait, what time is it?!"[/color] He had a confused look on his face, as well as a grumbling stomache. [color=dbbd70]"Ahh, Yoshinobu, I'm starving! Could you fix something up for me to eat please?"[/color] How long has it been since he'd eaten? He must have been asleep for a while because he left the tavern not too long after he last ate. He's very confused about what happened to him, but he realized that Aya wasn't in the tavern with everyone else he sees. [color=dbbd70]"Did anyone find Aya? Is she alright? I'm worried about her."[/color] His closest, but still distant, connection was to Aya. They hadn't really conversed a lot, but he quickly started feeling close to her. Losing that connection so suddenly after coming to a strange world would be devastating. She brought home back to life in his mind, and that meant a lot to him.