Angela stared at the ground as Fareeha spouted off her anger, first in her native tongue, then in English. The doctor knew she'd have this reaction, but it was necessary. The wounded jumper was leading this operation, and if anyone was going to make a decision it was her. That wouldn't stop Angela from advising her, however. Talon was indeed a terrorist organization, guilty of many a horrid crime, but surely even they'd realized that there would be no one left to terrorize if the omnics killed everyone. Once Fareeha was done venting, Angela looked back up at her, hands folded in her lap. "The bed of the truck was open. There were jugs of water, and what appeared to be rations of food. Nothing incredible, but it would definitely help sustain the forces here. The Talon operatives were armed, but they weren't threatening. They made their offer, and are awaiting an answer." The fair-skinned woman breathed a stressed sigh, reaching up with one hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, feeling the headache strongly beneath her eyes and forehead. "I know what Talon have done first hand. They've killed Overwatch agents in the past, early in the conflict. But their activities have since declined as far as I know, and for them to emerge and offer assistance... I don't want to believe that they are really willing to help us after all that they've done to destroy life. But... my mind has sounder judgement than my heart. Thinking logically, they've no reason to keep doing what they do. Humanity is already in chaos. No crime or assassination could ever be worse than what the omnics are doing right now. So if anything, they're willing to help preserve humanity for the greater good, but they'll likely continue their lesser evils once the threat is gone. If the omnics aren't stopped, even Talon won't survive." Angela shut her eyes for a moment, brow furrowed in frustration. "It's so damn wrong, Fareeha, but I think just this once we should trust them. Or... maybe we can come to some sort of compromise with them. I could go, if you're unwilling to. In return, they could give only half of the supplies originally intended. I don't know if it's the right decision. But... in the end, this is your decision. You are the leader here."