"No!" Fareeha shook her head at Angela's alternative. There was no way in hell she was letting the doctor go with Talon alone. Even though what Angela said about the organization made sense, she still didn't trust the organization to keep the doctor safe or to hold up their end of the bargain. What purpose they had to recruit the two women also made Fareeha wary. What if this was a sick way to blackmail the two into remaining with the organization? What if they were to join Talon in further illegal escapades? What Fareeha couldn't deny was that if the omnics won, Talon would have nowhere to go. No country to harass and attack. Perhaps, just this once, they were thinking of the big picture. They'd were quite late to the game if that were the case. But if they brought food? Supplies? Perhaps if Fareeha was within the organization, she could push for more troops and supplies to be given to Egypt. Even the rest of the country. That was contingent on Talon being a vast organization as she believed them to be. "I'm not losing you, and I don't want you to go," Fareeha said quietly. "Maybe it's selfish of me too say. Maybe I'm not thinking straight. But I don't want you to go. Not with them. Anywhere." The words sunk in shortly after she said them. Fareeha felt her face warm ever so slightly. She had to think. "Do ... do you think Talon's capable of helping the war effort? Not just here but globally? I only know of the organization's deeds. Not their structure."