[color=9e0b0f]"The idea in and of itself was not so bad Sara. I just would not like to see you harmed in all of this. I'm hardly strong enough to protect you. I cannot even protect myself."[/color] The Daemon lets out a low sighing warble, looking down at the bedsheets. [color=9e0b0f]"And you do not need to apologize for me. For better or worse we are both in this together. If I cannot trust your judgement and give you the courtesy of listening to your ideas, what kind of partner does that make me? We are equals, and It is time I started treating you as such."[/color] Sara was rather meek to be sure. Though she was not lacking for kindness, it was clear that she could not bring herself to deny Rasteva what they asked. Because of this, the Daemon had unintentionally been walking all over her practically from the beginning. Sara did not really need Rasteva, not truly. But they needed HER. Unfortunately they had nothing to offer her in return at present. And though the young woman assured them that she did not require anything, Rasteva was still determined to repay her in some manner. And so they were a little surprised and slightly puzzled at Sarah's answer to their question.[color=9e0b0f]"Well that is quite noble of you Sara. Not many are so willing to give of themselves without something given to them in turn."[/color] The Daemon could not understand it at all. Sara said that she was happy to help them out as best she could. And while it was nice, Rasteva wasn't sure how to feel about it. On some level they were glad that the young woman wanted to help them at all, and with her they had accomplished more than they would have alone. On the other hand they wondered if her desire to help without need of a reward stemmed from her natural shyness. It made sense, Sara did not like to impose and probably felt odd asking for anything even if she truly desired it. Mulling over their thoughts silently for a few moments, Rasteva decided that they would reward her anyhow when they were able to. She didn't have to know about it of course, but the Daemon would feel much better gifting her with something after she worked so hard to help them. Giving their feathers another ruffle, Rasteva settled down on the bed content to rest there for the night. Even though they did not sleep, the act of resting on the bed with Sara while she did was calming. The quiet was welcome and brought peace, leaving the Daemon alone to meditate. Their beady eyes surveyed Sara for a moment before they spoke again. [color=9e0b0f]"I think tomorrow I will give you a history lesson. Provided you are not busy of course. I hope that my presence has not kept you from your studies. They are very important."[/color] They had already taken up so much of her spare time, Rasteva did not want to distract her from her schooling as well. [color=9e0b0f]"If you need to leave during the day, that is fine too. All that you need to do is let me out, I can keep myself occupied during the day and then return here in the evening when you come home."[/color]