[center][h2][u]Lusitania Fullerene[/u][/h2][/center] [center][h3] Route 9 [/h3] [/center] [center] East Group 2: [@Alder] [@1Charak2] [@alexfangtalon] [/center] [center] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center] Lusitania sat near the fire, poking it gently with her stick as if entranced by the flickering flames, She just waved her hand as if to brush off Chance, who said it hurt. Well, of course, it hurt he was attacked by an entire flock but he was alright now and besides it wasn't like there was anything she could do. He was strong enough to look after himself, at least she liked to think he was. Her internal monologue was completely shattered by the arrival of her long-time friend, and even longer annoyance. "LUSI! CHANCE!" The voice yelled, causing Luna who had only been minding her own business to whimper from the sudden noise. With a huff of annoyance, Lusitania threw her stick into the fire before standing up and brushing herself off, she was covered in grass stains. Just the way she liked it. Sadie continued. "Y'all left us behind." She said sounding hurt. Lusitania shook her head and walked over to her, Luna following. [color=92278f]"I didn't mean to leave you behind, I thought you guys was following, That's my bad."[/color] She gestured to herself. [color=92278f]"I honestly thought everyone was behind me, but I was mistaken."[/color] She continued. Luna nodding her head in agreement with her own trainers words. [color=92278f]"Though, I made up for it by waiting as I can't leave my traveling partners behind."[/color] Lusitania smiled at her friend. certainly, she held the concept of travelling with others at heart. Even if she was impatient with people waiting around, they just needed to learn to hurry up a little that's all and besides, Lusitania liked to think they could all care for themselves, she didn't want to needlessly mother them. She'll help them if they really needed though. Otherwise, it would just be a bother. [color=92278f]"Now if you'll excuse me from this conversation,"[/color] Lusitania said as she started walking off the moment Leo started coming in. She waved to him as if to say 'hi' while she kept walking towards an open area of grass. She walked back to where she had her little battle with the exeggcute who wasn't there anymore. To pick up her stuff before she returned to her little patch of grass. She emptied out her small tent bag onto the floor. Carefully assembling it piece by piece, her house away from home. Luna chipped into help her peg it, fetching each peg as needed. Eventually, Lusitania's little shelter was complete. She grinned and put her stuff inside, walking back to the group. [color=92278f]"Is dinner ready?"[/color] She asked with a fervent hunger in her voice, her stomach grumbling. She was up for anything at this point. Her eyes staring at the cooking pot, she then left something open. [color=92278f]"Would anyone like to have a small battle before we rest for the day."[/color] She said openly. Her eyes still fixated on the cooking pot. Luna panting with hunger at her side.